KISSsoft Tutorial: Installation and first steps
For Relea 03/2008
Last modification 31/03/2008 09:09:00
__________________________________________________________________________________________ Further and actualid tutorials on: 1 KISSsoft as Test- or Demo version 1.1 General The demo version is not verely time restricted (runs about for one year), but certain important functions are not available (e.g. saving files, using lists and others). It is suitable to get a first impression of the software. The test version is fully functional, including all module
s of the software. However, the test version runs for 30 days only. This is suitable for detailed testing of all features of interest. In ca there are any questions, the KISSsoft Hotline +41 55 254 20 53 or is happy to assist. Furthermore, visit the KISSsoft homepage at for further information. 1.2 Installing the demo version For the installation of the demo version, only the CD-ROM containing the KISSsoft software is required. The installation is simply, inrt the CD-ROM and follow the instructions. The demo version can be requested from KISSsoft +41 55 254 20 53 or or is available as a download at
1.3 Installation of the test version
The test version must be activated by a licence; otherwi the software will run in demo mode. For the online activation a licence code is necessary (e Ca 1 below). If for some reason the online activation is not possible, the activation can be done as described as “ca 2” below. For this you have to call us on the phone.
K I S S s o f t T u t o r i a l 001: I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d f i r s t s t e p s
1.3.1 Ca 1: Online Activation with Licence Code
The test version is to be entered here. By clicking on “Activate Online ” an internet connection is established and KISSsoft will fetch the test licence from the licence rver. If any problems ari during this process one of the following messages will appear:
In this ca plea direct yourlf to our hotline or +41 55 254 20 53 for a relea code (e below).
3 4
1.3.2Ca 2: Activation with relea code
If the Online Activation is not possible, you can activate KISSsoft by entering a relea code which can be obtained by phoning KISSsoft AG.
For this at first start KISSsoft. Go to the licence manager as described before.
“A nswer code”.
2Starting KISSsoft
2.1Starting the software
Start KISSsoft using …Start/Program/KISSsoft 03-2008/KISSsoft“. The following window will appear:
Figure 2.1-1; Start KISSsoft, KISSsoft main window
2.2Starting a calculation module
Using the dockwindow “Modules”, the cal culation modules are started, here shown using theqq超大附件
calculation of a cylindrical interference fit as an example:
Figure 2.2-1; Selecting a shaft-hub calculation, cylindrical interference fit
2.3Starting an example calculation
Using the dockwindow “Projects”, the following dialog will be shown. An example calculation
is already lected.
All existing calculation file for cylindrical interference
fit are shown
A short description of the example pops up if the
mou pointer stays over the label
Figure 2.3-1; Choosing an example calculation
Such example calculations are available for each calculation module. To open some example a double clicking is required. With certain calculation modules, veral examples are available, they can be chon from a list which will show when the arrow button to the right of the current lection is presd.
2.4Closing KISSsoft
To clo KISSsoft, first the current calculation module has to be clod and the KISSsoft start window will be shown again. Here, KISSsoft can be clod using “Calculation/Quit“.
3How to u KISSsoft
In all calculation modules, the following buttons will be prent:
Button Name
Sizing button Using this button, KISSsoft will return a nsible value for the field next to this button. The value already prent in the field will be overwritten.
Plus button Using this button, further information on the field next to it is shown. Also, further methods of entering the data are available here.
Help graphics For some input fields, a help graphics button is available where details of the input expected are explained
Calculates the value using conversions formulae.
Calculate button Executes calculation多能鄙事
Write Report button Generates calculation report
Results are consistent This shows whether the data as entered and the results shown correspond. If the input is
changed, it shows INCONSISTENT. Once the calculation is re-executed, it shows
Module specific ttings Define ttings for calculation