作者:王安利 张新
出差管理办法摘 要:后激活增强效应(炒花甲的做法Post-activation Potentiation)是指:在某种特定条件的收缩刺激后,人体肌肉收缩以及低频强直性力量的增加。后激活增强效应是一种由于肌肉收缩经历(记忆)引起的肌肉运动能力提高的现象。这里所提到的特定条件的收缩刺激既包括被动的电刺激诱导,亦包括主动的肌肉收缩(最大自主等长收缩、最大或次最大力量负荷)。肌肉活动能力的增强则表现为肌肉力量产生速率(Rate of Force Development)、峰值功率以及运动表现(成绩)的提升。后激活增强效应产生的生理机制主要有3窦夫人种假说:调节蛋白磷酸化增加,运动单位募集增加以及羽状角的改变。同时,后激活增强效应的效果也被认为与肌肉疲劳有一定关系。近年来,后激活增强效应成为体能训练的研究热点,了解后激活增强效应的生理学机制有利于后激活增强效应在运动实践中的应用。
中图分类号:G804.53 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004-7662(2014 )10-0080-04
大奶牛 Abstract:Post-activation potentiation means contraction of human body muscle and increa of low frequency tetanic force after contraction stimulus under certain conditions. Post-activation potentiation is a phenomenon of muscle movement ability improvement caud by muscle contraction experience (成人高考真题memory)围棋高手. Aforementioned contraction stimulus under certain conditions include passive electric stimulation induction and active muscle contraction (maximum voluntary isometric contraction, biggest or bigger strength load). Improvement of muscle movement ability is shown as rate of muscle force development, peak power and increa of sports performance (result). There are three hypothes of physiology mechanism of post-activation potentiation, increa of regulatory protein phosphorylation, enhancement of movement unit recruitment as well as change of pinnationangle. In the meantime, post-activation potentiation is also believed certain connection with muscle fatigue. In recent years,政治修养 post-activation potentiation has been focus of strength training rearch. Understanding of physiology mechanism of post-activation potentiation benefits to its application in sports practice.