颁奖词Nevertheless 以及 nonetheless 都可以表⽰转折。很多⼈很多课程也提到这两者基本上可以交替使⽤。但是,他们之间还是有不同之处。
⾸先,据语⾔学家考证,nevertheless 早在14世纪就出现了。⽽ nonetheless 出现在可考的⽂献中⽐前者晚了好⼏个世纪。然额,这点区别对于21世纪学英语的你并没有什么卵⽤,这⾥就是说来玩玩,有兴趣的孩纸可以去仔细考究。
归根结底nevertheless 是有 never, the, 和 less三个词组合⽽成;与之相类似,nonetheless是由none,the 和less合成。所以我可以从never与none的词义差别来区分这两个词。
•Never表⽰ ‘从来没有’ 或者 ‘永远不会’等意思,逻辑上与时间有关。所以,nevertheless更多⽤来讲跟之前所提到的信息的联系或者相关性。通俗地讲就是‘前⾯提到的信息不影响后⾯的事情或者动作’。看例句: - It’s raining outside, but he’s still going jogging nevertheless. - There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law.
Nevertheless, it is important that we try. (本例句来⾃⽜津词典)
•None 本来指数量上的 ‘没有’。所以 nonetheless更多被⽤来讲可以被量化的情况,⽐如程度、态度等等。简单说就是,‘前⾯所提到的信息在量上不⾜以削弱后⾯的事情或者动作’。 - Shanghai is not as big as Beijing, but it’s still a big city nonetheless.(讲城市的⼤⼩,可量化) - The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.
圣保罗市(讲这本书的 ‘知识性’和 ‘娱乐性’,也可以量化)有关元宵节的古诗
哎! 这句话你觉得应该⽤ nevertheless 还是 nonetheless 更恰当呢?感兴趣的孩纸欢迎在下⾯留⾔告诉我们。
Nevertheless 和nonetheless在句⼦⾥的位置很灵活。根据语法规则,它们可以出现在句⾸,句中或者句末。不过需要注意:
但据Jack多年的学习、教学和观察,nevertheless ⽤在句⾸⽐较多,⽽nonetheless ⽤在句末⽐较多。
A: Shanghai is not as big as Beijing, but it’s still a big city NONETHELESS.
艾草B: Shanghai is not as big as Beijing, but it’s still a big city NEVERTHELESS.
Do the two ntences appear different to you as a native speaker? 作为⼀个母语是英语的⼈,你感觉这两句你感觉有什么区别。
I think from what I’ve read and my own feeling, the twowords can be and are often ud interchangeably. However, the position of the word (either before or after the clau it modifies) might make the ntence “feel” more natural to a native speaker. …
根据我所读到的还有我⾃⼰的语感,这两个词可以⽽且也通常被互换使⽤。但这俩词在句⼦⾥的位置 (在它们所指的从句之前还是之后),英语母语⼈⼠可能会感觉有所差异。
Therefore, I might say, “Shanghai is not as big as Beijing, but it’s still a big city NONETHELESS.” Or “Shanghai is not as big as Beijing, but NEVERTHELESS, it’s still a big city.”
A (is right) becau it means there is no diminished value. Nevertheless I think of as committing to an idea or action in spite of some reasonable facts. Nonetheless I think as no diminished quality or value.
For example:
I know science largely has disproven the existence of ghosts. Nevertheless, I still believe. 尽管科学已经基本上证明了⿁并不存在,但我还是认为它们存在。u极速
(Jack: ⿁神存在与否不是⼀个可以量化的东西,所以他本能地觉得应该⽤nevertheless。)
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