有什么好看的小说* T his paper is a periodical achievement of “America’s South China Sea Strategy in the Context of ‘Asia-Pacifi c Rebalancing’” (Project No. 3162014ZYKC02) supported by China Foreign Affairs University with the funds from Basic Rearch Projects for Central Universities. Special thanks go to anonymous reviewers of International Security Studies for their constructive comments and invaluable suggestions on further improvement of this paper. The author will take full responsibility for potential errors in this paper.
** Ren Yuanzhe, Associate Professor, Department of Diplomacy, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing at Zhejiang Normal University.
Transformation of Asia-Pacifi c Security Architecture and ASEAN’s Role REN Yuanzhe
Abstract: After the Cold War, curity architecture in the Asia-Pacific region has undergone significant transformations. Especially in the context of “power-sharing” and “power-transfer” between China and the US, the Asia-Pacifi c curity architecture is taking on a new appearance. On the one hand, the US alliance system in the region is transforming from a hub-and-spoke pattern to a comprehensive network, with new allies, quasi-allies and potential allies contributing from different tiers. On the other hand, as reprented by China and Russia, an emerging partnership network is getting more attention
吃不下饭and a higher voice. Strategic initiatives like China’s “Belt and Road” and Russia’s “Eurasian Alliance” are reshaping the geopolitical and geo-economic status in the Eurasian continent and the Asia-Pacific region. As an important role player in the region, ASEAN has established a ries of regional and trans-regional curity architecture to facilitate cooperation between shareholders and contribute to the integrative curity architecture in the future. At the same time, becau of the rising tensions between major powers in the region, ASEAN’s centrality is facing unprecedented challenges. The future Asia-Pacifi c curity architecture depends on a new strategic connsus between China and the US and the reassurance of ASEAN’s centrality in the region.
小鱼饼干会议室吊顶Keywords: Asia-Pacific curity architecture; alliance system; partnership system; ASEAN centrality
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Security architecture is a key component of the regional curity order as well as an important focus of rearch on curity and regional order. Studies on regional curity architecture and regional curity order were in the ascendant and made great strides in the post-Cold War era. In the Asia-Pacifi c region where the Cold War mentality still remained with complex and changeable curity situations, studies in the academic circle at home and abroad entered into a period of rapid develop
ment on curity order and architecture in East Asia and the Asia-Pacifi c region.1 Since 2008, a ries of new curity issues continued to pop up and China’s rapid ri brought about changes in the regional power structure. Coupled with the interwoven curity concepts, old and new, and curity mechanisms, the factors jointly promoted the transformation of the Asia-Pacifi c curity architecture as well as the popularity of the Asia-Pacifi c curity rearch.
The Asia-Pacific region, which is currently in transition, is facing unprecedented curity challenges. Traditional curity issues like territorial sovereignty are mostly unsolved and such non-traditional curity issues as terrorism and transnational crime have become the highlights of the agenda. In view of the gradually declining strategic mutual trust between major powers and the epidemic of nationalism in some countries, uncertainties in the development of the Asia-Pacific region are constantly on the increa. Against this background, many scholars in the United States turned to “offensive realism” as their canon with a pessimistic view about the prospects in the Asia-Pacific. And some scholars even believed the growing tension and military competition between China and the United States in the region would make it diffi cult for both sides to get rid of the fate of “curity dilemma” and thus make possible the outbreak of military conflict.2 As perceived by many scholars, one of the major contributing factors of the state of “no-order” and even “disorder” in the Asia-Pacifi c curity order is the imperfect regional curity architecture.竖蛋
As major powers with significant influence in the Asia-Pacific region, both China
1 Reprentative achievements include: Claude A. Buss, ed., National Security Interests in the Pacifi c Basin, Hoover Institution
马英尧Press, 1985; Ralph Cossa and Jane Khanna, “East Asia: Economic Interdependence and Regional Security,” International Affairs, V ol.73, No.2 (April 1997), pp. 219-234; Aeron L. Friendberg, “Ripe for Rivalry: Prospects for Peace in a Multi-polar Asia,” International Security, V ol.18, No.3 (1993/1994), pp. 5-33; Barry Buzan, “Security Architecture in Asia: the Interplay of Regional and Global Levels,” The Pacifi c Review, Vol.16, No.2 (June 2003), pp. 143-173. Chine scholars have also carried out relevant rearch. Plea e Su Hao, From Dumbbell Structure to Olive Community: Cooperative Security in the Asia-Pacifi c Region, Beijing: World Affairs Press, 2003 (苏浩:《从哑铃到橄榄:亚太安全合作的模式研究》,北京:世界知识出版社,2003,); Liang Yunxiang, “The Current Situation and Conception of Asia-Pacifi c Security Architecture after the Cold War,” The Journal of International Politics, No.3 (2001), pp. 52-58 (梁云祥:《冷战后亚太安全结构的现状与设想》,载《国际政治研究》2001年第3期,第52-58页); Ni Feng, “On the Political and Security Architecture in East Asia,” The Chine Journal of American Studies, No.3 (2001), pp. 7-23 (倪峰:《论东亚地区的政治、安全结构》,载《美国研究》,2001年第3期,第7-23页); Liu Xuecheng, “Emerging Asia-Pacifi c
Security Architecture and China’s Asian Diplomacy,” The Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacifi c Studies, No.6 (2008), pp. 83-94 (刘学成:《形成中的亚太安全架构与中国的亚洲外交,载《当代亚太》,2008年第6期,第83-94页).
2 Adam P. Liff and G. John Ikenberry, “Racing towards Tragedy? China’s Ri, Military Competition in the Asia Pacifi c and the骑虎难下
Security Dilemma,” International Security, V ol. 39, No. 2 (Fall 2014), pp. 52-91.