山竹怎么挑选reprentations of the world in language textbooks
Given its interrelation with culture, language is perceived as a symbolic reprentation of people (Mahmoud, 2015). Risager's (2021) book 我学会了包饺子Reprentations of the World in Language Textbooks eks to find out images of culture, society, and the world in language pedagogy by analyzing foreign language textbooks in six languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Danish, and Esperanto). Risager has made a remarkable contribution in breaking through the gap between theory and practice. His empirical analysis of culture in textbooks distinguishes five theoretical approaches: national studies, citizenship education studies, Cultural studies, postcolonial studies, and transnational studies.
Chapter 1, Reprentations of the World乘风破浪读音, focus on the perspectival nature of knowledge reprentation. The author us Foucault's explanation of knowledge: “it is socially situated and embedded in discours, always en, and reprented from somewhere and by some people with life histories, experiences, and power positions” (Foucault, 1976). Furthermore, the chapter discuss three approaches to reprentation: the reflective, the intentional and
the constructionist. The reflective approach implies that reprentation directly reflects reality; the intentional approach suggests the intention of the textbook writer plays a visible role in reprentation. The constructionist approach advocates tho individual readers construct dynamic reprentations of the textbook. In the following, the author mainly illustrates the characteristics of the five theoretical approaches upon which textbooks are analyzed, discuss the role of publishers and the lection of textbooks, then introduces the Danish education system.
Chapter 2, Culture in Textbooks Analys around the World浪漫惊喜, begins with a prentation of three kinds of methodologies in the field of textbook analysis: thematic analysis, intercultural analysis, and power and empower analysis. Thematic analysis regards knowledge as factual knowledge that can be divided into various themes and topics. Intercultural analysis implies the construction of knowledge resides in “students' awareness of different sociocultural perspectives, identities and their implications for intercultural munication and understanding, empathy and collaboration” (p. 28). Power and empower analysis favor the method of critical discour analysis, eing the repre
ntations of world as conflicts, ideologies, and intercultural learning. In order to concretely illustrate the three methodologies, the author discuss related theoretical results in the ctions that focus on thematic categories, including different parts of the world, geographical contexts, genres of textbooks and cultural politics. The last part of this chapter introduces a survey corpus and advice that people working with different languages should learn from each other.
开学第一课发言稿Bad on the English language textbook A Piece of Cake ud in Denmark and the German language textbook Du bist dran, Chapter 3 discuss the analysis approach of “national studies”, a term coined by the author who believes there are two central concepts: banal nationalism and the distinction between political and ethnic conceptions of the national (Risager, 2007). The former refers to “the patterns of belief and practice which reproduce the world…, in which ‘we’ live as citizens of nation-states” (Billig, 1995). The latter is described by Smith (1986) as the political national model bad on a mon political, legal, economic system, a mon culture, religion, and language, whereas the ethnic national model deems the first language as identity factors. The author employs th
e critical discour analysis method to discuss the positioning and reprentation of actors, reprentation of culture, society and the world, and intercultural learning approach. It is found that even though both textbooks express nationalistic ntiments, they fail to reprent national identity and do not adopt a global and transnational perspective. Furthermore, there is an unbalanced reprentation of the culture of target language countries. With regards to intercultural study, both textbooks pri the culture parison but do not show the real intercultural ttings nor examples of intercultural munication strategies. Lastly, the author suggests textbook writers should consider which language (students' first language or foreign language) is more effective in the process of knowledge construction.
Chapter 4 focus on citizenship education. First, the chapter defines the concept, highlights its underpinning theory, and explores its relationship with pedagogy. Regarding citizenship education studies in language and culture pedagogy, the author mainly concentrates on Michael Byram's concepts of “intercultural citizenship” and “critical cultural awareness”. Then, the author lects the chapter on “The Environment” in A Piec
e of Cake and the chapter on “Miljø (the environment)” in Puls (Danish texbooks) as a citizenship education analysis sample. The analysis indicates the two ries of textbooks ldom include any discussions on political system and ideology, although the freedom to discuss political issues in Denmark is relatively high. Furthermore, neither of the textbooks regards target language countries as societies with diver cultures, languages, and beliefs, nor integrates citizenship education into teaching materials. Meanwhile, the characteristics of language ud in the textbooks reflect the language status struggle between English and Danish in Denmark.
Chapter 5 centers on Cultural studies. The chapter begins with a review of the development of Cultural studies, interprets the main views of Stuart Hall, and briefly summarizes the contents of current Cultural studies. The author then puts forward the concept of linguaculture that integrates three different dimensions of language: the mantic and pragmatic dimension, the poetic dimension, and the identity dimension, followed by a discussion of Kramsch, Holliday, Guilherme, and Gray's opinions of Cultural studies in language and culture pedagogy, The author continues to explore the analysis fr02j915>神州十三号返回
amework propod in Chapter 1 to analyze the theme of “Teen issues” in A Piece of Cake and “Être différent” in Francais Formidable (French textbooks). The author concludes that while the two types of textbooks are related to race, religion, and social class, they pay little attention to gender issues.