Ⅰ.Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully
For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked are given. Choo the one that you think **pletes the statement or answers the question.
1. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: Scotland, Wales and ______.A. Ireland B. Never land C. New Zealand D. England
2. The great King of Wesx who fought against the invasion of the Danes in the 9th century was known as ______.A. Hengist B. Alfred the Great C. the Pilgrim D. King of Picts
3. William, Duke of Normandy, is now known as ______.A. William Rufus B. William
the Confessor C. William the Great D. William the Conqueror
4. The feudal system **pletely established under after the ______ in 1066.A. William, Norman Conquest B. Alfred the Great, Anglo-Saxon Conquest C. the Dane, arrival of the Dane D. the Celts, arrival of Pane
5. William replaced the Anglo-Saxon Kings' Council known as ______ with a new council known as ______.A. King's Council, Norman Council B. the Witan, the Grand Council C. Anglo-Saxon Council, Baron's Council D. Grand Council, Parliament
粉色分类6. The name Wars of the Ros was, in fact, coined by the great 19th century-novelist ______.A. Sir Thomas Browne B. Sir Max Beerbohm C. Sir Walter Scott D. Sir Norman Angell
7. Which of the following is not true of Elizabeth Ⅰ?A. Her religious reform was a compromi of views. B. Her religious reform was welcomed by both the Puritans and ardent Catholics. C. She desired "that there should be outward conformity to the Establis
7的英语单词hed religion". D. She broke Mary's ties with Rome and restored her father's independent Church of England.
8. Looly speaking, ______ were tho who oppod absolute monarchy and supported the right to religious freedom for Nonconformists.A. the Whigs B. the Tories C. the members of the Labor Party D. the members of the Conrvative Party
9. Which of the following is not considered a characteristic of farming in the late 18th and early 19th centuries?A. The "open-field" system. B. A system of crop rotation. C. Introduction of artificial fertilizer. D. Introduction of new agricultural machinery.
10. The first steam engine was devid by ______ at the end of the 17th century, and the Scottish inventor James Watt modified and improved the design.A. Robert Bakewell B. Thomas Newcomer C. James Watt D. Thomas Coke
11. As a result of the industrial revolution, Britain was by 1830 the "______".A. industrial leader of the world B. Leading Sea Power of the World C. workshop of the world D. industrialized country of the world
外贸员12. The Seven Years' War (1756—1763) was fought between Britain and ______ for the coloniza-tion in North America.A. Spain B. Russia C. Holland D. France
13. Over the past one thousand years, the British ______ has been broken only once between 1649 and 1660.A. Cabinet B. Parliament C. Monarchy D. Privy Council
14. Apart from Britain, the Queen is also the head of state of the following countries except ______.A. Australia B. Canada C. New Zealand D. South Africa
15. The Privy Council includes ______.A. all Cabinet ministers B. all the Archbishops in Britain C. all members of the Hou of Lords D. all members of the Hou of Commons
16. In Britain, ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of ______.A. the Lord Chancellor B. the Prime Minister C. the Speaker D. the Parliamentary Commissioner
17. London's Metropolitan Police Force is under the control of ______.A. the England cretaries B. the Scottish Secretaries C. Northern Ireland Secretaries D. the Home Secretary
招商会议18. The Christian festivals in Britain are ______.A. Christmas and Easter B. Christmas and Whit Sunday C. Easter and Whit Sunday D. Christmas, Easter and Whit Sunday
19. ______ newspapers are directed at readers who want full information on a wide range of public matters.A. Quality B. Popular C. "Mid-market" D. Tabloid
20. There are some ______ universities in U.K., including the Open University.A. 900 B. 290 C. 90 D. 50
21. The capital of Ireland is ______.A. Edinburgh B. Belfast C. Dublin D. Cardiff
22. Which statement is not true about Ireland?A. Ireland is divided into two political units. C. Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. C. The Republic of Ireland is an indep
endent country. D. Ireland is called the Emerald Isle becau of its rich deposit of emeralds.岁月无常