Today I have come back to Hong Kong to stand before you and account for mylf. I have never escaped from my responsibility. During the past few weeks, I have been with my mother and my family and my loved ones to show support and care and at the same time to have them support and care for me.
托勒密王朝account for 1) 说明,解释;2) 占…比例
I admit that most of the photos being circulated on the Internet were taken by me. But the photos are very private and have not been shown to people and are never intended to be shown to anyone. The photos were stolen from me illegally and distributed without my connt.
circulate = circul(circle圆圈) + ate v.循环,流通
intend to v.打算去…
illegal = il(not) + legal (合法的) + ly adv.违法地
distribute = dis(away)+ tribute(give) = give away vt.分发,传播
contribute = con(fully) + tribute vt.贡献; 投稿
attribute to v.归因于
tribute n.贡品,颂词
单词组记:connt, disnt, rent, ntimental
connt = con(共同)+ nt(=n情感) n.赞同,同意=agreement
disnt = dis(not) + nt n.不同意 [助记]不同的情感 = disagreement
rent = re(against) + nt n.憎恨[助记] 相对抗的情感= hatred
ntimental a.多愁善感的
There is no doubt whoever obtained the photos have them uploaded on the Internet with malicious and deliberate intent. This matter has deteriorated to the extent that society as a whole has been affected by this. In this regard, I am deeply saddened.
I would like now to apologize to all the people for all the suffering that has been caud and the problems that have arin from this. I would like to apologize to all the ladies and to all their families for any harm or hurt that they have been feeling. I am sorry. I would like to also apologize to my mother and my father for the pain and suffering I have caud them.
during the past few weeks. Most importantly, I would like to say sorry to all the people of Hong Kong . I give my apology sincerely to you all, unrervedly and with my heart.
upload = up + load vt.上传(图片, 文件等)
malice = mal + ice(冰) n.恶意;【律】预谋, 蓄意
malicious= malice(恶意) + ious(形容词) a.恶意的
mal-function n.功能紊乱
mal-nutrition n.营养不良
maltreat = mal + treat(对待) vt.虐待君子以自强不息
deliberate = de(强调) + libera(=libra) + ate a. 深思熟虑的, 故意的
liberate = liber (自由=libera)+ ate vt.解放(让人民获得自由)
liberty n.自由
deteriorate = de(down) + terior(土地) +ate(动词) v.使恶化; 败坏(风俗); 使变坏(品质等)
interior = in(into) + terior(土地) a.内部的,国内的
interior design 室内设计专业
exterior = ex (out)+ terior(土地) a.外部的,国外的
territory = territ(=terior)+ ory(地方) n.版图,疆土
to the extent 到了….程度
in this regard 在这一点上 = in this ca
sadden vt.使人悲哀
strengthen vt.加强(力量)
weaken vt.削弱
lengthen vt.延长
阿根廷国歌shorten vt.缩短
tighten vt.拉紧
loon vt.放松
enlighten vt.启蒙;(用思想)照亮
intent n.意图,打算
unrervedly adv.毫无保留地
I know young people in Hong Kong look up to many figures in our society. And in this regard, I have failed. I failed as a role model. However, I wish this matter will teach everyone a lesson. To all the young people in our community, let this be a lesson for you all. This is not an example to be t for you.
look up to 仰望,尊重= respect
look down upon/on 鄙视,瞧不起=despi
role model 榜样
During my time away, I have made an important decision. I will whole-heartedly fulfill all commitments that I have to date. But after that, I decided to step away from the Hong Ko
ng entertainment industry.
I have decided to do this to give mylf an opportunity to heal mylf and to arch my soul. I will dedicate my time to charity and community work within the next few months. I will be away from Hong Kong entertainment industry indefinitely. There is no time frame.
whole-heatedly 全心全意地; single-mindedly一心一意地
fulfill one's commitment vt.履行…的诺言
entertainment industry 娱乐业
heal v.治愈,恢复
dedicate to 把...奉献给,投身于...
I have been assisting the police since the first day the photos were published and I will co
ntinue to assist them. After this press con., I have obligation to help them with their investigation and hope that this ca can end soon as everyone I think has the same wish.
assist vt. (站在一旁来) 协助
党员廉洁press con. = press conference 新闻发布会
press free. = press freedom 言论自由
press 是“压”的意思,怎么会变成“新闻”,“言论”呢?
obligation n.义务
狼人杀怎么玩investigation n.调查
I would like to u this opportunity to thank the police for their hard work on this ca. Thank you. I believe everyone’s priority now (and) my priority now is to stop the suffering and pain, for not letting this…we do not want to let this situation become more out of control. We need to protect all the innocents and all the young from matters like this. In this regard, I have instructed my lawyers to do everything possible within the law to protect all the innocents, victims of this ca. I believe that a press statement is being issued as we speak on what my lawyers have advid me to do.