statue of liberty
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my country's greatest symbol to the world, the statue of liberty, was designed with great care.
my country's greatest symbol to the world, the statue of liberty, was designed with great c
everyone cheered wildly when a signal was given and a huge cloth fell from the statue.
the statue of liberty stands for freedo
偏爱歌词 正是由于这种自由精神,猫才常常出现在罗马自由女神的脚下。
this image of the free spirit put the cat at the feet of the roman goddess of liberty, conveniently named libertas.
皮革英文>贪欲之害 in french, "liberty" and "justice" are each female, and thus the statue of liberty is a female, and so is the blindfolded lady of justice in american courtrooms.
liberty, of cour, means freedom, and the statue of liberty was given to the united states to celebrate the one-hundredth anniversary of u. s. independence from england.
the artist asked french engineer gustave eiffel to build a steel support to hold the heavy statue.
tho who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.
on her head is a crown of ven points that reprent the ven continents and the ven as.
1. a little statue of liberty and the light is its torch. 一个小自由女神雕像,是小火把发出的光.
2. i just spent the morning being chad around the statue of liberty by goons. 早上我在自由女神那被几个家伙冲.
3. when the moment is right, we will ignite the beacon of the liberty! 一旦成熟我们就点燃这个自由女神的火炬!
4. for 30 years, lady liberty's 29 - foot torch was accessible via rvice ladder. 30年以来, 自由女神29英尺短的火炬就可以由梯子去步入.
5. other exhibits include antique cameras and copies of the statue of liberty. 在这次展览会上还展出了包括老式相机和自由女神复制品在内的展品.
6. s. statue of liberty also was among the choices. 美国的自由女神也在备选之中.
公顷平方公里 7. once a magician made the statue of liberty disappear for veral minutes. 有一次,一位魔术师使自由女神雕像消失了好几分钟.
8. look at the picture. it's a picture of the statue of liberty. 恳请看看这张相片. 它就是一张自由女神的相片.
9. what does the statue of liberty symbolize? 自由女神象征着 什么 .
10. how tall is the statue? 自由女神多低?
11. tho who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigueof supporting it. 那些期望收获自由女神祝福的人必须经历拥护她所带来的疲惫.
12. it has stood against the harsh a air for more than years. 自由女神已在严酷的海洋空气中俯卧了多年.
13. my country s greatest symbol the world the statue of liberty, was designed with gre
at care. 对于世界来说,美国最伟大的象征是自由女神.自由女神是经过精心设计的.不知道你们看到过没有.
14. in , american poet emma lazarus wrote a poem as if lady liberty werespeaking. 年, 在美国诗人艾玛·拉撒路的笔下,诗篇中的自由女神仿佛能够开口骂人.
15. liberty is not a crowned goddess , beautiful, in spotless garments,victorious, supreme. 自由可不是什么头戴冠冕的美丽的女神, 穿着洁白无瑕的衣裳, 象征着胜利, 至高无上.
16. now let us learn how a virgin goddess punished an invader of her privacy. 下面的故事谈的就是童贞女神如何惩罚侵害她个人民主自由的人.