《典范英语》 (7_17教学参考
Doughnut Dilemma
教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架, 帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。 鼓励教师结合学生实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。
1. 语言目标:学生能够听懂并理解故事的内容;能够有感情地、绘声绘色地朗读;能够复述故 事的主要情节;能够完成与故事相关的写作任务。凉拌杏鲍菇的做法
2. 非语言目标:让学生意识到身心平衡的重要性,任何事情都不可过度或极端:鼓励学生积极 动脑,巧妙处事;培养学生善良、真诚的好品质。清明节要干什么
说明:语言目标由教师负责检查,确保学生完成任务,达到要求。非语言目标具有开放性,一般根据 故事主题进行设计,需要教师围绕有意义的话题与学生进行真诚交流,激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情, 让学生在有思想、有内容的开放性语言实践活动中习得语言。
要求学生每天朗读 15-20分钟,辅以默读。做到听读结合,并适当积累好词好句。
1. 导入(Lead-in
Is there any food that you want so badly yet you are not allowed to eat?
设计问题的目的在于激发学生的兴趣, 拓宽学生思维和视野 (相关问题可参考英文教案 Teaching Notes 。教师将学生引入故事情景:
美术封面设计Danny’s football hero was Keith Connolly, Lowgate United’s star striker. In a television int
武则天生日erview Danny heard Keith said that he loved doughnuts, so he decided to take Keith some doughnuts as a prent. He didn’t know Keith became the worst player after the interview. When Danny gave a doughnut to Keith, Keith was soon a star again, and made sure Danny was rewarded.
2. 朗读故事片段(Reading passages aloud
请学生分组朗读 Chapter 8(P39-43 ,请学生轮流扮演 Danny 和 Keith 朗读对话,在理解故事的 基础上读出感情。教师鼓励学生结合插图和对话内容读出各个角色的心理状态和当时的情景。
3. 复述故事情节(Retelling the story
(1 教师让学生自由组合,组织看图讲故事比赛,每组负责一个章节,上台以讲故事的形式复 述该章节, 鼓励学生用更多的细节描述去丰富插图内的情景, 如 Chapter 1图 1:Danny was crazy about football. He played in his football lesson and at break. In his spare time he went out with friends for a kickabout…
(2请学生分组,把若干关于故事情节的问题藏在小纸条里,每组随机抽取回答,可给出提示 帮助学生回答,可准备下列问题:
-What effect did the thought of doughnuts have on Keith? (Chapter 4 -How was the dilemma resolved for the future? (P52 -How did Keith thank Danny? (P53
-What was the team suppod to eat? What kind of foods were they suppod to avoid? (P12,13 4. 理解故事主题(Understanding the theme
(1 教师基于故事主题提问学生:
What was the doughnut dilemma?
Why do you think doughnuts were banned in the first place?
Have you ever had a similar dilemma, wanting to eat something that wasn’t good for you? (2 让学生分组,每组确定一位组长。教师在故事内容的基础上提问:What do you know about healthy eating? 小组每位成员发言后组长记下组员的观点,互相讨论:What are the m
ost important points? Why? 组长按观点的重要性排好顺序,然后每小组的组长轮流上台报告本组的观点。教师简 单点评,引导学生学会适度、平衡地自我约束和节制。 (参见英文教案 Teaching Notes 5. 拼读训练(Phonics
作品中出现了一些具有拼读规律的词,选择难度适中的几组进行听写: scarf laugh tail
fail sail sock rock knock sack back whack team dream cream hip trip slip strip fan ban man plan four door score before wash squash face race place
bed head spread
jump slump thump
省考考试内容bring fling spring
trot shot
hard guard
afford award360怎么卸载
change strange
说明:自然拼读(phonics 能够帮助学生掌握字母及字母组合的发音规律。具有拼读规律的词通常指 读音相同、拼写相同的字母组合(如 row glow ,也包括读音相同、拼写不同的字母组合(如 stare hair 。 从故事中选择的单词应以符合拼读规律为标准,切勿太难。
6. 作业(Assignment
① 结合自己的生活,描写曾经经历的一个进退维谷的状况,很想做某件事情,但因为对自 己没有益处所以不能去做,最后如何解决。注意借鉴作品中的词汇和描写手法,写出真情实感。
② 基于故事最关键的事物“炸面圈”写一篇 report ,列举并证明炸面圈的好处和坏处。请 学生学会使用一些表达方式, 如:on the one hand…; on the other hand; while… we must remember that…; if… then; the advantages are…; the disadvantages are…; In conclusion I have decided that… becau… (参见英文教案 Teaching Notes (2读下一部作品,注意积累生词和好句。