Mr. Know All
By W. Somert Maugham (1874-1965 )British writer
本文是毛姆的一篇短篇小说,讲述了我与一名英籍黎巴嫩人Mr Kelada 在一间船舱一起坐船从旧金山到日本横滨时,船上发生的一间关于珍珠项链真假的故事故事。Mr Kelada 自称做珠宝生意,并且看到一位女士的项链要值5000 美元,可是女士的老公说只是仿制品,值18 美元。二人相争不下,准备打100美元赌。当Mr Kelada 取项链时发现女士面色苍白,立刻知道了一切。Mr Kelada 支付了100 美元,承认是自己输了。文章结尾,Mr Kelada 收到了门缝塞进来的100 美元,并且对我说:“如果我有一名年轻的妻子,我不会让她独自待在家一年的”。
1. portholes
n. [船] 舷窗(porthole 复数)Portholes: 舷窗| 炮门
2. ocean-going
adj. 远洋航行的,远洋的ocean-going: 远洋航行的| 远洋
3. liners
n. [航] 班机,[水运] 班轮(liner 的复数);衬层;挂面层liners: 挂面层| 衬层| 对开航班
4. Yokohama [,j?uk?'h a m?; 'j?:k?:'h a m a]
n. 横滨(日本一城市名)Yokohama: 横滨| 横滨市| 横滨橡胶
5. wardrobe trunk
[美国英语](立起来可作衣柜的)大衣箱wardrobe trunk: 挂衣箱
6. Monsieur [m ?'sj?:]
n. (法)先生;绅士monsieur: 先生| 罗莎冰雕| 绅士
7. brilliantine ['br ?lj(?)nti?n]
n. 润发油;[纺] 亮光薄呢(羊毛与棉纱织成的织物)
vt. 用生发油梳理头发brilliantine: 发蜡| 润发油| 光亮薄呢
8. ebony ['eb(?)n?]
n. 乌木,黑檀
n. (Ebo ny)人名;(英)埃博妮
adj. 乌木制的,黑檀木制的;似木的,黑檀木色的
Ebony: 乌木| 乌檀| 黑檀木
9. monogram ['m ?n?gr? m]
n. 交织文字;将姓名的首字母组成的组合图案
vt. 把交织字母印绣刻于Monogram: 文织字母| 字母组合| 文织字母
10. scrub [skr ?b]
n. 矮树;洗擦;擦洗者;矮小的人(或物)
vt. 用力擦洗;使净化
vi. 擦洗;进行手臂消毒
adj. 矮小的;临时凑合的;次等的
Scrub: 磨砂式| 擦洗| 擦净
11. jolly ['d ??l?] adv. 很;非常adj. 愉快的;欢乐的;宜人的vt. (口)用好话劝某人做, ;(口)用好话使高兴vi. (口)开玩笑
n. (Jolly)人名;(法)若利;(英、印)乔利;(德)约利Jolly: 祖莉| 愉快的| 欢乐的
12. to the backbone 完完全全;彻头彻尾
to the backbone: 彻底地| 彻头彻尾
13. sleek [sli?k]
adj. 圆滑的;井然有序的
vt. 使, 光滑;掩盖
vi. 打扮整洁;滑动sleek: 光滑的| 轧光斜纹棉布| 时髦的
14. bone-dry ['b ?un'drai] adj. 绝对禁酒的;极干燥的
bone-dry: 绝对禁酒的| 极干燥的| 极度干燥
15. lemon squash
n. 柠檬水
Lemon Squash: 柠檬果汁| 柠檬汽水| 柠檬杂饮
16. the Union Jack
the Union Jack: 英国国旗| 英联合王国国旗| 国旗
17. Beirut [bei?ru:t]
n. 贝鲁特(黎巴嫩一港口)
BEIRUT: 贝鲁特| 贝鲁特| 卸货港
18. mister ['m ?st?]
n. 先生;平民
vt. 称, 先生
Mister: Mr. (KARA 单曲) | 先生| 师长教师
19. knave [ne?v]
n. 无赖;流氓;(纸牌中的)杰克
学生在校表现评语n. (Kn ave)人名;(瑞典)克纳弗
knave: 流氓| 骗子| 不诚实的人
20. snub [sn ?b]
为什么要学数学vt. 冷落;严厉斥责;掐灭
n. 冷落;斥责;突然的停止
adj. 制动用的;短扁上翘的Snub: 斥责| 责骂| 冷落
21. a good mixer
[美国口语]会(或不会)交际的人;善于(或不善于)与人相处的人a good mixer: 善于交际的人22. quoit [k ??t; kw ??t]
n. 铁圈;金属环
vi. 玩套环游戏
vt. 投掷quoit: 圈环| 铁圈| 绳圈
23. dress ball 化装舞会
24. overweening [ ??v?'wi?n??] adj. 自负的,过于自信的;过分的overweening: 形容人妄自尊大| 唯我独尊| 骄傲的
25. Kobe ['k?ubi; -bei]
n. 神户(日本本州岛西南岸港市)Kobe: 神户| 神户市| 最崇拜的人
26. have a fling at 试做嘲弄have a fling at: 试做
27. voluble ['v ?lj ?b(?)l] adj. 健谈的;缠绕的;易旋转的voluble: 易旋转的| 健言| 健谈的
28. deprecating ['d ?pr ?ket??] adj. 不以为然的;不赞成的
v. 对,表示不赞成;轻视(deprecate的ing形式)deprecating: 反对的| 不以为然的| 否决的
29. clasp [kl c?sp]
n. 扣子,钩子;握手
vi. 扣住
vt. 紧抱;扣紧;紧紧缠绕clasp: 扣子| 扣住| 别针
30. Levantine ['lev?ntain]
adj. 黎凡特的;地中海东部的;地中海东部人的
n. 黎凡特人;地中海东部人
Levantine: 地中海东部人的| 地中海东部的| 早朝
31. swarthy ['sw ??e]?
adj. 黝黑的;黑皮肤的
swarthy: 黝黑的| 黑黝黝的| 赤黑
32. chaff [t ?d?f; f? f]
n. 糠;谷壳;无价值的东西
vi. 开玩笑;打趣
"Are you En glish?" I asked, perhaps tactlessly.
"Rather. You don't think I look like an American, do you? British to the backbone, that's what I am." His long black hair was sleek and curly.
Prohibiti on was in force and to all appeara nee the ship was bone-dry.
When I am not thirsty I do not know which I dislike more, gin ger ale or lemon squash.
It was impossible to snub him. It n ever occurred to him that he was not wan ted.
He was a good mixer, and in three days knew every one on board.
•-and arran ged the fan cy-dress ball
and it was an affront to his overweening va nity that you should disagree with him.
I do not believe Ramsay knew anything about them at all, but he could not resist the opport unity to have a fling at the Leva ntine
She had a little smile on her lips and her tone was gen tly deprecating
Mrs Ramsay hesitated a mome nt. She put her hands to the clasp
The Levantine look a magnifying glass from his pocket and cloly examined it. A smile of triumph spread over his smooth and swarthy face.
You could not look at her without being struck by her modesty. It sho ne in her like a flower on a coat. He han ded back the cha in. He was about to speak. Sudde nly he caught sight of Mrs Ramsay's face. It was so white that she looked as though she were about to faint. She was stari ng at him with wide and terrified eyes. They held a desperate appeal: it was so clear that I won dered why her husba nd did not e it.
"If I had a pretty little wife I should n't let her spe nd a year in New York while I stayed at Kobe," said he.
"Whisky and soda or a dry martini, you have only to say the word."
马提尼(Martini )产于葡萄牙,应平躺着存放,是一种强化葡萄酒。即在葡萄酒酿制完成的后期,加入烈性白酒和蜜糖,将酒质改变,而成为另一种酒。变性的酒有人也将其划入白酒