天津商业大学 2022 年硕士研究生招生考试试题如何快速发面
专 业: 英语笔译
科目名称: 英语翻译基础(357) 共 3 页 第 体验式教学1 页
I.Plea answer the following in no more than 100 English words. (20 points)
There is widespread agreement that developing translation competence is a fundamental objective of any translation programme. To achieve such a purpo, we need to have a clear understanding of the following questions:
What is translation competence? How can it be built and developed?
Now plea supply your answers to the私处按摩 questions.
II.Translate the following into Chine/English. (30 points. 1-12 one point each; 13 three points; 14 one point; 15-18 two points each; 19-20 three points each)
1.vax 2. inclusive financing 3. pro-business relief policies
4. Convention on Biological Diversity 5. contact-free economy
6. negative list 7. Unilateralism 8. antitrust legislation
9. concave function 10. corporate identity 11. diconomies of scale
马蹄汤12.The grass is greener on the other side.
13.It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.
14.冬残奥会 15. 百年大党 16. 个体工商户
17. 长三角一体化 18. 众志成城抗疫情
科目名称: 英语翻译基础(357) 共 3 页 第 2 页
III.Translate the following two source texts into their respective target language. (100 points)
Source Text 1: (50 points)
The occasional drought can be dealt with by recour to rervoirs or groundwater. When droughts become prolonged and/or frequent such alternatives dry up. As a result, some modelling suggests that at 3 ℃ of global warming, more than a quarter of the world’s pop
冬季健身ulation would be expod to extreme drought conditions for at least one month a year. California’s megadrought, which has affected the water supply for consumption, sanitation清炒冬瓜的做法 and irrigation as well as fuelling record-breaking fires, gives a glimp into what this could look like for large swathes of the planet, almost all of which face far higher hurdles to adaptation than one of America’s richest states (albeit one with a high number of poor people).
This does not necessarily mean that every crop is at risk of heatwaves, or that the world will face a structural food shortage. Some arable land will be blesd with a uful increa in rain, and the fields farmed by Goldilocks may be spared a concomitant increa in flood risk. Temperate climates will benefit from longer growing asons, and some crops will also benefit from higher carbon-dioxide levels, since it is the raw material of photosynthesis. Although the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that cereal prices might be 29% higher under 3℃ of warming, putting 183m people at additional risk of hunger, it also es it as possible that they might hardly shift at all.
But whatever the averages, there will be a much higher risk of cris which panicky reactions make wor. In the summer of 2010 temperature records which had stood since the 1880s were broken in Russia, the world’s third-largest wheat producer; temperatures stayed紧张性迷路反射 up around 40℃ for weeks. Wheat yields fell by about one-third: Russia banned exports in order to maintain its own supply. That led to price spikes on global food markets which have since been linked to civil unrest in a number of low-income countries.
More measured policy respons would have helped. But the opportunities for panics over food shocks will undoubtedly increa. A study co-sponsored by Britain’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office还记得那个夏天 estimated that the likelihood of an extreme heatwave capable of wiping out the southern Chine rice crop in a given year was 1 in 100 under 1℃ of warming, but one in ten under 2-3℃ of warming.