瀑布的诗《英汉大词典》中几个有关构词的 术语译名商榷及补遗
作者:金其斌 额头高的人
摘 要:文章探讨了《英汉大词典》(第2版)中几个构词类术语的译名问题,认为《英汉大词典》(第2版)对tmesis和retronym的释义有待改进;同时可考虑增收新的缩略构词法backronym(back acronym)和修辞格snowclone。
庆六一手抄报 关键词:《英汉大词典》,术语,译名,插词法,回溯语,逆向首字母缩略词,雪克隆
中图分类号:H083;N04;Z3 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8578.2016.02.006
早饭吃什么好 Linguistic Terms in EnglishChine Dictionary: Problems and Proposals//JIN Qibin
Abstract: The paper focus on the EC translation of some linguistic terms concerning word formation in the EnglishChine Dictionary (the cond edition). We thi
俯卧撑练胸肌心的笔顺nk that the equivalents offered for “tmesis” and “retronym” in the dictionary needs to be improved. Meanwhile, two new terms, “backronym” (back acronym) and “snowclone” should also be included in the dictionary.
Keywords: terms, equivalents in the target language, tmesis, retronym, backronym (back acronym), snowclone, EnglishChine Dictionary