On Saturday morning, I opened my eyes and the bright sunshine came into the room through the curtains. Recently, the weather has been cold. Today, the sun finally showed a smile, and my mood also improved. I jumped out of bed, I want to do a big thing - he人才辈出什么意思花心的人lp my mother do houwork.吃完早饭,我拿起拖把开始拖地。我东一下,西一下,忙得不亦乐乎,我回头一看,咦?地板怎么变成了大花脸。妈妈走过来说:“拖地得人站在后面拖,要不然鞋子踩到刚拖的地面上,地当然就会变成“大花脸”。我照妈妈教的去做,大花脸果然没有了。After breakfast, I picked up the mop and began to mop the floor. I'm busy. I'll look back. Eh? How did the floor become a big face. Mom came over and said, "if you have to drag the floor, you have to stand behind. Otherwi, if you step on the floor just dragged, the floor will become a big face.". I did as my mother taught me, and there was no big face.生活当中,我还有很多不会的东西。等下个星期天,我还要帮妈妈做家务。In my life, I still have many things I can't. I will help my mother with the houwork next Sunday.一直日>陈翔六点半腿腿