sing eat e have do
go buy get read fly am/is are say leave tell draw
come lo swim take
find drink hurt feel
sheep goo foot tooth
方舟神器位置photo_______tomato potato bus
box leaf knife
butterfly boy hor people mou
三 写出下列单词的反义词
big 医院精细化管理 long strong tall young
left cold clo bad
happy _________active strict
far smaller come black
on behind expensive
四 写出下列缩写的完整形式
it’s I’m he’s
she’s you’re payphone歌词they’re
what’s where’s there’re
there’s who’s that’s
we’re don’t doesn’t
didn’t can’t haven’t let’s
五 写出下列动词的现在分词
swim dance cook ride
wait walk have swing
run eat fly write sit
六 写出下列单词的对应词
boy tho day Miss
man mother aunt
door doctor brother
knif village he healthy
七 写出下列形容词的比较级
big heavy easy many thin
good young hot happy late
salty strong
八 写出下列单词的缩写
January February March
August September October
November December Monday
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Saturday Sunday
九 写出下列组合词及其意思
egg+plant= tooth+brush=
foot+ball= sun+glass=
bed+room= class+room=
class+mate= school+bag=
police+man= basket+ball=
bath+room= 人生就是奋斗 rain+coat=
十 写出下列节假日的日期
New Year’s Day Women’s Day Children’s Day_______
Tree-planting Day Labour Day_________Fool’s Day
Army Day Teacher’s Day
National Day Christmas Day 红烧肥肠
1. 写出下列各词的复数
I him _________this ___________her ______
watch _______child _______photo ________diary ______
day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________
tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____
thief _______yo-yo ______peach______ sandwich ______
man______ woman_______ paper_______ juice____________
water________ milk__________ rice____________ tea_________
family knife baby glass
视频网站有哪些blou box photo watch
Chine people dress is
2. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数
drink__________ go__________ stay________ make ____
look__________ have_________ pass_______ carry ____
come________ watch_______ plant________ fly ________
study________ brush_________ do___________ teach__________
3. 写出下列动词的现在分词
put__________ give__________ fly_________ get ______
dance________ sit__________ run ________plant ______
take________ swim_________ ask________ stop _______
take ______ write__________ have_______ smoke ______
make eat pull
4. 写出下列动词的过去式
is\am_________ fly_______ plant________ are ________
drink_________ play_______ go________ make ________
does_________ dance________ worry________ ask _____
taste_________ eat__________ draw________ put ______
throw________famous什么意思 kick_________ pass_______ do ________
give__________ sit _________ sing_________ run_______
e meet draw have
make put buy get
take taste say like