离职证明书The Cricket
Wu Guangzhong
Grey-templed as I'm, I still always keep mylf occupied. Everyday I bustle about town having little time to indulge in pleasant reminiscences of how I ud to catch crickets in my childhood. One day, however, my wife and I were pleasantly surprid by the sudden chirping of a cricket in our apartment. How did it get into this tall building? As the sound emed to come from a corner of our kitchen, I guesd it had probably come with the vegetables my wife bought from the food market.
On Sunday, when over youngest granddaughter Xiao Qu was with us, the cricket started chirping again at supper time with a rising clear and loud sound like in a performance. Xiao Qu was overjoyed and stopped eating as she was eager to catch the inct. Torch in hand, I found my way to a corner of the kitchen by tracing the sound and then cleared away everything in the way, like brooms, discarded outer leaves of vegetables, leftovers, waster paper, ud empty bottles, etc. until
my eyes fell on a big cricket on the damp cement floor near a water pipe. It stayed still as I lit it up with the torch. So I got it easily. The whole family was wild with joy. I put into an empty colour-tube cardboard box and handed it to my granddaughter. But she said she wanted to have it kept in a transparent container so that she could e it chirp. Then she found a plastic bottle and happily watched the pitiable little captive therein moving about in panic. Her grandma, however, fearing that the cricket might suffocate, punctured a few holes in the plastic bottle with a pair of scissors.
Xiao Qu left for home with the cricket.
That night a complete silence reigned in our hou. Our children had already gone to bed behind the clod door. My wife and I felt unusually lonesome in our bedroom. She blamed it on my having got rid of the cricket.
Late at night, we heard the chirping of a cricket again. Ah, that must be another one! My wife and I were too excited to sleep. We were lost in memories of our child life in our rural home with the starry sky outside the antique window, the glowing of fireflies, the warbling of nightingales, the ever-prent accompaniment of crickets' We chatted on and on recalling elders at home, fellow villagers, kids in the neighbourhood, and so on and so forth. All the while, we were transported by no
stalgia to our old home remote from Beijing. May the cricket ttle down permanently under our roof!
A Flower Bed
Miao Chongqun
In winter, sunny days were scarce here, as it was surrounded by hills all around. Today, however, the fog was wonderfully thin and the air was filtered through with golden sunlight that tinted everything on the ground with a joyful hue.
I stepped out of the small dim garret — our office — where I was shut in all year round. I lifted my head and opened my arms wide as if to embrace someone in front.
I went ambling along a narrow path and came to a new village. It was a quiet and well-knit cluster of villas, like a beautiful garden. As I noticed the curtains of the windows were drawn and the screen doors locked, I guesd the wealthy residents, unaccustomed to the cold and lonesome winter there, must have swarmed into the bustling city.
Coming to a small wooden bridge, I looked toward the hill opposite and saw a patch of green spread out on the slope. The grass there had withered and new wheat was sprouting up across the wintry hillside.
As a faint aromatic scent emed to be wafting into my nostrils, I turned only to find a stretch of a gentle incline thickly strew with golden-coin-like flowers. They were probably the tough daisies, whispering in private to each other about this intruder: what on earth is he looking for there?
Looking down I saw my own shadow nestling on the ground. To be sure, I would like to nestle on the ground, for the lonely and fragrant flowers would naturally make a lovely bed. Though it was winter, it had to be warm underground, I guesd.
I thought of the place in the distance where my departed other half was buried. I hoped that it was not covered with withered grass only, and that there were flowers, known or unknown, growing, and growing thick enough to make a flower bed for her.
I believe in a place where love is buried, there is warmth to be found there.
Let my memorial tears drop quietly on the flower bed and, one day, and I believe the day will eventually come, I will be lying underneath it in my long sleep and it must be warm there.
I em to have come here is arch of something, but I will never be able to find anything, except hoping that some day I will go and sleep underneath a flower bed where the land is one in which there is an interflow of warmth and love.
Qu Qiubai
When you have nothing to live for in life, you tend to feel nostalgic for the days gone by—your youth and childhood. The romantic memory of the past is not at all a discovery of the sweetness of "childhood", but an awareness of life beginning to fade