1阿富汗英文全称:Afghanistan 英文缩写:AFG 喀布尔Kabul
2亚美尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Armenia英文缩写:ARM
3阿塞拜疆英文全称:The Republic of Azerbaijan英文缩写:AZE
实时调度4巴林英文全称:The Kingdom of Bahrain英文缩写:BRN
5孟加拉共和国The People's Republic of Bangladesh英文缩写:BAN 达卡Dhaka
和平鸽图片6不丹王国英文全称:Kingdom of Bhutan英文缩写:BHU 廷布Thimbu
7文莱英文全称:Brunei Darussalam英文缩写:BRU 斯里巴加湾市Bandar Seri
8缅甸英文全称:The Union of Myanmar英文缩写:MY A仰光Rangoon
9柬埔寨英文全称:The Kingdom of Cambodia英文缩写:CAM 金边Phnom Penh
10中国英文名称The People's Republic of China英文缩写CHN
11塞浦路斯The Republic of Cyprus英文缩写:CYP 尼克西亚Nicosia
12东帝汶英文全称:Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste英文缩写:TLS
13印度英文全称:The Republic of India英文缩写:IND 新德里New Delhi
14印度尼西亚英文全称:The Republic of Indonesia英文缩写:INA雅加达Jakarta
15伊朗英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Iran英文缩写:IRI
16伊拉克英文全称:The Republic of Iraq英文缩写:IRQ
17以色列The State of Israel英文缩写:ISR
18日本英文全称:Japan英文缩写:JPN 东京Tokyo
19约旦英文全称:The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan英文缩写:JOR
20哈萨克斯坦英文全称:The Republic of Kazakhstan英文缩写:KAZ
21朝鲜英文全称:Democratic People's Republic of Korea英文缩写:PRK 平壤P'yongyang
22韩国英文全称:Republic of Korea英文缩写:KOR 首尔Seoul
23科威特英文全称:The State of Kuwait英文缩写:KUW
24吉尔吉斯共和国英文全称:Kyrghyz Republic英文缩写:KGZ
25老挝英文全称:The Lao People's Democratic Republic英文缩写:LAO 万象Vientiane
26黎巴嫩英文全称:The Republic of Lebanon英文缩写:LIB
27马来西亚英文全称:Malaysia英文缩写:MAS 吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur
28马尔代夫(群岛)英文全称:The Republic of Maldives英文缩写:MDV 马累Male (Maale)
29蒙古英文全称:Mongolia英文缩写:MGL 乌兰巴托Ulaanbaatar
30尼泊尔英文全称:Nepal英文缩写:NEP 加德满都Kathmandu
31阿曼英文全称:The Sultanate of Oman英文缩写:OMA
32巴基斯坦英文全称:The Islamic Republic of Pakistan 英文缩写:PAK 伊斯兰堡Islamabad
33菲律宾英文全称:The Republic of The Philippines英文缩写:PHI 马尼拉Manila
34卡塔尔英文全称:The State of Qatar英文缩写:QA T
35沙特阿拉伯英文全称:Kingdom of Saudi Arabia英文缩写:KSA
36新加坡英文全称:The Republic of Singapore英文缩写:SIN 新加坡Singapore梦见做饭是什么意思
合的反义词是什么37斯里兰卡The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka英文缩写:SRI 科伦坡Colombo