翻译专业词汇(政治) | |
中国梦 | Chine dream |
十八大 | the 18th Communist Party Congress |
民生 | people's well being |
执政党 | ruling party |
中国特色社会主义 | socialism with Chine characteristics |
基本国情 | national condition |
中华民族的伟大复兴 | the rejuvenation of Chine nation |
二权分立 | paration of powers: checks and balances |
改革开放 | opening up and reform |
猪猪色中共中央政治局 | Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee |
制度自信 | confidence in the political system |
三中全会 | the Third Plenary |
韬光养晦 | to conceal one's strength and bide one's time |
动员 | mobilize |
请愿 | petition |
一党执政 | one party state |
政治瘫痪 | political paralysis |
选民、选区 | electorate |
构建和谐社会 | build a harmonious |
维护社会公平正义 | safeguard social fairness and justice |
民权运动 | civil rights |
三个代表重要思想 | the important thought of Three Reprents |
科学发展观 | Scientific Outlook on Development |
认真贯彻方针政策 | conscientiously implement the principles and polities | 笔记本型号
解决民生问题 | resolve issues related to the people's wellbeing |
实现可持续发展 | realize sustainable development |
在宏观调控下 | under macro adjustment and control |
地区冲突和摩擦 | regional frictions and conflicts |
实现持久和平、共同繁荣 | achieve lasting peace and common prosperity |
多边谈判 | multilateral negotiation |
发展模式 | development model |
密的反义词 统筹兼顾各方面的利益 | accommodate the interests of all parties |
中国特色社会主义道路 | a trail of socialism with Chine Characteristics |
各级政府 | governments at all levels |
达成广泛共识 | reach general connsus |
在 陪同下 | accompanied by |
民主爱国人士 | patriotic democratic personage |
参政议政 | participation in and deliberation of state affairs |
长期共存 | long-term coexistence 南辕北辙成语故事 |
根本利益 | fundamental interests |
廉政建设 | build a clean and honest government |
求同存异 | ek common ground and shelving differences |
维护世界和平 | safeguard world peace |
指导思想 | guiding ideology |
综合国力 | overall national strength |
保持平稳较快增长 | maintain rapid and steady growth |
宏观经济政策 | macroeconomic policies |
适度宽松的货币政策 | proactive fiscal policy |
积极的财政政策 | moderate monetary policy |
基层民主 | democracy at grassroots level |
计算机的发展趋势 响应号召 | respond to the call |
实行新政策 | practice new policies |
增强综合国力 | enhance comprehensive national strength |
解决温饱问题 | solve the problem of food and clothing |
反对各种形式的恐怖主义 | be oppod to all forms of terrorism |
调动积极性 | mobilize the initiative |
高度团结统一 | high degree of unity and solidarity |
过渡期 | transitional period |
恢复两岸对话 | resume cross-straits dialogue |
弘扬民族精神 | carry forward the national spirits |
两岸关系 | cross-straits relations |
历史性突破 | historic breakthrough |
民族进步 | progress of a nation |
平稳过渡 | smooth transition |
区域性组织 | regional organization |
充满亲切友好的聚会 | a gathering permeated with a spirit of cordial friendship |
不虚此行 | a rewarding trip |
给历史增加了新的一页 | add a new page to the history |
应 的邀请 | at the invitation of |
共处;共存 | coexistence |
融洽的气氛 | congenial atmosphere |
嘉宾;贵宾 | distinguished guest |
亚太经济合作组织 | APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) |
石油输出国组织 | OPEC (organization of the Petroleum Exporting Country) |
东南亚国家联盟公约 | ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) |
八国集团首脑会议 | G8 Summit |
联合国粮农组织 | FAO( United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) |
关税壁垒 | Tariff barrier |
外汇储备 | Foreign exchange rerve |
推翻;打倒;赶下台 | overthrow |
关键的;核心的 | pivotal |
铁腕人物;独裁者 | strongman |
(尤针对政府的)反抗;起义;叛乱 | revolt |
主权 | sovereignty |
外交使团团长 | dean of the diplomatic corps |
建立外交关系 | establish of diplomatic relations |
断绝外交关系 | ver diplomatic relations |
恢复外交关系 | resume diplomatic relations |
国事访问 | state visit |
盛情款待 | generous hospitality |
宣称;维护 | asrt |
双边合作 | bilaterial cooperation |
干涉 | intervention |
两党的;代表两档的;得到两党支持的 | bipartisan |
常规裁军 | conventional disarmament |
疏散;使撤离 | evacuate |
国土安全 | homeland curity |
敌对势力 | hostile forces |
国际惯例 | international common practice |
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