Asssment of Rural Tourism in Turkey Using SWOT
Material Source: Jour nal of Applie Scien ces Author: Hasa n Akca
Turkey is a country situated at cross roads of three con ti nen ts: Asia, Europe and Africa. It occupies some 780 thousa nd kmA128个聊天话题2 of land and is surro un ded by 8000 km of coastl ine. Accord ing to the results of 2000 populati on cen sus, the populati on of the country is 67 803 927. Nearly 35% of the country populati on lives in rural areas. The number of villages is nearly 37 thousand and about two-thirds of them have populations below 500. Besides, one-thirds of rural dwellers live in the villages located within and adjace nt to the forests.
The n eed to redress regi onal imbala nces and to improve in come distributio n among various ctions of society is engaging the attention of policy makers. The creation of employment, the improvement of rural living standards and the reversal of the trend towards migration of rural populations to urban areas are some of the main objectives of Turkish government's rural development policies (Muthoo and Onul, 1996)
At the beg inning of 1990s, Turkey has decided to diversify tourism in order to compete with western countries. The basic philosophy of new tourism concept of Turkey can be summarized as tourism activity in four as ons, throughout the country and evaluating cultural, historical, environmental potential of the country. In this con text, Turkey is worki ng on two types of alter native tourism. The first type in cludes bota ni cal, air ballo on, water-related, thermal and health, physical recreati on, religious and cultural tourism. The c ond type, cloly related to the first, in cludes camp ing and carava n, bird watch ing (orn ithology), win ter sports, hun ti ng (sportive fish ing and wild animals) and golf tourism (Pirnar, 1996; Tavmergen and Oral, 1999). Northern and Cen tral An atolia n actors are busy promot ing rural and highla nd holidays, soft tourism activities like rafting,
trekking and caving while local partners along the Souther n coast are busy develop ing mass tourism activities (Goyme n, 2000).
Rural tourism is at the introduction stage of tourism product life cycle since it is a new activity in Turkey. Therefore, the number of rearch dealing with rural tourism is limited. And also there is a difficulty in gathering and disminating data. In order to look the future clearly and make accurate policies draw ing the whole picture of rural tourism in Turkey is very importa nt.
In this con text, the aim of the study is to evaluate curre nt con stra ints for and future possibilities of rural tourism ctor point of view of conrvation of natural, historical and cultural values, susta in able rural developme nt and in tegrat ing tourism, agricultural and rural development policies of Turkey with tho of the EU.
Rural tourism is a multi-faceted activity: It is not just farm-bad tourism. It in cludes farm-
bad holidays but also compris special in terest n ature holidays and eco-tourism, walking, climbing and riding holidays, adventure, sport and health tourism, hunting and angling, educational travel, arts and heritage tourism and, in some areas eth nic tourism (Bram well and Lane, 1994)
Lack of studies on rural tourism is compounded further by the abnceof a commonly accepted definition as to what constitutes rural tourism. Sometimes rural tourism is equated with farm tourism (Oppermann, 1996) .Some authors include outdoor recreation and tourism in National Parks and wilderness areas into rural tourism (Ladki, 1993; Owe ns, 1984); But Dernoi (1991)excludes them. On the other hand, Pearce (1990) discuss c ond homes in the con text of rural tourism.
In recent years local governors and NGOs throughout the country have been trying to ben efit from rural tourism via suppl ying all historical, n atural, culture land religious values in both domestic and foreign tourism markets. Some of the activities are summariz
会议发言技巧ed as follows:
Urged mun icipality has decided to apply a project aimi ng at in troduct ion of rural life in the Cappadocia region. Total budget of the project is 50 million dollars and it will be orga ni zed by Magic Life Intern ati on al. I n the con text of project, both domestic and foreign visitors will attend village wedding ceremonies, cook traditional rural meals, milk ing cows and sheep.
In the Valley of Kizilcukur, located in the district of Ortahisar, Nevhir province local governor is organized a tour for tourist to e the sun. Becau this area is a good place where the sun ris and ts best in the world. Every year n early 30,000 tourists visit the place pay ing n early $1.5 per day.
Camel wrestling is organized in many villages and counties of Mediterranean, Marmara and Egea n regi ons duri ng win ter as on.
In the last two years, soap opera were made in rural areas of Turkey .In additi on, Turkish
海底冒险films named Sun Shines from the East, Taste at the Summits and Heads or Tails were made in Cappadocia. Therefore, many people go to villages men ti oned above to e actors and actress. Visit historical places and live no stalgia.
In rece nt years some tourism age ncies have orga ni zed tours coveri ng the route of Silk Road.