
更新时间:2023-06-07 21:12:38 阅读: 评论:0

日程安排1. Beowulf: the national epic史诗of the Anglo-Saxons
Beowulf against: monster Grendel, she-monster and a fire dragon
Artistic features: Using alliteration(头韵)
Using metaphor(⽐喻)and understatement(陈述)
2. The Class Nature of the Romance: They were compod for the noble, of the noble, and in most cas by the poets patronized by the noble.
3. Geoffery Chaucer: The father of English poetry/ the founder of English poetry The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集:英国⽂史上现实主义第⼀部杰作
fir st time to u ‘heroic couplet’(双韵体) by middle English
II. The Renaissance Period
1. The Renaissance & Humanism: R: 2 features: a curiosity for classical literature (Greek & Latin)→dissatisfaction at Catholic & feudal ideas/ activities of humanit y→new feeling of admiration for human beauty & achievement
H: the key-note of R, new outlook of the rising bourgeois class
2. Francis Bacon弗兰西斯?培根: Essays随笔(famous quotas: Of studies)
3.Drama: the miracle P奇迹剧(Bible story); the morality P道德剧(abstract characters/conflict of good&evil with allegorical personages); the interlude幕间喜剧(short/interesting); the classical drama(+Greek&Latin/rules&structure&style/5 acts);
4. Shakespeare:
Four Comedies: As You Like It皆⼤欢喜; Twelfth Night; A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Merchant Of Venice威尼斯商⼈
Four Tragedies: Hamlet; Othello奥赛罗; King Lear李尔王; Macbeth麦克⽩
154 Sonnet: Three quatrain and one couplet, ababcdcdefefgg
A sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic抑扬格pentameter 五步格诗restricted to a definition rhyme scheme. III. REVOLUTION
1. John Milton约翰?弥尔顿
①Epic: Paradi Lost 失乐园: it is a long epic in 12 books, written in blank ver. The stories were taken from the Old Testament: the creation; the rebellion in Heaven of Satan & his fellow-angels; their defeat & expulsion from Heaven; the creation of the earth & of Adam & Eve; the fallen angels in hell plotting against God; Satan’s temptation of Eve; & the departure of Adam & Eve from Eden.
②Paradi Regained 复乐园
2. John Bunyan约翰?班扬
The P ilgrim’s Progress天路历程: religious allegory宗教寓⾔; the spiritual pilgrimage of Christian, who flies from the City of Destruction, meets the perils and temptation of the Slough of Despond, Vanity Fair, and Doubting Castle, faces and overcomes the demon Appollyon, and finally comes to the Delectable Mountains and the Celestial City.
3. John Donne: (the founder) the Metaphysical poet(⽞学派诗⼈).(⽤语)the diction is simple, the i
magery is from the actual, the form is frequently an argument with the poet’s beloved, with god, or with himlf.(主题:love, religious, thought)Artistic features: conceits or imagery奇思妙喻syllogism三段论The Flea 虱⼦
IV The 18th Century:Enlightenment
1. The Enlightenment: clear away the feudal ideas with bourgeois ideology资阶思Classicism: 重理性rationality/follow principles in drama, poetry & pro/tidy up capitalist social order
2. Jonathan Swift乔纳森?斯威夫特: Gulliver’s Travel格列佛游记(fictional work) Four parts: Lilliput ⼩⼈国、Brobdingnag ⼤⼈国
Flying Island 飞岛、Houyhnhnm 智马岛
A Tale of a Tub⽊桶的故事
3. Daniel Defoe丹尼尔?笛福The father of novel.
Robinson Crusoe鲁宾逊漂流记
It prais the fortitude of the human labor and the Puritan.
Robinson grew from a naive and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his eventful life.
It is an adventure story, Robinson, narrates how he goes to a, gets shipwrecked and marooned on a lonely island, struggles to live for 24-years there and finally gets relieved and returns to England.
4.Henry Fielding亨利?菲尔丁
“Father of English realistic novel” He was the first to write a “Comic epic in pro”(散⽂体史诗), and the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.
5. Sentimentalism & Pre-Romanticism in Poetry:anti-rationalism/anti-classicism
6. William Blake威廉?布莱克(Pre-R)
Songs of Innocence天真之歌A happy and innocent world from children’s eye.
< the chimney sweeper> 扫烟囱的孩⼦
Songs of Experience经验之歌
7. Robert Burns罗伯特?彭斯(Pre-R)The greatest Scottish poet in the late 18th C Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect主要⽤苏格兰⽅⾔写的诗
英文经典老歌A Red, Red Ro⼀朵红红的玫瑰Auld Lang Syne 友谊地久天长
My Heart’s in the Highlands我的⼼在那⾼原上, The Tree of Liberty
V The Romantic Period
1. William Wordsworth威廉?华兹华斯
Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集
2. George Gordon Byron乔治?⼽登?拜伦
Don Juan唐?璜She Walks In Beauty
3. 4. Persy Bysshe Shelley波西?⽐希?雪莱
A Defence of Poetry诗辩Ode to the West Wind西风颂
Theme: The author express his eagerness to enjoy the boundless freedom from the reality. Compare the west wind to destroyer of the old who drives the last signs of life from the trees, and prerver of the new who scatter the eds which still come to life in the spring. This is a poem about renewal, about the wind blowing life back into dead things, implying not just an arc of life (which would end at death) but a cycle, which only starts again when something dies.
Comment: it is written in iambic pentameter. It contains five sonnet length stanzas诗节, each with a closing couplet. The rhyming scheme form is aba bcb cdc ded ee. The tone is poignant. Many will agree that this poem is an invocation for an unen force to take control and revive life.
Artistic features: Using rerza rima(三⾏诗aba bcb cdc de d efe …)
4. John Keats约翰?济慈
Four great odes: Ode on a Grecian Urn希腊古瓮颂
Ode to a Nightingale夜莺颂Ode to Psyche⼼灵颂Ode On Melancholy 忧郁颂Ode to Autumn秋颂
Theme: The theme is that change is both natural and beautiful. The poem prais the glories of the fall ason by using almost every type of imagery to both charm and appeal to the reader.
Comment: The speaker in the poem acknowledges that time pass by, but also asrts that this change usually yields something new and better than what came before. Each of the poem's three stanzas reprents the evolving of two different types of change. One type of change shown in the poem is the change of periods in a day.
1. Charles Dickens查尔斯?狄更斯(批判现实主义⼩说家)critical realist writer Oliver Twist雾都孤⼉;David Copperfield⼤卫?科波菲尔;Hard Times艰难时世Great Expectations远⼤前程
2. William Makepeace Thackeray威廉?麦克匹斯?萨克雷
Vanity Fair名利场
3. Jane Austen简?奥斯丁
Sen and Sensibility理智与感情;Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见;Emma爱玛
4. Charlotte Bronte夏洛蒂?勃朗特Jane Eyre简?爱
Emily Bronte艾⽶莉?勃朗特Wuthering Heights呼啸⼭庄
5. George Eliot乔治?艾略特(批判现实)
属蛇和属牛The Mill on the Floss弗洛斯河上的磨坊
ⅦMid and Late 19th Century
1. Robert Browning罗伯特?⽩朗宁My Last Duchess我已故的公爵夫⼈Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Sonnet from the Portugue葡萄⽛⼗四⾏诗
2. Christina. G. Rostti: Seek and Find; Song
3. Literary Trends at the end of the century: naturalism: environmental force & internal impul/pessimism & determinism;aestheticism: art should rve no religious, moral or social end, nor any end except itlf: Oscar Wilde王尔德Salomo Ⅷ20th Century
1. Henry James(stream of consciousness): a portrait of a woman贵妇画像
2. Thomas Hardy托马斯?哈代
Tess Of The D’Urbervilles德伯家的苔丝; Jude The Obscure⽆名的裘德
3.George Bernard Shaw乔治?伯纳?萧critical realistic dramatist
Mrs. Warren’s Pro fession华伦夫⼈的职业; Widowers’ Hous鳏夫的房产
Man And Superman⼈与超⼈; The Apple Cart苹果车; Saint Joan圣⼥贞德出国签证办理流程
4. Imagism: free ver/conventional/ common speech/ new rhythms/ clear images
5. 1.William Butler Yeats威廉?勃特勒?叶茨,Ireland when you are old celebrated & accomplished symbolist poet/ u an elaborate system of symbols
6. Thomas Sterns Eliot: The Waste Land; Four Quartets
金岳霖与林徽因7. David Herbert Lawrence戴维?赫伯特?劳伦斯
Sons And Lovers⼉⼦与情⼈;The Rainbow虹;Women In Love恋爱中的⼥⼈
8. James Joyce詹姆斯?乔伊斯stream-of-consciousness:Ulyss尤利西斯
9. Virginia Woolf弗吉尼娅?沃尔芙stream-of-consciousness
Mrs. Dalloway达洛维夫⼈;To The Lighthou到灯塔去;The Waves浪;the mark on the wall墙上的斑点
ⅨSecond War
1. E. M. Foster
A Passage To India印度之⾏Hawards End霍华兹别墅 a room with a view看得见风景的房间
2. George Orwell: 1984
3. William Golding: Lord of the Flies蝇王
4. Doris Lessing多丽丝?莱⾟The Golden Notebook⾦⾊笔记
5. Samuel Beckett: waiting for godat
6. Harold Pinter: the room
抑扬格(iamb, iambic)扬抑格(trochee, trochaic)抑抑扬格(Anapaest, anapaestic)扬抑抑格(dactyl, dactylic). Meter步律
英⽂诗⾏的长度范围⼀般是⼀⾳步⾄五⾳步。最常见的是四⾳步、五⾳步的诗。⼀⾳步诗:monometer ⼆⾳步诗:dimeter/two feet
三⾳步诗:trimeter /three feet四⾳步诗:tetrameter/four feet五⾳步诗:pentameter 六⾳步诗:hexameter 七⾳步诗:heptameter⼋⾳步诗:octameter.
Metrical patterns(格律的形式)
Iambic pentameter 抑扬格五⾳步(John Milton, Paradi Lost)
Dactylic hexameter 扬抑抑格六⾳步(Homer, Iliad)
Iambic tetrameter 抑扬格四⾳步Trochaic octameter 扬抑格⼋⾳步
Anapestic tetrameter 抑抑扬格四⾳步(Lewis Carroll, Don Juan)
Alexandrine(also known as iambic hexameter 抑扬格六⾳步)
压韵(Rhyming schemes 韵式)
1.全韵与半韵(full rhyme and half rhyme)。
2.尾韵与⾏内韵(end rhyme and internal rhyme)
3.阳韵与阴韵(masculine rhyme and feminine rhyme)
Poetic forms 诗的体式
支气管炎吃什么药最好有的诗分成⼏节(stanza),每节由若⼲诗⾏(line)组成; ⼗四⾏诗Sonnet
韵体诗rhymed ver; ⾃由诗Free Ver; ⽆韵诗(blank ver)
pulloffPoetic genres (诗歌的体裁)
Narrative poetry 叙事Epic poetry 史诗Dramatic poetry剧诗Satirical Poetry讽刺Lyric poetry 抒情诗Ver fable寓⾔诗Pro poetry 散⽂诗
Figure of speech
Simile明喻Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻Metonymy 借喻,转喻
Synesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉Personification 拟⼈
Hyperbole 夸张Parallelism 排⽐, 平⾏Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法
Paradox 隽语Pun 双关Allegory 讽喻,⽐⽅
Irony 反语Antithesis 对照,对⽐,对偶Oxymoron ⽭盾修辞

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