Unit 3 School Life
Part A
Listen to the recording and complete the following passage with the missing words.
Maggie likes swimming but she doesn't care for skiing. She loves flying on planes and traveling by train but hates getting on bus becau they are often too crowded. She is interested in playing the piano and is fond of reading and playing computer games. At weekends Maggie loves going to Chine restaurants and her favorite food is spicy Sichuan bean curd. After work she is keen on listening to music. She prefers light music to rock, becau light music makes her feel relaxed. In the evening she enjoys watching TV in her own room. She thinks a lot of news programs but sitcoms are the last kind of thing for her to watch.
泰迪怎么养Part B
Listening T ask
Accommodation for College S tudents
R:Good morning. Can I help you?
S: Y es, plea. I'm a new student and I'd like to have some information about the ...em...the accommodation for students.
R: Right. The university provides two types of accommodation, halls of residence and lf-catering accommodation.
世界战斗机排名S: How much does it cost for the lf-catering accommodation?
R: For a single room, £37.86 per week, that's about £5.40 a day. For a double room, it's £52.78 per week. This will apply throughout this academic year.
S: I'd like to stay in the lf-catering accommodation. How far is it from the residence to the university?
R: It all depends. The residences at Elms Road and Palm Road are about one and a half miles from the university main site and the Freemen's Common Hous at William Road are half a mile.
S: When do I need to apply?
一直低烧怎么办R: Are you an undergraduate or a postgraduate?
S: Undergraduate.
R: Then you should apply for it as soon as possible, since places in university-owned accommodation are limited and if you don't apply before the end of the month, you are not likely to get a place.
S: Could you possibly tell me what to do, if no vacancy is available?
R: Y es, you may consider private accommodation. The university runs an Accommodation Information Office and its staff will help you.
S: Where’s the office?
R: In the Students’ Union Building.
S: Whom can I contact?
R: Mr. Underwood. David Underwood, the manager of the accommodation information office.
S: Thank you very much.
R: Y ou are welcome
Exerci 1: Listening for general understanding
Listen to the recording once and then choo the right answers to the questions you hear.
去眼袋的小窍门1. What does the conversation mainly tell us?
a. The university provides two types of accommodation.
b. Students must apply early since the places in university-owned accommodation are limited.
c. A student can choo from university-owned accommodation or private accommodation.
d. Most students prefer lf-catering accommodation.
2. Which of the following is not included in the conversation?土鳖养殖
a. The cost for lf-catering accommodation.
b. The location of the lf-catering accommodation.
c. Where to get help about finding private accommodation.
d. The cost for private accommodation.
Exerci 2: Listening for details
Listen to the recording twice and fill in the blanks in the following passage with the missing information.
There are two types of 1) accommodation. One is university-owned and the other is 2) private. For the university-owned type, it can be further divided into two: 3) halls of residence and lf-catering accommodation. For the latter, there are two kinds of rooms. A single room costs 4) £37.86 per week and a 5) double room costs £52.78 per week. University owned accommodation offers 6) limited places. Therefore, you should apply 7) early/as soon as possible/before the end of the month. If you want to apply for 8) private accommodation, you may go to the accommodation information office in the 9) Students’ Union Building and contact David Underwood, who is the (10) manager of the office.
Part C
Additional Listening
八字精辟短句A Passage What College Professors Do
Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the missing information.
College professors em to teach few class but they actually lead busy lives. Every week the average professor spends between six to fifteen hours in the classroom but works from sixty to eighty hours. Professors spend part of that time reading becau they must remain current in their fields. After reading, they will work on their class lecture notes to revi and update them. Besides, they must grade papers, prepare their lessons, write articles and books, or work on various projects. So, college professors have very full schedules.
What College Professors Do
College professors are often believed to lead easy lives of quiet thinking while teaching one or two cl
ass every week. But college professors do much more than go to class. The average professor spends between six and fifteen hours in the classroom weekly. And that same college professor works from sixty to eighty hours a week.
Becau they must remain current in their fields, professors spend part of that time reading, reading, reading. That leads to additional hours during which they revi and update their class lecture notes. It takes far longer to prepare notes than to deliver them in class. Professors may spend time conducting experiments, working on college projects, or advising students. They may be writing books, articles, or papers for delivery at conventions.
When not in the classroom or in the office, professors are still working, behind clod doors in committee ssions or at home grading papers and preparing for tomorrow’s class. To accept this sort of schedule willingly, they must feel strongly about the importance of the college experience.
Part D
T est Y our Listening A Passage
Listen to the passage and choo the right answers to the questions you hear.
1.What does the passage mainly tell us? How to live with your roommates.
a.How to win the respect of your roommates.
b.How to be good friends of your roommates.
c.How to be nice to your roommates.
2.What’s the only way you will be able to live with your roommates according to the passage?
a.To have talks with your roommates often.
b.To be considerate towards your roommates.
c.To make compromis when problems ari.汪兆铭
d.To change your habits and ask your roommates to change theirs.
3. Which of the following is true?
a. If you try hard, you will be able to solve the problems you have with your roommates.
b. It is hard for roommates to get along well becau they disturb one another.
c. The best way to deal with your roommates is to stick to what you want to do.
d. If you have friends over and therefore may disturb your roommates, make apologies.
Despite what your parents and others try to make you believe, life at college may not be the best experience you will ever live through. Why?
The simple one word answer is: Roommates. One has often heard about the guy that never sleeps or the girl who always has her friends over or the one who studies all the time and becomes very disturbed by the slightest movement you make. Okay, they are not all that bad. So how do you get them to stop?
1967年属什么Y ou can't do it. It's impossible. The only way you will be able to live with your roommates is by compromising. If you like to have friends over, but your roommates want to study, take your friends out. If you don't like to listen to music while you are studying but one of your roommates does, ask him to u headphones. Talk about your habits and ask your roommates about theirs. Respect your r
oommates and your roommates will respect you.
Y ou may not be friends with your roommates by the end of the year but you may be friends with them the year after, when you are no longer rooming together. This is alright though. Sometimes it's too difficult to try to live together and be good friends at the same time. Roommates are not always meant to be your best friends.