
更新时间:2023-06-07 20:19:18 阅读: 评论:0

黄疸高是什么原因引起的Regulatory and policy control on food safety in China(中国食品安全监管和政策控制)Food safety incidents in China over the past two decades have not just threatened the health ofthe people in the country but have also caud international concern, as China is now a major foodexporter in the international market. One of the most infamous food safety scandals in China in recentyears, the ‘melamine milk’ incident, came to light in September 2008. This incident attracted so muchinternational attention that within about 2 months, the United Nations system launched a paper toprompt China to improve food safety. In this editorial, readers will be updated with the recent and lesswell-known changes to the major control mechanisms for food safety in mainland China. Majorweakness in this control regime will be discusd in order to rai awareness, as well as to pave theway for making recommendations for improvement.
The Chine Government has long been deploying the commonly ud regulatory controls onfood safety, such as tting minimum safety or process standards, mandatory information provision,and conditions of u requirements. In addition to this, since 2002, China, through the Ministry ofHealth, has monitored food safety by using a national monitoring network. With 1196 monitoring sites,the network covers all provinces, 73% of cities and 25% of counties in the country as of March 2012.
In the near future, a new China Food Net that monitors and tracks pathogens causing food-bornedias, as well as connecting food markets, supermarkets, hospitals and restaurants, will be t up8to fill the current lacuna in domestic food supply monitoring. In terms of legal development, about 1 year after the exposure of the melamine in milk incident, anew food safety law, the Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereafter FSL) tookeffect on 1 June 2009. The FSL replaced the Food Hygiene Law (FHL) which was enacted in 1995,and has become the main food safety protection law in China. As oppod to the FHL, the FSLunambiguously ascribes the ultimate and coordinating responsibility for food safety management tothe Ministry of Health which is also responsible for food safety risk asssment, formulation of foodsafety standards, food safety information dismination, tting codes of practice for food testingorgani sations, and the investigation of major food safety incidents in the country (Article 4). Statedalso in Article 4, the duty to monitor food production, circulation and rvicing is to be taken up by theGeneral Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), the StateAdministration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), and the State Food and Drug Administration(SFDA). However, the FSL is silent on how this monitoring duty should be divided among the threeauthorities. Customarily, the AQ SIQ will be responsible for monitoring food production, the SAIC forfood circulation, and the SFDA for food rvicing and catering.
One shortcoming of the FHL was its narrow scope becau it covered mainly the industrialproduction of food. This is rectified to some extent in the FSL which mentions that quality and safetymanagement of farm produce should be implemented in accordance with relevant quality and safetylaws (Article 2).10 However, the FSL still does not fully implement the farm-to-fork principle becauno specific regulatory control on the production of raw materials of food, that is, farm produce, ismentioned.
A new aspect of the FSL is that it authoris consumers to ek compensation from producers ordistributors of the problematic food products for the financial loss incurred as a result, in addition to asum up to 10 times the price of the problematic food product (Article 96). While this is animprovement over the FHL, if the problematic food products concerned are lowpriced basic fooditems, such as table salt or rice, then deterrence may still be
灵堂挽联Furthermore, the FSL is also silent on whether the local governments concerned are required tocompensate the victims if the incident is caud by perfunctory government action. While it is notclear if financial compensation would be made by the local governments, the FSL does imposp
ecific penalties, such as dismissal and a 10-year embargo on food inspection duties, on derelictofficials (Article 93). However, the most vere form of punishment for the derelict public officerscan be found in the latest amendment to the Criminal Law.
A newly added ction of Article 408 of theCriminal Law stipulates that if food safety monitoring officials have caud rious or very riousdamages to societ y due to their misconduct or negligence, they will be ntenced to a maximum of 5or 10 years imprisonment, respectively. This shows the political will of the Central Chinegovernment to improve food safety governance of the country.
Other challenges for food safety in China are cloly related to the high cost of monitoring. InChina, thorough monitoring of food product safety and quality is particularly costly becau of thelarge number of small production points involved which are also more likely to practisubstandardoperation. Small-scale family workshops employing fewer than 10 employees were said to reprent70–77% of market share in China, not to mention the coexistence of many unregistered informalproducers. For instance, in Hunan, 80% of the small food workshops did not ha
ve the requiredproduction permits or business licens. Augmenting the available finances of municipal andsubmunicipal food safety monitoring agents is a direct solution to the above situation. However, thereality is just the opposite. The impecunious financial capacity of public agencies, especially ofprovinces in western China, has often been cited as a cau of regulatory and government failure. Thetight budget of many local food safety authorities in China has led to compromis in the types andquantities of food samples purchad for routine monitoring and testing. As a result, the less well-offlocal authorities tend to conduct testing on lower-priced food items, leaving the more up-market fooditems, de facto, test-exempted.
In line with the aim to reduce the cost of monitoring, in 2001, China launched an InspectionExemption Certification policy.A food producer could be given inspection exemption status if itenjoyed a large market share, pasd quality inspections three times in a row, and implemented foodsafety standards above national ones. The original intention of this policy was to encourage foodproducers to voluntarily rai production standards and perform well in formal inspections so that theywould enjoy a good reputation and a better market share. However, this policy was shown to be afailure by the melamine in milk incident becau the first brand of milk powder found to containmelamine was itlf an inspection-exempted brand, and this is probably why the InspectionE
坐车礼仪xemption Certification policy was repealed by the AQSIQ just 7 days after the exposure of themelamine in milk incident.
唐朝建立者On the whole, despite the progress made, the regulatory outcome of subquent years shows thatthere is still room for improvement. In 2011, procutions related to unsafe or substandard foodamounted to 367, an increa of 216% from 2010. Procution numbers for the first half of 2012 arecomparablewiththo in 2011.
So, how can food safety be improved in China? First, China should draw on international bestpractices to rationali and better define the division of work among the various authorities ascribedwith having food safety-related duties. In choosing a better form of governance structure, China canconsider using either the single agency model or the integrated model. Second, sufficient legalempowerment should be given to the Ministry of
Agriculture (MoA) to monitor the integrity of farmproduce by clearly stating this duty of the MoA in the FSL with the purpo of formally andthoroughly applying the farm-to-fork principle in the country. Third, financial compensation for thevictims of food safety incidents should be pegged according to t
he damage caud and not the value ofthe food products concerned. Fourth, as a deterrent to duty-dodging public agencies, derelict localgovernment officials should be subject to legal responsibility (as stipulated in14), and localgovernments should also be required to compensate the victims adequately. Fifth, there is an obviousneed to improve monitoring, inspection and law enforcement related to food safety in China. Apower-sharing public supervision system should be established that more openly disminates foodquality and safety information which is traditionally vested only with food producers. Such a systemempowers the general public to cosupervi food safety with the Chine government and rai thevigilance of food producers.
It is evident that the Chine government has (whether proactively or by compulsion) taken manypositive steps toward food safety improvement in the past few years. But still, a great deal more needsto be done. While there may be a common belief that the Chine government is incapable ofadmitting mistakes, or reluctant to do so, this is not alw ays the ca. As is demonstrated by the swiftretraction of the Inspection Exemption Certification policy and the newly added penalty terms forfood safety-specific government misconducts, the Chine government can and will make radicalchanges to correct the bad policies made in the past. It is this courage to admit mistakes, and the kindof efficiency demonstrated by the AQSIQ, that give hope for the future of food safety management inChina. REFERENCES
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