The chine meteria medica 《shen nong’s Herbal Classic》
Authentic medicinal materials 地道药材(active ingvedients有效成分 curative effects治疗效果)
炮制Preparation 目的aims:High effects low toxicity convenience
制药方法Methods :
硅石1.Purification (修制)2.Preparation with water 3.Preparation with fire 4.Preparation with water and fire(水火共制)
Drug Properties:药性
Four natures:cold hot warm cool 寒热温凉
Five flavors:pungent sweet sour bitter salty 辛甘酸苦咸
Warm and hot drugs’effects :温热药一般功效
1.温经通络:warming and clearing the channels
2.温里散寒:warming the interior to disper cold
3.补火助阳:supplementing fire to support Yang
4.温阳利水:warming Yang to induce(引导)diuresis(多尿)
5.回阳救逆:recuperating(恢复)depleted(空虚)Yang to rescue(救)patients from collap(崩溃)
Cold and cool drugs: 寒凉药一般功效
1.清热泻火:clearing heat to purge fire
2.凉血解毒:removing heat from blood to eliminate toxicity
3.清热润肠:purging heat to relax the bowels
jtag4.利水通痢:inducing diuresis to treat stranguria
5.去心肝火:removing heat from the heart and liver
用药原则:to treat cold syndrome with hot and to treat heat syndrome with cold drugs
相须 synergism 相使 assisting 相畏相杀 restraint相恶 antagonism 相反 increasing toxicity
禁忌症 contraindications 适用症 indications
1.先煎 to be decocted ahead (minerals and shell 矿物 贝类)
2.后下 to be decocted later (peppermint 薄荷 )
3.包煎 to be wrapped for decoction (talc云母 plantain ed车前草 inula flower菊花)
4.另煎 to be decocted alone (ginng人参 american ginng西洋参rhinoceros horn犀牛角)
5.开水送服 to be taken following infusion with warm boiled-water(cinnaar朱砂)
6.烊化 to be melted (donkey-hide gelation 驴皮胶)
服用方法:methods of taking
For decoction,generally one do is decocted and take tow times each day每日一剂 一剂两次
药水liquid medicine 贴剂patch 药膏ointment 膏药plaster 止痛药pain-killer 滴剂drop
[自汗:spontaneous perspiration 盗汗:night sweating]
第一章 解表药:Drugs for relieving exterior syndromes
此类药多味辛(pungent in flavour)质轻(light in quality)入肺经和体表(acting on lung channels and the superficies of the body)味辛能够驱散(dispersion)质轻能够生发(lifting and floating)
This type of drugs can expel(驱走) pathogenic factors from the superficies or relieve(消除)exterior syndromes by diaphoresis(发汗)
第一节 辛温解表药:Drugs pungent in flavour and warm in nature for relieving exterior syndromes
主要功效(main effects):Dispersing pathogenic wind-cold(发散风热)
主要症状(symptoms):aversion to cold(恶寒) anhidrosis(无汗) fever, headache, tasteless tongue with white fur(苔白无味觉)
第一味 麻黄张三峰
药性(Properties):pungent and slightly bitter in flavour(味辛微苦)warm in nature(性温)acting on the lung and urinary bladder channels(入肺、膀胱经)
功效(Effects):inducing sweating to dispel exopathogens(发汗解表) facilitating the circulation of lung-Qi to relieve asthma(宣肺平喘)inducing diuresis to remove edema(利水消肿)
第二味 桂枝
功效:inducing sweating to dispel exopathogens(发汗解表)warming the channels to clear obstruction(温经通脉)reinforcing Yang to promote Qi flow(助阳化气)
眼镜十大品牌第三味 白芷:(治头痛之要药)
功效:expelling wind and dispel exopathogens(祛风解表)clearing passage(通鼻窍)relieving pain(止痛)removing dampness and arresting leukorrhea(燥湿止带)eliminating swelling and draining pus(消肿排脓)
第四味 生姜:
功效:inducing sweating to dispel exopathogens(发汗解表)warming the middle Jiao to arrest vomiting(温中止呕)warming the lung to relieve cough(温肺止咳)
荆芥:inducing sweating to dispel exopathogens(发汗解表)dispersing pathogenic wind and arresting bleeding(祛风止血)
防风:dispersing pathogenic wind and dispel exopathogens(祛风解表) relieving pain and spasm(止痛止痉)
第二节 辛凉解表药:Drugs pungent in flavour and cool in nature for relieving exterior syndromes
多用于治疗wind-heat type of exterior syndromes(风热表证)
[麻疹(germen measles)风疹(measles)]
第一味 薄荷:
药性:pungent in flavour(味辛)cool in nature(性凉)acts on the lung and liver channels(入肺肝经)
功效:dispersing wind-heat(疏散风热)easing sore throat and promoting eruption(利咽透疹)井冈山自驾游攻略
Soothing the liver and alleviating mental depression(疏肝解郁)
第二味 柴胡:(治寒热往来之要药)
宋濂传功效:dispel exopathogens to clear heat(解表退热) Soothing the liver and alleviating mental depression(疏肝解郁)elevating Yang and Qi(开举阳气)
第三味 菊花:
功效:dispersing wind-heat(疏散风热)purging heat from the liver and imprving eyesight(清肝明目)clearing heat and removing toxins(清热解毒)
第二章 清热药:Heat-Clearing Drugs
主要功效:The maior functions of the drugs include clearing heat and purging fire(inten heat).(清热去火)to cool the blood Detoxicating. .(凉血解读) Resolving swelling and heat syndromes (消肿去热)due to deficiency(虚).
主治内热(interior heat-syndromes):excessive heat in the Qi and the blood,interior heat of Zang and Fu,fever due to Yin deficiency,dyntery(痢疾)and carbuncle(疮痈).