Unit 1 Language and Language Learning 语言和语言学习
1. Views on language 有关语言的观点
Different views on language generate different teaching methodologies. P2
Three different views of language: 三种不同观点的语言:
1. Structural view: language as a system made up of various subsystems: the sound system phonology; the discrete units of meaning morphology; the system of combining units of meaning for communication syntax p3
a finite number of such structural items 有限数量的这种结构性产品
2. Functional view: Language is not only a linguistic system but also a means for doing things. 功能观:语言不仅是一种语言系统;但也做事情的一种方式..
3. 兼顾是什么意思Interactional view: language as a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people. p3
2. Views on language learning and learning in general 语言学习观和学习
两类理论:Process-oriented theories and Condition-oriented theories
1. Behaviourist theory: p5 行为主义学习理论 面向流程理论和条件理论
behavioural psychologist Skinner; 行为心理学家斯金纳
Watson and Raynor’s theory of conditioning; stimulus; respon; and reinforcement; 石家庄大学排名
the audio-lingual method; the language is learned by constant repetition and reinforcement of the teacher 沃森和雷诺的调节理论;刺激响应;和强化;
2. Cognitive theory: students are asked to think rather than simply repeat; p5
Noam Chomsky; 乔姆斯基 认知学习理论:要求学生想而不是简单的重复;
language is an intricate rule-bad system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system; there are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with a knowledge of the an infinite number of ntences can be produced. 有数量有限的语法规则系统和知识的这些可以生成无限的句子
工作鉴定模板乔姆斯基认知语言学 Transformational-Generative T-G Grammer 转换生成语法
(3). Constructivist theory:P6浣熊英文 Learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning bad on his/her own experiences and what he/she already know; 建构主义学习理论:学习是一个过程;学习者建构意义基于自己的经历和已经知道什么;
applicable to learning in general; 适用于一般学习 John Dewey 杜威
teaching should be built bad on what learners already knew and engage learners in learning activities; 教学应构建基于学习者已经知道和学习者参与学习活动
to foster inventive; creative; critical learner; 培养创造力;创造力;关键的学习者
4. Social-constructivist theory: P6 社会-建构主义理论 Vygotsky; 维果斯基
emphasizes interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context;
the concept of ‘Zone of Proximal Development’ ZPD 可能发展区/临近发展区and scaffolding 鹰架理论; 概念和鹰架理论 强调互动和社会背景与目标语言接触
learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the teacher and the learner and between learners.
3. qualities of What makes a good language teacher P7 品质好的语言老师
ethic devotion; professional qualities; personal style; professional competence
道德奉献 职业素质 个人风格 专业能力
4. Development of teacher’s professional competence 教师专业能力的发展
Figure 1.1 P9: Stage 1; Stage 2 and Goal 图1.19页:第一阶段、第二阶段和目标
Stage 1: language development 阶段1:语言发展
Stage 2: three sub-stages: learning; practice; reflection方案变动包括:学习实践反思
The learning stage: 1. learning from others’ experiences; 2. learning the received knowledge; 3. learning from one’s own experiences十个斗
5. The most influential language teaching approaches in the past two decades
Communicative Language Teaching CTL 交际语言教学 最具影响力的语言Task-basked L
anguage Teaching TBLT 任务型语言教学 教学方法过去二十年
Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Task-bad Language Teaching
交际原则 任务型语言教学男士着装
1. Language u in real life vs. traditional pedagogy 在现实生活中与传统的教育学
The language ud in real life 在现实生活中;语言是用来执行特定的交际功能
in real life; language is ud to perform certain communicative functions
The language learned in classroom 在教室里学到的语言
A big gap between the two 一个很大的差距
Main differences: P15 1. traditional pedagogy tends to focus on forms rather than functions; 2. traditional pedagogy tends to focus on one or two language skills and ignore the others; 3. traditional pedagogy tends to isolate language from its context.
2. CLT 交际语言教学 弥合两人之间的差距
To bridge the gap between the two 目标是发展学生的交际能力
The goal of CLT is to develop students’ communicative competence.
Five main components of communicative competence p17-18交际能力的五个方面