《The Law of Life》共2830词,专四左右的难度。作者主要以第三⼈称叙述全⽂,从印第安⽼⼈的视⾓来观察和回顾;同时,⼜和⼀个全知叙述者结合,使读者在⾝临其境的同时,对主⼈公的⼼理活动也有了深⼊的了解,从⽽烘托出⽣命法则的主题。通过阅读⽂章,可以学习很多极好的英⽂⼼理特征描写和⼈物描写,可以积累⼤量的⾼级表达。韩国mbc>好的开头结尾
Old Koskoosh listenedgreedily. Though his sight had long sincefaded,his hearing was stillacute, andthe slightest sound penetratedto theglimmering intelligence which yet abode behind thewitheredforehead, but which no longer gazedforth upon the things of the world. Ah! that was Sit-cum-to-ha,shrillyanathematizingthe dogs as shecuffedandbeat them intotheharness. Sit-cum-to-ha was his d
aughter’s daughter, but shewastoo busy to wastea thought upon her broken grandfather,sitting alone there in the snow,forlornand helpless. Camp must be broken. The long trail waited while the short day refud tolinger. Life called her, and the duties of life, not death. And he was very clo to death now.
*greedily 贪婪地
*fade 渐渐消失
*acute 敏锐的
*penetrate 穿过,渗透
*glimmering 微光地发光的
*abode 住所,停留(可作名词,也可作动词,本⽂为动词)
*withered 尽是皱纹的,憔悴的
*gaze 凝视,注视
*"...the glimmering he world"中有两个which,第⼀个关系代词which修饰glimmering intelligence的定语从句在从句中充当主语,这个which可以⽤that替代,从句谓语是abode;第⼆个which引导⾮限制性定语从句,修饰逗号前⾯整个句⼦,在从句中充当主语,谓语是gazed。
*shrilly 尖声的,尖声地(可作形容词,也可作副词)
*anathematize 强烈谴责
*cuff 给...带上⼿铐
*beat them into 强迫(某⼈) ⼲(某事)
*harness 马具(名词),给..上挽具(也可作动词)
*too adj to do太⽽不能做...
*forlorn 被遗弃的,绝望的,孤独的
linger 徘徊,磨蹭.. refud to linger.就是拒绝磨蹭,描述很形象,拟⼈化了,表⽰时间过的很快,也暗⽰主⼈公的悲剧结果
The thought made the old manpanicky for the moment, and he stretched forth a palsiedhand whichwanderedtremblinglyoverthe smallheap ofdry wood beside him.Reassuredthat it was indeed there, his hand returned tothe shelter of hismangy furs, and he again fell to listening. Thesulkycrackling of half-frozen hides told him that the chief’smoo-skinlodgehad been struck, and even then was beingrammed andjammedinto portable compass. The chief was his son,stalwart and strong, head man of thetribesmen, and amightyhunter. As the womentoiledwith the camp luggage, his voice ro,chidingthem for their slowness. Old Koskooshstrainedhis ears. It was the last time he would hear that voice. There went Geehow’s lodge!And Tusken’s! Seven, eight, nine; only theshaman’s could be still standing. There! They were atwork upon it now. He could hear the shamangruntas hepiledit on thesled. A childwhimpered, and a womansoothed it withsoft,crooninggutt
urals. Little Koo-tee, the old man thought, afretfulchild, and not overstrong. It would die soon, perhaps, and they would burn a hole through the frozentundraand pile rocks above tokeep the wolverinesaway.Well, what did it matter? A few yearsat best,and as many an empty belly as a full one. And in the end, Death waited, ever-hungry and hungriest of them all.
*panicky 恐慌的
*palsied 颤抖的,中风的
*wander over 漫步(这⾥形容⽼⼈⾏动艰难)
*tremblingly 发抖地,颤抖地
*heap of 许多,⼤量
*reassured 再次保证,使...安⼼
*the 的庇护所,...的⼩屋
*mangy 褴褛地,脏的
*fur ⽑⽪
*sulky 阴沉的
氨茶碱的作用与副作用*moo-skin ⿅⽪
*lodge ⼩屋,住所
*ram 捣打,冲压
*jamm 挤压
*stalwart 强壮的
*tribesmen 部落成员,部落男⼦
*mighty 强有⼒的,有势⼒的
*mighty 强有⼒的,有势⼒的
*toil 艰难地进⾏
*chid 责备
*strain 使紧张(这⾥指竖起⽿朵)
*There went Geehow’s lodge!
找出路*shaman 巫师,道⼠,僧⼈
*work upon/on it 在努⼒做...
*grunt 咕噜声(可作名词,也可作动词)
*pile 堆积,积累
*sled 雪橇
*vwhimper 呜咽,啜泣(可作名词,也可作动词)
关于启示的作文*sooth 安慰
*croon 低吟,轻哼
*gutturals 喉⾳
隐隐约约的造句*fretful 焦躁的,烦躁的
*tundra 冻原,冻⼟地带
*keep the wolverines away 防范,不接近
*wolverines 密西根狼
*at best 最多,最好
What was that? Oh, the menlashingthe sleds and drawing tight thethongs. He listened, whowould listen no more. Thewhip-lashes snarledand bit among the dogs. Hear themwhine! How they hated the work and the trail! They were off! Sled after sledchurnedslowly away into the silence. They were gone. They had pasd out of his life, and he faced the last bitter hour alone. No. The snow crunched beneath amoccasin; a man stood beside him; upon his head a hand rested gently. His son was good to do this thing. He remembered other old men who sons had not waited after the tribe. But his son had. Hewandered away into the past, till the young man’s voice brought him back.
*lash 鞭打
*thong ⽪带,⽪鞭
*whip-lashe 鞭头绳
*whine 哀嚎,哀鸣
*churn 搅拌,搅动
*crunch 咯吱咯吱地踏过
*moccasin ⿅⽪鞋
*wandered away into the past 陷⼊对过去的回忆中