
更新时间:2023-06-07 13:02:56 阅读: 评论:0

1> Abrasion:     A surface imperfection that removes or displaces material characterized by its large width and length relative to its depth.
  中译: 擦破主题设计/磨损            一个表面的瑕疵。
2>Bleeding:    This defect is the discoloration created by the diffusion of coloring material through an applied coating from the substrate to the surface of the coating.
中译: 渗出                染料扩散,自底层到表层,造成表面上的瑕疵。
3    Blemish:    The change in the surface appearance due to a flaw or cosmetic defect.
中译: 污损/污点            因为一个瑕疵或外观不良而改变表面外部
4    Blister:    The raid bumps in the surface, caud by air or solvent vapors forming within or under the coating.
中译: 水泡                由于来自烤漆内部或表面的空气或溶剂气体造成表面隆起突出。创业路上
      5Blush:                  Discoloration or change in gloss, generally
                                appearing at the gates, abrupt thickness
                                changes or other structures along flow pat.
      中译: 异色                通常发生在射出进料口、肉厚突然缩减、
6Bubble:    A gas pocket in a plastic molded part. For a coating, it is the same as blister.
中译: 气泡                一个气体包覆(中空)在塑料件上,对烤漆
7Burn Mark:    A condition where supper-heated trapped air in the cavity heats or burns the surface of the plastic part.
中译: 焦痕
8Burr:    This defect appears as a rough or sharp edge on metal after it has been cast, cut, drilled, stamped, and so forth. Burrs will usually snag or tear a cleaning cloth.
中译: 毛边()            在材料经过铸造、切割、钻孔、冲压等等外观形成一个粗糙或锐利边缘,毛边总是会刺穿或扯裂整齐的衣物。
9Chip:     This defect is defined as the loss of adhesion and the removal usually in small fragments, of the surface coating resulting from impact by hard objects.  Sometimes it is also known as Mar, Ding or Nick.
中译: 漆屑                因为烤漆表面受到硬质物体压迫,产生小碎片,失去附着力而剥落,如损坏、压印或刻痕。
10Crack:    A thin break (splitting) in the coating or plastic material or sheet-metal.
中译: 裂痕/裂缝          在烤漆或塑料或钣件上,一条细薄破裂(拉裂)
11Crater:    This type of defect is characterized by a cup-shaped depression or cavity in the coated surface. Sometimes confud with pinholes, craters begin as blisters with the depression formed as the gas forming the blister escapes before surface hardening.
中译: 气孔                这不良形态特征,是在烤漆表面上,有一个杯形洼地或洞穴形状。有时候会跟针孔混淆。气孔的形成就像水泡,在烤漆表面硬化之前,气体从水泡中逸出而形成。
12Color Variance:    A difference in hue or color from the specified color.
中译: 色差
13Contamination:    It is a condition created by foreign material becoming mixed with virgin plastic material. The contamination spots are usually black or brown in color.
中译: 污染                就是外来原料与原塑料混合掺杂一起所形成。一般污点颜色近似黑色或棕色。
14Corrosion:     This defect is caud by chemical reaction with hot humid air or any other solvent.
中译: 腐蚀                因湿热空气或任何溶剂而产生化学反应,形成不良现像。
15Crazing:     This defect is noticeable in surface coatings by slight break in the coating that do not penetrate through to the substrate or a previously applied coating.
中译: 烧裂                烤漆表面上细微裂痕女导游
16金色田野Dent:     A surface depression caud by a blow or pressure from another object. Dents have no characteristic size or shape.
中译: 凹痕                来自另一个物体的捶击或挤压造成一个表面洼地。凹痕没有特定的大小或形状。
17Ding:     An impression or depression formed on the surface with impact from another hard object.
中译: 压印                来自其它硬物的碰撞,在表面上形成一个压痕。
18Die Mark:    This type of defect is an indentation, depression, or line that occurs in the same location of every part due to a damaged die, mold, tool and so forth.
中译: 模痕                不良形态像是一个压痕、凹陷洼地、线状。因为冲模、铸模、工具等等损坏,而发生在每个零件的相同位置。
19Dirt: 人不可貌相的意思    This defect often appears in the form of irregularly distributed dust particles, usually appearing burnt and black. The particles generally have no common shape or size and may appear long in shape much like tiny hairs. Particles that are 15-20 mils in diameter can usually be felt.
房谋杜断中译污秽/灰尘          时常呈现不规则分布灰尘微粒,总是显现焦黑。这些微粒没有共同形状或大小             
20Ejector Mark形容雨大的成语:     This defect is found in compression molded parts. It is caud by distorted the mold ejector pin and leaves a scar on the part.
中译: 冲头压印            不良常见于冲压件。                        它是模具冲头歪曲,在零件上所留下伤痕。。
21Fracture:     This defect is characterized by a tear, paration, or pulling apart of metal. A fracture is generally found at corners or wherever sharp radii are located.

本文发布于:2023-06-07 13:02:56,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:表面   造成   烤漆   形成   洼地   损坏   微粒   气体
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