VRB Coil tolerance
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1 目的 purpo
描写清晨的句子It clearly defines coil bending machine fabrication tolerance of coil after bending for the purpo of meeting product installation, inspection and asmbly requirement.
2 范围 scope
It applies to coil geometrical dimension check of the coils bended by coil bending machine of our workshop.
3 蛇形管排弯管机蛇形管的制造公差fabrication tolerance of coil made by coil bending machine
由蛇形管排弯管机弯制的蛇形管排制造公差由下图确定:fabrication tolerance of coil made by coil bending machine is determined by below drawing:
图1 drawing 1
图2 (图中未注公差见图1)
形容气势大的成语Drawing 2(tolerance not indicated, plea e drawing 1)
Drawing 3(tolerance not indicated, plea e drawing 1)
1, 除非特别说明,所有原图中未标注公差为±12mm,角度公差为±1°,蛇形管排平面度
Except as otherwi described, all the not indicated tolerances in the drawing are ±12mm,angle tolerances are ±1°, coil plane degree shall not exceed 4mm for each 300mm, and maximum shall not exceed 12mm.
2, 所有公差不得累积。All tolerance shall not be accumulated.
3, 所有公差的公称尺寸见图纸所标。The nominal dimensions for all tolerances plea e drawing indication.
4, 蛇形管排弯头处有铸件支承件时,图中所示铸件的位置公差必须保证,必要时在公差允许范围内通过调整蛇形管排几何尺寸来实现。If there is casting support at coil elbow, then the location of casting indicated in the drawing must be in the tolerance, if necessary, it can be realized by adjusting coil geometrical dimension within tolerance range.