葡萄糖结构简式1. The old English age is from 450-1066. It started with Anglo-Saxon entered Britain and ended with the Normans conquered England. The main form is epic, poem and pro. The main work is 混合硬盘Beowulf.
2. The medieval literature period is from 1066-1400. This period started with Norman Conquest in 1066 by William and ended with the death of Chaucer. The main literature forms in this period are romance, legends, ballads and allegory. The most famous work is Sir. Gawain and the Green Knight. The outstanding writer is Chaucer and his masterpiece is the Canterbury Tales.
3. The Elizabethan age began with the ascension of the Queen in 1588 and ended in 1625. Poetry, drama and pro bloomed. During this period, Spenr came out The Faerie Queene and Sidney wrote sonnet-Apology for Poetrie. Shakespeare was the most famous writer in this period and he wrote a lot of famous dramas and sonnets. Bacon’s essay deal with subjects such as truth, love, envy, high position, good nature and so on. Humanism and renaissance are the literature features in this period.
4. The 17th century began with King James 1 came to throne in 1603 and ended with the glorious revolution in 1688. This period under discussion was one of transition, chaos and great perplexity. This led to the attempt to ek certainty and intellectual harmony on the one hand and to address the question of values through violence and xuality. During this period, there are many famous writers and masterpieces, such as Donne and The Flea, Milton and The Paradi Lost. Dryden and All for Love, who was called as “the father of English criticism”.
5. The 18th不在其位不谋其政 century mainly contains the classic age and 18塔式起重机安全规程th century fiction from 1660-1798. The 18th century valued balance, middle things, reason, and common n. “We” “submit” and “reasonableness” are the key words of this period. During this period, the main literature genre was novel, poem, and elegy, etc. Typical writers are Pope, Gray, Swift, Defoe, etc.
6. The romantic period is from 1798-1832. It began with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads and ended with Scott’s death. The main literature feature was enthusiasm, intuition, admire, inspiration and exotic. Typical writers were Wordsworth, Coleridge, Scott, Byron, Keats, etc. 魔女之家
wps下划线7. The Victorian period started from 1832 to 1901, the years of Queen Victorian on her throne. In this period, the literature genre was novel, pro, drama and poem. The features of this period are responsibility, honesty and utilitarianism. Typical writes are Carlyle, Mill, Dickens, George Eliot, etc.
8. The 20th century period began in 1901, when Queen Victorian died. Literature genre was novel, poetry and drama. Literature features were the n of fragmentation, dislocation, disjunction, n of alienation. The form of stream of consciousness and imagism are prevalent. The typical writers are Virginia Woolf, T. S. Eliot, etc.