毕 业 论 文
题 目: Return to Nature – On the Conflict between
食用明胶 Nature and Civilization in Wuthering
学 院: 外国语学院
Emily Bront啊字组词ë is离子共存问题 a brilliant writer in Victorian Age. In her short life, she writes only one novel孕妇可以吃田螺吗, Wuthering Heights, which has become a worldwide classic for its enduring interest
and wide popularity. However, the novel is ignored by the readers and critics of the Victorian Age. It is not until the 20th century that the true value of the novel is discovered. As time passes by, her novel has gained more and more attention. Throughout the hundred years the scholars have attained remarkable achievement怎么团购s from diffident points of view, such as themes, narrative skills, writing style, language, feminism and ecocriticism. This paper tries to apply symbolism to analyze the relation between nature and civilization, which are fighting with each other. But the violation of civilization and the death of nature are responsible for the tragedy of Heathcliff and Catherine. The novel mirrors the root of tragedy of human and akes people to return to nature.
In this novel Brontë builds Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, which are the tokens of nature and civilization respectively. She condens the contradiction of the Victorian Age into the story of the two families. The paper is built around the fate of Catherine. It studies the symbolic meanings of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. Catherine is the conjunction of nature and civilization and the conflict of them is vividly shown in her. The alienation, loss and return of Catherine indicates that civilization 微信公众账号平台
repress the nature of human and man should return and comply to nature.
Key words: nature; civilization; Catherine; Heathcliff; symbolism