心理辅导课程Unit 3 Alienation and the Internet
Words and Expressions
1. given: prep. when you consider sth. 考虑到,如果 adj. 假设的,特定的
e.g. Given his age (= considering how old he is), he’s remarkably active.
Given her interest in children, teaching ems the right job for her.
given that: conj. 假定,考虑到
e.g. It was surprising the government was re-elected, given that they had raid taxes so much.
given: a. fixed for a purpo and stated as such
e.g. They were to meet at a given time and place.
2. equivalent: n. sth. equal in value, measure, force, effect or significance 相等物
Comparison: equivalent (of/to sth.)
e.g. The dress cost the equivalent of a week’s salary.
What is the equivalent of fifty pounds in US dollars?
equivalent: a. equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc. 相等的
Comparison: equivalent (to sth.)
e.g. Eight kilometers is roughly equivalent to five miles.
3. dramatically: ad. suddenly and noticeably 戏剧性地,引人注目地
e.g. Prices have fallen dramatically.
Events could have developed in a dramatically different way.
Derivation: dramatic a.
e.g. a dramatic increa/fall/change/improvement
dramatic results/developments/news
4. alter: v. become different; make sb./sth. different 改变,更改
e.g. He had altered so much that I scarcely recognized him.
Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame.
The landscape has been radically altered, verely damaging wildlife.
alteration: n. a change to sth. that makes it different 交互,轮流,变换
e.g. They are making major/minor alterationsdated to the hou.
5. further: v. help forward 促进,推动
e.g. Additional training is probably the best way to further your career the days.
The interests of an organization will never be furthered through acts of terrorism.
6. fragment: v. break into parts or small pieces 使破碎,分裂 /frag’ment/
e.g. The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the Earth’s atmosphere.
The government is planning to fragment the industry before privatizing it.
fragment: n. a small part of sth. that has broken off or comes from sth. Larger
e.g. Police found fragments of glass near the scene.
I overheard a fragment of their conversation.
Note that when the same form is ud as a noun, the stress shifts to the first syllable.
fragmentation n. 分裂
e.g. the fragmentation of the country into small independent states
fragmented a. 成碎片的,片段的
e.g. a fragmented society
7. alienate: v. cau sb. to feel very distant from or not welcome to sb. el 使疏远,离间,麻木
e.g. She was alienated from her brother by her foolish behavior.
All the changes to the newspaper have alienated康乃馨怎么养 its traditional readers.
alien: a. & n. 外国的,陌生的;外星人
e.g. In a world that had suddenly become alien and dangerous, he was her only curity.
aliens from outer space (n.)
alienation: n. 疏远,离间,[哲]异化
e.g. The new policy resulted in the alienation of many voters.
Many immigrants suffer from a n of 缺铁性贫血怎么治疗alienation.
8. addicted: a. being dependent on sth. and wanting to spend as much time doing it as possible
be addicted to sth.
e.g. Some youngsters are hopelessly addicted to video games.
She’s become addicted to love stories.
addiction: n. 沉溺,上瘾
e.g. He is now fighting his addiction to alcohol.
addictive: a. 使人上瘾的
e.g. Heroin is highly addictive.
9. alcoholic: n. sb. who cannot stop drinking large amounts of alcohol, even when this is making him/her ill 酗酒者
留学出国Word Formation:
-aholic: (suffix in nouns) liking sth. very much and unable to stop doing or using it
赠与协议e.g. shopaholic; chocaholic; workaholic 购物狂;巧克力迷;工作狂
10. in that: conj. (formal) for the reason that; becau 因为
e.g. She was fortunate in that she had friends to help her.
Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speak.
The news was all the more reliable in that it was from an official source.
11. be given to: (formal) so sth. often or regularly
e.g. The evidence against him was overwhelming.
She had the almost overwhelming desire to tell him the truth.
be given to sth. / doing sth.
e.g. He is given to heavy drinking.
He is given to going for long walk on his own.