澳大利亚(Australia)国土辽阔,物产丰富,是全球土地面积第六大的国家,国土面积比整个西欧大一半。 Australia has a vast land and rich resources, is the world's sixth largest country in land area, and its land area is half larger than the whole of Western Europe. 澳大利亚也是南半球经济最发达的国家,是全球第四大农业出口国,也是多种矿产出口量全球第一的国家。 Australia is the most economically developed countries in southern hemisphere, is the world's fourth largest agricultural exporter, and the world's first multi-mineral export countries. 澳大利亚是一个移民国家,奉行多元文化,苍茫的意思20%的居民出生在澳大利亚以外的国家和地区。 Australia is a nation of immigrants, pursuing multi-cultural, 20% of the population born in countries outside Australia. 澳大利亚也是一个体育强国,是全球多项体育盛事的常年举办国。 Australia is also a powerful sports country, numbers of annual sports events were held in this country. 澳大利亚(Australia)国土辽阔,物产丰富,是全球土地面积第六大的国家,国土面积比整个西欧大一半。澳大利亚也是南半球经济最发达的国家,是全球第四大农业出口国,也是多种矿产出口量全球第一的国家。澳大利亚是一个移民国家,奉行多元文化,20%的居民出生在澳大利亚以外的国家和地区。澳大利亚也是一个体育强国,是全球多项体育盛事的常年举办国。
国家象征 National Symbols
国旗:旗地为深蓝色,国旗的左上角为英国国旗图案,表明澳大利亚与英国的传统关系。 National Flag: The flag is dark blue, upper left corner of the flag for the British flag, that the traditional relations between Australia and the United Kingdom. 下面为一颗较大的白色七角星,象征组成澳大利亚联邦的六个州和联邦政府 。黄台山 The following is a large whit
e ven-pointed star, symbol of the composition of Australia's six states and the federal the federal government . 旗的右边为五颗白色的星,其中一颗小星为五角,其余均为七角。 Flag on the right for the five white stars, one for the Pentagon a little star, and the remaining ven were angle. 五颗小星代表南十字星座(在澳大利亚看得最清楚的星座)。 5 Little Star on behalf of the Southern Cross constellation (en most clearly in Australia's constellation). 这是1903年从三万多个作品中选出来的。 This is 1903, lected from more than 30,000 works out.
国徽:澳大利亚国徽上的图案分别代表联邦各州: National Emblem: Australian coat of arms of the pattern reprenting the federal states:
白地上红色圣乔治十字和金狮代表新南威尔士州山东煎饼怎么吃 ; White Lion ground red St. George's Cross and reprentatives of New South Wales ;
蓝地白星和金冠代表维多利亚州 ; Blue to White Star and Golden Crown on behalf of Victoria ;
白地马耳他十字和王冠代表昆士兰州 ; White Malte cross and the crown on behalf of Queensland ;
黄地黑、白两色伯劳鸟代表南澳大利亚州 ; Yellow to black, and white shrike on behalf of South Australia ;
黄地黑天鹅代表西澳大利亚州 ; Yellow to black swan on behalf of Western Australia ;
白地红狮代表塔斯马尼亚州。 White lion on behalf of Tasmania state.
国徽上方是一个蓝、白相间的花环和一颗七角星;国徽两侧各有一只袋鼠和鸸鹋站在绿色桉树枝上,代表澳大利亚特有的珍稀动物。 Emblem at the top is a blue and white garlands and a ven-pointed star; emblem on each side of a kangaroos and emus stand green eucalyptus branches, reprenting rare animals unique to Australia. 一丛丛黄、绿两色的金合欢(澳大利亚的国花 )含苞怒放,花团锦簇,展示了南半球四季常青的迷人景象。 Patches of yellow and green color Acacia (Australian flower ) bud in full bloom, flowers, evergreen southern hemisphere show the beautiful scene.
Anthem : "Australia, progress" (Advance Australia Fair)
国庆日: 1月26日 ( 1788年 ) National Day: January 26 ( 1788 )
国花: 金合欢 (Golden wattle, 拉丁文学名:Acacia pycnantha) Flower: Acacia (Golden wattle, Latin Literature Name: Acacia pycnantha)
澳大利亚的国树是桉树 ;国宝是考拉,考拉虽然又被称为护理大专“树袋熊”、“可拉熊”、“无尾熊”、“树懒熊”,但它并不是熊科动物。 Australia's national tree is the eucalyptus ; national treasure is the Koala, Koala though also known as the "Koala", "could pull Bear", "koala bear", "sloth bear," but it does not bear species have . 而且它们相差甚远,熊科属于食肉目,考拉却属于有袋目; 国鸟是琴鸟 ,似野鸡,常在陆地行走。 And they are very different, Bear Branch are carnivores, they are marsupials prent Koala; the national bird is a lyrebird , like pheasant, often walking in the land. 雄鸟有一条华美无比的琴形尾,并以尾羽开屏的壮观而闻名。 Males have a gorgeous, the piano-shaped tail, and in the tail is famous for spectacular opening screen. 琴鸟的尾羽与希腊的一种七弦琴极为相似,因故得名。 Lyrebird feathers and Greece is very similar to a lyre, for so
me reason named. 它不仅美丽动人,还能模仿其它动物的叫声,声音十分宛转动听。 It is not only beautiful, but also imitate the calls of other animals, sounds very Wanzhuan pleasant.
国歌:《澳大利亚,前进》(Advance Australia Fair)
国花:金合欢 (Golden wattle, 拉丁文学名:Acacia pycnantha)
1. Tourism is one of Australia's fastest growing industries. 华蟾胶囊Over the past 10 years, the number of overas visitors to Australia is rising, but still only about a quarter of Australian tourism output, domestic tourists is still the dominant power. Australia has rich tourism resources and attractions ,the famous tourist city with Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane布里斯班.Adelaide阿德雷德, Perth炫彩字体珀斯, the Great Barrier Reef大堡礁, Australia Gold Coast 黄金海岸and Darwin . This picture has show some Viewpoints in Australia, if you want to Taste more Mystery things about Australia, plea listen carefully, my Partner will give you a Detailed Explain.