拌腐竹Childhood: Shirley Temple懵懂童年:秀兰·邓波儿
Before the ageof 10, Shirley Temple enjoyed four years as the top box-office draw in America, earning an unprecedented $50, 000 per film from 20th Century Fox in the late 1930s. She gave definition to the term child star, which was the title of her autobiography. 不到10岁的秀兰·邓波儿在长达四年的时间里一直是最有票房号召力的明星。20世纪30年代晚期, 她在20世纪福克斯公司(20th Century Fox)每部电影中的片酬达到史无前例的5万美元。她定义了“童星”一词,而这也是她自传的书名。
But early successoften comes with the costof devoting your childhood to hardworkrather than play. Temple acted in four films a year at an age when ordinary children swing in the playground and master cursive writing. 但过早的成功往往伴随着把童年奉献给辛苦工作、而不是玩耍的代价。在普通孩子四处游玩和涂鸦的年纪,邓波儿每年就要参演4部电影。
"The early young chargers are willing to sacrifice freedom and choice at a young age, "says
呼伦贝尔特产BruceTulgan, New Haven-bad consultant and authorof It's Okay to Be the Boss. "They putin a huge amount of time and energy in a focud pursuit at a very young age." “年少的冲锋者们愿意在年纪轻轻时就牺牲了自由和选择,”位于纽黑文市的咨询顾问、《像个老板样》(It's Okay to Be the Boss)的作者布鲁斯·塔尔干说。“他们在年幼时就把大把的时间和精力投入到专心致志的追求中。
”AlthoughTemple retired from movie-making at age 22, that early sacrifice gave her the platform and name recognition to become active in politics, rve on corporate boards, and fill the role of U.S. ambassador to Czechoslovakia during the administration of President George H.W. Bush. 虽然邓波儿在22岁时息影,但早年的那种牺牲为她提供了平台和知名度,使她得以活跃于政坛,担任公司董事,成为老布什执政时期美国驻捷克斯洛伐克的大使。
20-something: Jackie Joyner-Kere双十年华:杰西·乔伊娜·柯西"
Success for me is never quite completed," says Jackie Joyner-Kere, a six-time Olympic medalist and Sports Illustrated's pick for the Greatest Female Athlete of the 20th Century.
"Thereare successful moments from the standpointof the goals I t and was able to reach. That doesn't mean the work is done." “对我而言,成功永无止境,”杰西·乔伊娜·柯西说。她六夺奥运会奖牌,被《体育画报》(SportsIllustrated)评为“20世纪最杰出的女运动员”。“我设定了很多目标,也实现了很多目标。站在这个立场上来说,我取得了很多次成功。但这并不意味着我该做的都做完了。”
At 24 years old, Joyner-Kere became the first woman to break 7,000 points in the 1986 Goodwill Games in Moscow. The challenge was not only in physically being able to master all ventrack and field events, but also in standing up to the mental pressure. Since then, Joyner-Kerecontinues to t new goals, in her community work and personal relationships.24岁时,乔伊娜·柯西在1986年墨西哥友好运动会(Goodwill Games)上成为首位突破7,000分的女性。挑战不仅在于从体力上征服七项全能,还在于顶住精神压力。此后,乔伊娜·柯西继续在社区工作和个人爱情方面给自己设定新的目标。
"You're always looking for new challenges.You're always looking at what's going to be the next roadblock. It's tho roadblocks that help me get up in the morning and keep workin
火箭推进剂g every day," she says. "If you have nothing to work for, you're asleep all day." “我总是在寻找新的挑战。我总是把目光对准下一个障碍。正是这些障碍督促着我每天早上醒来继续奋斗,”她说。“如果无所事事,就会整天昏昏欲睡。
柠檬水解酒吗”A relentless pursuitof progress is typicalof people who become and stay successful, says Richard St. John, author of The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common. Such achievers must maintain that drive. "The ones who are successful throughout life don't change. They stay thesame," he says. "If you're following your passion, keep following it." 《成功人士共有的8个特征》(The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common)一书的作者理查德·约翰说,对进步的不懈追求是获得成功、保持成功的重要因素。这些成功人士必定保持了那种进取精神。 “在整个生命中取得成功的人从来不曾改变。他们始终如一,”他说。“如果你正在追求自己的爱好,那就不懈地追求下去。
A boy found an eagle's egg and he put it in the nest of a prairie chicken. The eagle hatched and thought he was a chicken. He grew up doing what prairie chicken do-scratch
ing at the dirt for food and flying short distances with a noisy fluttering of wings. It was a dreary life. Gradually the eagle grew older and bitter. One day he and his prairie chicken friend saw a beautiful bird soaring on the currents of air, high above the mountains.
"Oh, I wish I could fly like that!" said the eagle. The chicken replied, "Don't give it another thought. That's the mighty eagle, the king of all birds-you could never be like him!" And the eagle didn't give it another thought. He went on cackling and complaining about life. He died thinking he was a prairie chicken. My friends, you too were born an eagle. The Creator intended you to be an eagle, so don’t listen to the prairie chickens!