Key Words and Expressions of each chapter
Chapter 1
National flag (the red five-star flag) 重阳节手抄报简单又漂亮国旗(五星红旗)
National Anthem (March of the Volunteers) 国歌(义勇军进行曲)
National Emblem 国徽
Constitution 宪法
the Opium War 鸦片战争
autonomous regions 自治区
the descendants of Yan and Huang 炎黄子孙
怎么pingminority (ethnic) groups 少数民族
The family planning policy 行政诉讼案由计划生育政策
PRC(People's Republic of China) 中华人民共和国
CPC(Communist Party of China) 中国共产党
NPC(the National People's Congress) 全国人民代表大会
CPPCC(Chine People's Political Consultative Conference) 中国人民政治协商会议
SAR(Special Administrative Region) 特别行政区
Chapter 2
a hundred schools of thought contend 百家争鸣
The philosophy in pre-Qin times 先秦子学
The orthodox philosophy during the Han dynasty 两汉经学
Metaphysics during the Wei and Jin dynasties 魏晋玄学
The Buddhist philosophy during the Sui and Tang dynasty 隋唐佛学
Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming dynasties 宋明理学
Application philosophy in the Ming and Qing dynasties 明清实学
Confucius and Mencius 孔孟
Benevolence and justice, allegiance and forbearance 仁义忠恕
The doctrine of the golden mean 中庸之道
Non-action 无为
论文英文字体Three profound studies 三玄
The Three Pure Gods 三清
Eight Taoist Immortals 八仙
Samsara 轮回
The doctrine of Four Noble Truth 四谛
The Eight-Fold Path 八正道
Mosque 清真寺
Chapter 4
The al form 篆书
The official form 隶书
The cursive form 草书
The regular form 楷书
The running form 行书
The running regular form 行楷
The running cursive form 行草
ink-wash painting 水墨画
Wood-cut block print 木刻版画
Four treasures of the study 文房四宝
"singing, recitation, acting, and acrobatic fighting" 唱、念、做、打
Chapter 6
The compass vehicle 指南车
Bamboo slips 竹简
Traditional Chine medicine 传统中药
Practitioners of traditional medicine 传统医学从业者
Listening, smelling, inquiring and obrving, and feeling the pul 望闻问切
The Five-Animal Exercis 五禽戏
Compendium of Materia Medica 本草纲目
five-stroke code computer input method 五笔输入法
Goldbach's Conjecture 哥德巴赫猜想
hybrid rice 杂交稻
aircraft carrier 航空母舰
Chapter 8
Spring Festival 春节
The Cowherd and Weaver Maid 牛郎和织女
Lantern Festival 元宵节
Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
Double Ninth Festival 重阳节
the Double Seventh Festival 七夕
Eight-Treasure Porridge 八宝粥
Water Splashing Festival 泼水节
Chapter 9
Eight regional cuisines 八大菜系
green tea 绿茶
black tea 红茶
compresd tea 砖茶
scented tea 花茶
drinkers' wager game 酒令
asonings 调味品;作料
drink first to show respect 先干为敬我和谁过一天作文300字
arm-crosd wine 交杯酒
Chapter 11
The Imperial Palace (the Forbidden City) 故宫(紫禁城)
Beijing quadrangles 北京什刹海
Shanxi cave dwellings 陕西窑洞
Hakka castle-like dwellings 客家土楼
Dai bamboo hou 傣族竹楼
Stone chamber 雕舫
Mongolian yurts 蒙古包
the stone arch bridge 石拱桥
the zigzag bridge 曲桥
the pavilion bridge 亭桥