vary中英对照(Vary chine-english control)
Global Switches (Global lighting switch Settings)
Materials (material) Reflection/Refraction
Max Depth (maximum Depth) 2 Max Transp. Level (maximum transparent Level) 50
Transp. Cutoff (transparent termination value) 0.001 Maps (tie diagram) Filter Maps (Filter Maps)
Glossy Effects (Glossy effect) Override materials
Indirect Illumination (Indirect Illumination) Don't render final image (not render the final image)
Raytracing (light tracking) Secondary ray bias 0
Render (Render) Batch Render (Batch rendering) Low thread priority (Low thread priority)
Show progress window (display step window)柔韧性训练
显卡温度高Lighting (Lighting) Hidden Lights
Default Lights (Shadows) Show GI Only (Only global lighting)
Gamma Correction (Gamma Correction) Output (export) 2.2 Input (import) 2.2 L
Correct RGB (fixed trichromatic) Correct LDR Textures (fixed LDR material)
System (System tting)
Raycaster Params (ray tracing parameters)
Max Depth (maximum Depth) 60 Min Leaf (minimum leaves) 0
Face/Level (Level/Level) 2 Mem Limit (Limit) 400
Distributed Rendering (Distributed Rendering Settings)
Distributed Rendering (Distributed Rendering) Settings
Region Division (area Division) Width 48 Height (Height) 48
Means: Region W/H (area width/height)
Sequence: Triangulation (Triangulation)
Rever Sequence
Camera (Camera tting)
Default Camera (Default Camera)
Type (Type) : Standard (Standard)
Height (Height) 400 Delta (depth) 2
Override FOV (view) 45 Auto Fit Curve (automatic Fit Curve) 1
Physical Camera (Physical Camera) On
Type: Still camera (Still camera)
Override Focal Length (Focal Length) 40
Shutter speed 125 Film Width (Width) 36 (vector true) 0
Shutter Angle (Shutter Angle) 180 Zoom (Zoom) 1 Lens shift (focal length move) 0居住区设计
Shutter offt (Shutter displacement) 0 f-number (focal length) 11 White balance (White balance)
Latency (latent) 0 Film speed (ISO) (ISO) 125
Exposure (Exposure) Vignetting
Depth of Field On (open)
Aperture 0.
1 Sides (gments) 5 Rotation (Rotation) 0
Center Bias (Center deviation) 0 Anisotropy (anisotropic) 0 Subdivs (subdivision) 6
Override Focal Dist. (Focal length) 200
Motion Blur (Motion Blur)
Duration (Duration) 1 Interval Center (Interval Center) 0.5 Subdivs (subdivision) 6
Bias (offt) 0 Geometry samples 2
强力脑清素片Output (export Settings)
Output Size (export Size)
Override Viewport (alternative window)
Width: 320640x48/1024x768/1600x1200
Height (high) 240 800x600/1280x960/2048x1536
Image Aspect (Image ratio) 1.3333 L Pixel Aspect (Pixel) 1 L
Render Output (Render export) Save file
V-ray Raw Image File (the special Raw Image File for VRay)
Render to VRImage (rendering to VRay image)
Animation (Animation) On (open)
Frame Rate (Frame Rate) NTSC/PAL/Film (movie)/Custom (Custom) FPS (Frame) 30
Environment (Environment tting)
(Skylight) 1 M Reflection (Reflection) 1 M
Background 1 M Refraction 1 M
Image Sampler (Image sampling tting)韩国泡菜
Image Sampler
Fixed Rate (Fixed gmentation)
Subdivs (subdivision) 1
Adaptive QMC (Adaptive quasimonte carlo)
Min Subdivs (minimum subdivision) 1 Max Subdivs (maximum gmentation) 16
Adaptive Subdivision (Adaptive Subdivision)
Min Rate (minimum ratio) - 1 Max Rate (maximum ratio) 2 Threshold (limit value) 0.1 Normaks (normals) 0.1
Antialiasing filter (edge anti-tooth saw filter)
(open) Area: Size 1.5
QMC Sampler (quasi monte carlo sampling tup)
小狗钱钱2QMC Sampler (quasimonte carlo sampling)