OUTLOOK Meeting Request
一、 使用OUTLOOK组织会议的优点 Benefits of OUTLOOK Meeting Request 2
1. 明确角色定义 Identify Characters 2
2. 过程跟踪和提醒 Keeping track and Reminder 2
二、 发送会议通知 Sending Meeting Request 3
1. 新建 Setting up 3
2. 内容填写 Filling Contents 4
3. 发送 Sending 6
4. 更新 Updating 6
三、 阅读会议通知 Receiving Meeting Request 6
1. 选择“接受”Accept 7
2. 选择“暂定”Tentative 8
3. 选择“谢绝”Decline 8
四、 跟进会议响应 Track Respons 8
五、 取消会议 Canceling Meeting Request 9
六、 提醒及查看 Reminder and Check 9
一、 使用OUTLOOK组织会议的优点 Benefits of OUTLOOK Meeting Request
1. 明确角色定义 Identify Characters
会议需要有三个基本元素:会议组织人员、会议参加人员以及会议召开地点。OUTLOOK可以将这些元素有效地组合在一起。在 OUTLOOK 会议中,每个涉及的人员都担当一个独实习单位接收函
A successful meeting requires three basic components: an organizer, participants, and a location. In an Outlook meeting each person involved has a distinct role that dictates what that person does and the amount of control he or she has.
i. 会议组织者 任何建立会议的人员都会成为会议组织者。组织者是唯一可以在会议建立后更改会议详细信息的人员。
Meeting organizer Whoever ts up a meeting becomes the meeting organizer. The organizer is the only person who can change the meeting details once it has been t up.
ii. 与会者 受邀参加会议的任何人都被视为与会者。与会者有两种类别:必选的与会者和可选的与会者。
Attendee Anyone who is invited to the meeting is considered an attendee. There are two categories of attendee: required and optional.
iii. 地点/资源 会议的召开场所为地点,有时称为“资源”。
Location/Resource The place the meeting will occur is the location, sometimes referred to as resource.
2. 过程跟踪和提醒 Keeping track and Reminder
如果你工作中的各种会议非常的多,又担心会忘掉,不妨使用OUTLOOK2003进行安排和提醒。会议组织者向与会者发送会议要求, 要求会被发送到与会者的“收件箱”和“日历”。响应返回给会议组织者。OUTLOOK 2003会使用“收件箱”和“日历”跟踪详细信息。当这些详细信息更改时,只需单击一次按钮就可以一次为所有人进行更新。
Learn how to t up meetings through OUTLOOK 2003 and be an effective and considerate attendee when some one has invited you to a meeting. The attendee will get the meeting request in his 〝inbox〞and 〝calendar〞after the meeting organizer nding the quest and then the feedback to organizer accordingly. You can change any aspect of the meeting, at any time, after the meeting request has been nt. To do this, first you would make your changes in the meeting request in your calendar, and then you
would nd an update to the people who need to know about the change by clicking the 根号的运算法则〝Send Update〞button.
二、 发送会议通知 Sending Meeting Request
1. 新建 Setting up
On the 〝File〞menu, click 〝Create〞and then choo 〝Meeting Request〞
This method gives you a blank slate for the meeting
2. 内容填写 Filling Contents
i. “收件人”栏:填写参会人员邮件地址;为您的会议添加与会者的最佳方法是使用通讯簿,从“选择与会者及资源”对话框,可以轻松地访问通讯簿。选择 “计划”→“添加其他人”→“添加自通讯薄”。如下:
〝Receiver〞Box: Filling in the attendees’ email address. The best way to add attendees to your meeting is to u the Address Book, which you can easily get to from the 〝Select Attendees and Resources dialog box样品管理〞.
ii. “主题”栏:填写会议主题;
〝Subject〞Box: Meeting subject
iii. “地点”栏:填写会议地点;
〝Location〞Box: Meeting location
《为学》原文iv. “标签”栏:提供了不同的会议类型供选择,如商务、个人等;
〝Label〞Box: Providing various type of meeting to choo, such as business, personal and etc.
v. “开始时间”及“结束时间”栏:填写会议的起止时间;
〝Start time〞and 〝End time〞Box: Meeting time