投资办厂加盟To quit or not to quit: Understanding turnover intention from the perspective of ethical climate 期刊名称: Personnel Review铁蹄
作者: Joe, Sheng-Wuu,Hung, Wei-Ting,Chiu, Chou-Kang,Lin, Chieh-Peng,Hsu, Ya-Chu
作者机构: Vanung Univ,Natl Taichung Univ Educ,Natl Chiao Tung Univ
年份: 2018年
励志寄语简短>数据分析怎么做期号: 第5期
鹿的四字成语关键词: Quantitative;Ethics;Social identity;Organizational identification;Human resource management;Turnover;Ethical climate;
生态艺术摘要:Purpo - To deepen our understanding about the development of turnover intention, the purpo of this paper is to develop a model that explains how ethical climate influences turnover intention bad on the ethical climate theory and social identity theory.