Enamel technology has been introduced into China for hundreds of years, and has been integrated i
社区未成年人活动治痘nto a large number of elements of traditional Chine culture, but its artistic influence is more limited to the category of art. In view of the characteristics of the process technology, it is gradually far away from modern people's life.
In the early 1950s, Professor Lin Huiyin of Tsinghua University made great efforts to save Cloisonne technology, which was on the verge of disappearing, making the technology with excellent gene of Chine traditional culture rejuvenated. Professor Liang Sicheng further stresd: "Bauhaus once advocated that art is not a special profession. There is no difference between artists and craftsmen at all. Architecture, sculpture and painting should form a" Trinity "of environmental art, and all of them should turn to the combination with engineering." Therefore, the author believes that enamel can be integrated with interior design and display design, and become an important part of environmental art design.
Although the application range of enamel technology can be ud in interior decoration, the traditional enamel technology is mostly in the form of utensils and ornaments, which plays a decorative role in the display art, but does not fit the interior design well. Bad on the study of the basic technological characteristics of enamel, the author thinks that it has a broad prospect to expand the application of enamel. Through the analysis of some application examples of enamel tec
hnology in furniture and decoration from Ming and Qing Dynasties to today's era, we try to summarize more perfect application methods. Let interior designers combine enamel technology and interior design earlier, which can not only meet the innovation idea of interior design, but also activate the inheritance and development of enamel technology, and provide a broader innovation space for enamel technology, which is the innovation point of this paper.
Through literature rearch, we can understand the concept, technology and artistic characteristics of enamel, and analyze the methods and effects of enamel technology applied in interior design. Master the basic elements of the application of enamel components, determine the application value of enamel technology, and propo the application principles and methods of enamel technology in interior design. In view of the problems existing in the application of enamel technology at prent, it is also recognized that it is necessary to start from the synchronization of indoor and enamel design concepts and the innovation of enamel technology to overcome the difficulties faced. Through field investigation and data collection, four kinds of enamel derivative process are sorted out: cold enamel process, burnishing enamel process, low temperature enamel process, and imitation enamel plate spray painting. They have been improved in cost control and production efficiency, and are more suitable for promotion in interior design.
Through the practice of interior design, the author has successfully expanded the application scope of enamel technology to interior space components, so that it can be organically combined with various elements of interior design. It is necessary for enamel manufacturers to solve process bottlenecks, reduce production costs and improve production efficiency, so that the manufacturing process of enamel components can meet the innovation needs of the times. So that the interior designer can mobilize many design languages including enamel technology means to express the innovative concept of interior design. In particular, the effective u of traditional technology, accurately express the intention of space design, so that different materials and technology can play an appropriate and perfect role in the overall environmental art design, so as to create an ideal space with material function, spiritual function and aesthetic function.
Keywords: Interior design; Enamel technology; Cloisonne.
摘要........................................................................................................ I ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. I I 目录......................................................................................................... IV 第1章绪论 (7)
1.1选题的缘起 (7)
1.1.1 室内设计理念的创新需求 (7)
1.1.2 珐琅工艺美术的发展需求 (8)
1.2选题目的和意义 (9)
1.2.1 选题的目的 (9)
1.2.2 选题的意义 (9)
1.3存在的问题 (10)
1.4选题的创新点 (10)
1.5国内外研究现状 (11)
1.5.1 国内研究现状 (11)
1.5.2 国外研究现状 (12)
1.6研究方法 (14)
1.6.1 文献研究法 (14)
1.6.2 案例分析法 (14)
1.6.3 实地调查法 (15)
1.7论文框架 (15)
第2章珐琅的概述 (16)
2.1珐琅的定义与分类 (16)
2.2珐琅的原料 (18)
2.3珐琅的工艺流程 (19)
2.4传统珐琅的艺术特性 (21)
2.5本章小结 (24)
第3章珐琅工艺在室内装饰中的延伸 (25)
3.1明清时期室内装饰中的珐琅工艺 (25)
3.1.1 珐琅工艺在明清家具中的应用 (25)
3.1.2 珐琅工艺在明清室内装饰中的应用 (27)
3.2当代室内装饰中的珐琅工艺 (30)读后感550字
3.2.1 珐琅工艺在当代家具中的应用 (30)
3.2.2 珐琅工艺在当代装饰工程中的应用 (32)
3.3珐琅工艺在装饰设计中更多的应用 (38)
3.4本章小结 (39)
质量协议第4章珐琅工艺在当代室内设计中的应用探索 (40)
4.1基本要素 (40)
4.1.1 形态 (40)
4.1.2 纹样 (43)
4.1.3 色彩 (44)
4.1.4 工艺 (45)
4.2应用原则 (46)
4.2.1 辩证传承的原则 (46)
4.2.2 主次分明的原则 (47)
4.2.3 以人为本的原则 (47)便的多音字组词
4.2.4 与时俱进的原则 (48)
4.2.5 适度应用的原则 (49)
4.3珐琅工艺在室内设计中的应用特点 (49)
4.3.1 艺术化与个性化 (49)
4.3.2 民族化与时尚化 (50)
4.3.3 精品化和大众化 (50)
4.4珐琅工艺在室内设计中的价值评估 (50)
4.4.1 文化价值 (51)