导数题相关词汇:dilemma engage engaging engaged engagement dingage
To be brought into this world is to be in a dilemma. ⽣在这个世界就是要⾝处窘境。以engage为例来说明这个问题。
正确的洗头方法梁祝钢琴曲简谱 en-前缀表⽰"into",gage在英语中主要有两层意思,其⼀指表⽰挑战⽽扔地的⼿套或帽⼦,其⼆是指青梅或青李⼦,象征情⼈之间的信物。所以,engage 也主要有两层本意:
1、to bind onelf to get into a combat or to enter into contest with somebody.约束⾃⼰,使⾃⼰进⾏与别⼈的争⽃或竞争。
awaits 2、to bind onelf to get into a marrige.约束⾃⼰,以便与别⼈结婚。所以,engagement 是订婚的意思。既然订了,就不能随意更改。中国古语“青梅⽵马”与“gage”的第⼆层意思不谋⽽合。
我们活着,⽆⾮就是⼯作和⽣活。每个⼈都想在竞争激烈的环境中有所成就,起码不被淘汰,所以,我们总要 to be engaged into doing something.⼈⼀出⽣,就有了两难处境,想多吃奶,就得多哭;幼⼉圆⾥,想玩更多的玩具,脸上可能就会留下抓痕;想拥有四六级证书,就要忍受背单词的烦恼;如果想活下去,就得找⼯作,如果想晚上有杯啤酒,⽩天就要撅着*⼲活。从奶⼀直到⼯作,所有的东西看上去都象⼀块饵,本能的欲望促使你去咬,⼀旦咬住,也就被钓住了。对于鱼⽽⾔,意味着付出⽣命,对于⼈
⽽⾔,意味着更多的烦恼。Unless you are determined to dingaged from living in this mundane world.除⾮你下决⼼脱离这个世俗的世界,遁⼊空门。
狐狸的夏天小说 爱情和婚姻⼜何尝不是如此呢? 没有⼈不想拥有爱情和婚姻,漂亮的⼥⼈和令⼈⼼仪的男⼦是你我之所欲也,然⽽⼀旦陷⼊其中,总是爱之愈深痛之愈切。哪怕是短暂的分离也会让对⽅失魂落魄,寝不安席。⼀切的付出,所有的误会,或许最终的分⼿,都会让你痛了⼜痛、伤了⼜伤。所以佛称感情为孽障。相⽐⽽⾔,爱情的烦恼较之婚姻的烦恼要轻多了。切看下⾯⼀段话。
教的词语 The engaging(迷⼈的) smile of a beauty is like a pledge which engages a man into an engagement. And the pledge(信物) will become the man's daily and nightly preoccupation.A saint standing by may obrve:"you e the fool is entrapped now. But he has not yet bitten the bait. Although he has really licked the bait and found it tasty,he can still dingaged his mouth from it. If he swallow the bite as a whole, he will not be able to get rid of it forever." 对⽅的魅⼒是带钩的⽿,爱情只是舔了舔饵,尝了尝味道。⽽婚姻意味着将饵吞下,从此被钓住,不得脱⾝。爱情的负担是有时间期限的⼼苦,⽽婚姻的负担是⽆期的⾝⼼都苦。
If you went through life refusing all the bait dangled before you,that would be no life at all. No chang
es would be made and you would have nothing to fight against. Life would be as dull as ditchwater. you could kill yourlf by too much cunning.(如果你拒绝所有悬在眼前的饵⽽过此⼀⽣,就意味着根本没有⽣活。⽆所改变,⽆所抗争。⽣活会如⼀潭死⽔。你就会太过狡猾⽽毁了⾃⼰。) ——by Alan sillitoe Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
悲观的⼈说:成功愈多,烦恼愈多;乐观的⼈说:烦恼愈多,成功愈多。是悲观还是乐观呢?其实很简单。这个世界上要么出世,去做和尚;要么⼊世,做个俗⼈。既然不做和尚,就不妨俗的乐观⼀点,俗的彻底⼀点,俗的轰轰烈烈。积极⽽勇敢地去咬各种 tasty bait,并且坚定地付出。敢于享受,乐于承担。切记:Too much cunning kill your life.