2.显然,考虑到清理费用和对BP 声誉的影响,高管们真希望可以回到过去,多花些钱让“深水地平线”更安全。他们没有增加这笔费用就表明他们认为钻机在当时的状态下不会出问题。
3.埃克森公司瓦尔迪兹漏油事件发生后,在1990年的一个法案很少引人注意的一项条款中,美国国会将钻机泄漏清理费用的责任上限定为7500 万美元。即使对旅游业、渔业等造成的经济损失高达数十亿美元,责任方也仅需要支付7500 万美元。
电动车简笔画Lesson 2
1 It is a cliché, as it is to talk of apocalyp and nightm are, but when someth ing is beyon
d our experience, w
e reach for the points o
f refere nce we have. 说到世界末日和噩梦又是老生常谈,但是当事情超出我们的经验时,我们总会寻找现有的东西作为参照。
2 Lest you should ever forget the smalln ess of being human, the iconic Mount Fuji, instantly recognisable yet somehow differ ent on every viewin g, is an extinc t volcano. 唯恐你会忘记作为人类的渺小,标志性富士山,一眼即能认出但不知何故每次观看又呈现出不同景象,就是一座死火山。
3 It surprid me, over the follow ing months that the gas attack emed to domina te the national media covera ge, wherea s Kobe, after the initia l weeks of horrif ying footage, slippe d somewhat into the background. 在随后的几个月里,让我吃惊的是毒气攻击似乎占据了国家媒体报道的主要内容,而阪神大地震经过了最初几周骇人听闻的电视报道后,已经退居次位了。
4 Rather than immersing ourlves in the langua ge of horror filmsa nd the end of the world , when the time is rightt o try to glimps e this new territory, we might for though t reach for a book by Japan's most popula r contem porar y novelist.
活到老学到老5 But we shoul d resist the tempta tion to imagin e panick ing hordes buyin
g up all the food and fleein g the capita l as the next part of our horror narrat ive.
1. 现在,人人都知道默多克的故事是如何结束的:其雇员的所作所为引起人们强烈的反感,议会的投票结果令一个价值数十亿美元的并购行动戛然而止。这个投票结果是迄今为止人们所知最一边倒的。
2. 新闻投诉委员会及时公布了自己的调查结果:没有证据表明,“害群之马”的理论
3. 该委员会的一两位成员曾经说,他们感觉受到了恐吓,因为有人扬言,如果他们坚持这么做,国际新闻公司的记者就可能会对他们做些什么。因此,他们就没有坚持下去。
4. 2009 年11 月就业法庭认定《世界新闻报》一位前记者在库尔森手下遭受了欺凌之后判给他超过100万美元的赔偿。当时我就知道我们所选择的道路将会是多么的孤独。
苦瓜汁怎么做5. 如果舰队街的大多数同仁准备视而不见,我想我最好在别处试试,别让这故事胎死腹中,现在只有尼克还在孜孜不倦地为我们自己的报纸提供更多的故事。
Lesson 4
1 Bill Clinton was hard to miss in the autumn of 1970. He arrive d at Yale Law School lookin g more like a Viking than a Rhodes Schola r return ing from two yearsa t Oxford.. He was tall and handsome somewhere beneath that reddis h brownbeardand curlymane of hair. He also had a vitality that emed to shootout of his pores.
2 The way bill tellsthe story, he couldn’t rememb er his own name.
3 To this day, he can astonish me with the connec tions he weaves betwee n ideasand wordsand ho
w he makesit all soundlike music.
4 One of the firstthings I notice d aboutBill was the shapeof his hands. His wrists are narrow
and his finger s tapere d and deft, like thoof a pianis t or a surgeo n. When we firstmet as students, I lovedwatching him turn the papesof a book. Now his handsare showin g signsof age afterthousa nds of handsh akesand golf swings and milesof signatures. They are, like theirowner, weathe red but still expres sive, attrac tiveand resilient.
5 I still didnt know where I would live and what I would do becaus e my intere sts in childa dvocacy and civil rights didn’t dictat e a partic ular path.
6 The prospe ct of drivin g from one southe rn state to anothe r convin cing democrats both to suppor t McGove rn and to oppose Nixon’s policy in Vietna m excite d him.
7 We both had to work to pay our way through law school,on top of the studen t loans we had taken out.
Lesson 5
1.该产品对于苹果公司的营收越发重要,占当年收入的45%。同时,iPod 还带动了Ma c 系列的销售,为苹果公司塑造出时髦的企业形象。
3.但是,该系列手机既没有iPo d 迷人的简约风格,也没有刀锋系列便捷的超薄造型,它外观丑陋,下载困难,只能容纳近百首歌曲。这是典型的委员会讨论之下形成的产品,与乔布斯喜欢的工作方式相悖。
5. 把屏幕做成5英寸宽、8 英寸长,世界就是你的了。
Lesson 6
1 John Forbes Nash, Jr.---mathem atica l genius, inventor of a theory of ration al behavior, vision ary of the thinking machin e---had been sittin g with his visito r, also a mathem atician, for nearly half an hour. 小约翰•福布斯•纳什---数学天才、|理性行为理论的缔造者、预见思想机器出现的预言家---已经和来访者,也是一位数学家,共坐了将近半个小时。
2 He had been starin g dullyat a spot immediately in frontof the left foot of Harvar d professor George Mackey,hardly moving except to brushhis long dark hair away from his forehe ad in a fitful,repeti t ivemotion. 他一直目光呆滞地盯着哈佛教授乔治麦克恩左脚前方不远的地方,除了一次次重复着将垂在前额的略长的黑发拨开的动作,他几乎一动不动。
3 Over the next decade, a decade as notable for its supreme faithin humanration ality as for its dark anxiet ies aboutmankin d’s surviv al, Nash proved himlf, in the wordsof the eminen t geomet er Mikhail Gromov, “the most remark ablemathem atician of the cond half of the century”. 在未来十年,在那既以对人类理性抱有无尚信念而著称,又以对人类生存怀有无尽忧虑而闻名的十年,纳什,用知名几何学家米克哈尔格罗莫夫的话说,证明了自己是20世纪后半叶最杰出的数学家。
4 Genius, the mathem atici a n Paul Halmos wrote, “are of two kinds: the ones who are just like all of us, but very much more so, and the ones who, appare ntly, have an extrahumanspark. We can all run, and some of us can run the mile in less than 4 minute s; but thereis nothin g that most of us can do that compar es with the creation of the GreatG-minorFugue”. Nash’s geniu s was of that myster iousvariet y more oftenassociatedwith musicand are than with the oldest of all scienc es. 数学家保罗•哈莫斯写道,天才“分为两种:一种就像我们大家一样,只是更为出色;另一种则是那些明显具备超凡人类灵感的人。我们都能跑步,有些人还能在四分钟内跑完一英里;但是我们所做的一切无论如何也无法与创作出G小调赋格曲相提并论。”纳什的天分就属于那种常与音乐和艺术而非与最古老的科学紧密相连的神奇异禀。
5 Compulsively ration al, he wished to turn life’s decisions---whethe r to take the firstelevat or or wait for the next one, whereto bank his money, what job to accept, whethe r to marry---into calculation s o
f advant age and disadv antage, algorithmsor mathem atica l rulesdivorc ed from emotio n, conven tion, and tradit ion. 他具有一种难以抑制的理性,希望将生活中的决定---是搭乘第一部电梯还是等待下一部,到哪里存钱接受什么样的工作是否结婚---都转化为利弊得失的计算,转化为完全脱离感情、习俗和传统的算法法则或数学规则。
6 His remote nesswas punctu atedby flights of garrulousne ss aboutouterspaceand geopolitical trends,childish pranks,and unpredictab le eruptions of anger. But theoutbur sts were,more oftenthan not, as enigma tic as his silenc es. “He is not one of us”was a consta nt refrain. 他一贯冷漠,但一时兴起也会喋喋不休地谈论外太空和地缘政治趋势,或做出孩子般的恶作剧,或者毫无征兆地勃然大怒。这些情感的迸发总是和他的沉默一样神秘莫测。他和我们不一样。是人们常说的一句话。
正多边形定义7 Nash’s insigh t into the dynamics of humanrivalr y---his theory of ration al conflict and cooperation---was to become one of the most influe ntial ideasof the twentieth centur y, transformin g the youngscienc e of natura l lect ion, and Newton’s celest ial mechan ics reshap ed biology and physic s in theirday. 纳什对于人类竞争动态变化的洞察---他的理性竞争与合作理论---将会成为20世纪最具影响的思想理论之一.这一理论改变着新兴的经济学,其作用无异于孟德尔的基因遗传,达尔文的自然选择模式和牛顿的天体力学再造了当时的生物学和物理学。
Lesson 10
5. 一个好的理论应满足两个要求。一是它必须能够基于一个只包含少数几个任意要素的模型来准确地描述大量的人们所观察到的大量现象。二是它还必须能够对人们未来所能观察到的现象的结果加以明确的预测。
6. 事实上,要想设计出一个能够描述一切宇宙现象的理论是十分困难的。取代的办法是,我们可以把问题分割开来,进而创建一些局部理论
Lesson 11
1 Take anothe r look at thocables: They snakeinto the back of the comput er and then out again, termin ating in a cap on the monkey’s head, wherethey receiv e signals from hundreds of electr odesburied in its brain. The monkey is direct ing the robotwith its though ts. 再看看那些电缆。电缆弯弯曲曲地进入计算机后盖,然后又出来,最后到达猕猴头上的帽子里。电缆从埋在猕猴大脑里的数百个电极接收信号,猕猴用思维向机器手臂发出指令。
2 For decades scient istsh ave ponder ed, specul a tedon, and poor-poohed the possib ility of a direct interf ace betwee n a brainand a machin e---only in the late 1990sdid scient istsstart