1. Background and references
A 36-item short-form (SF-36) was constructed to survey health status in the Medical Outcomes Study (Ware & Shelbourne, 1992). The SF-36 was designed for u in clinical practice and rearch, health policy evaluations, and general population surveys. Ware and Shelbourne (1992) provide a history of the development of the SF-36, the origin of specific items, and the logic underlying their lection are summarized. [Ware JJ, Sherbourne CD. The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36). I. Conceptual framework and item lection. Medical Care 1992; 30:473-83.]
治疗烫伤Below are lected references, some with summaries or evaluation of the form and its psychometric properties.
Brazier JE, Harper R, Jones NM, O'Cathain A, Thomas KJ, Usherwood T, Westlake L. Valid
ating the SF-36 health survey questionnaire: new outcome measure for primary care. BMJ 1992; 305:160-4.
Aaronson NK, Acquadro C, Alonso J, Apolone G, Bucquet D, Bullinger M, Bungay K, Fukuhara S, Gandek B, Keller S, et al. International Quality of Life Asssment (IQOLA) Project. Quality of Life Rearch 1992; 1:349-51.
McHorney CA, Ware JJ, Raczek AE. The MOS 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36): II. Psychometric and clinical tests of validity in measuring physical and mental health constructs. Medical Care 1993; 31:247-63.生态园林城市
Cross-ctional data from the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) were analyzed to test the validity of the MOS 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) scales as measures of physical and mental health constructs. Results from traditional psychometric and clinical tests of validity were compared. Principal components analysis was ud to test for hypothesized physical and mental health dimensions. For purpos of clinical tests of validity, clinical criteria defined mutually exclusive adult patient groups differing in verity
of medical and psychiatric conditions. Scales shown in the components analysis to primarily measure physical health (physical functioning and role limitations-physical) best distinguished groups differing in verity of chronic medical condition and had the most pure physical health interpretation. Scales shown to primarily measure mental health (mental health and role limitations-emotional) best distinguished groups differing in the prence and verity of psychiatric disorders and had the most pure mental health interpretation. The social functioning, vitality, and general health perceptions scales measured both physical and mental health components and, thus, had the most complex interpretation. The results are uful in establishing guidelines for the interpretation of each scale and in documenting the size of differences between clinical groups that should be considered very large.
Garratt AM, Ruta DA, Abdalla MI, Buckingham JK, Rusll IT. The SF36 health survey questionnaire: an outcome measure suitable for routine u within the NHS? BMJ 1993; 306:1440-4.
OBJECTIVE--To asss the validity, reliability, and acceptability of the short form 36 (SF 36) health survey questionnaire (a shortened version of a battery of 149 health status questions) as a measure of patient outcome in a broad sample of patients suffering from four common clinical conditions. DESIGN--Postal questionnaire, followed up by two reminders at two week intervals. SETTING--Clinics and four training practices in north east Scotland. SUBJECTS--Over 1700 patients aged 16-86 with one of four conditions--low back pain, menorrhagia, suspected peptic ulcer, or varico veins--and a comparison sample of 900 members of the generalpopulation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--The eight scales within the SF36 health profile. RESULTS--The respon rate exceeded 75% in the patient population (1310 respondents). The SF36 satisfied rigorous psychometric criteria for validity and internal consistency. Clinical validity was shown by the distinctive profilesgenerated for each condition, each of which differed from that in the general population in a predictable manner. Furthermore, SF36 scores were lower in referred patients than in patients not referred and were cloly related to general practitioners' perceptions of verity. CONCLUSIONS--The results provide support for the SF36 as
个人手写收据格式范本a potential measure of patient outcome within the NHS. The SF36 ems acceptable to patients, internally consistent, and a valid measure of the health status of a wide range of patients. Before it can be ud in the new health rvice, however, its nsitivity to changes in health status over time must also be tested.
Hays RD, Sherbourne CD, Mazel RM.The RAND 36 Item Health Survey. Health Economics 1993; 2:217-227.
Recently, Ware and Sherbourne published a new short-form health survey, the MOS 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), consisting of 36 items included in long-form measures developed for the Medical Outcomes Study. The SF-36 taps eight health concepts: physical functioning, bodily pain, role limitations due to physical health problems, role limitations due to personal or emotional problems, general mental health, socialfunctioning, energy/fatigue, and general health perceptions. It also includes a single item that provides an indication of perceived change in health. The SF-36 items and scoring rules are distributed by MOS Trust, Inc. Strict adherence to item wording and scor
ing recommendations is required in order to u the SF-36 trademark. The RAND 36-Item Health Survey 1.0 (distributed by RAND) includes the same items as tho in the SF-36, but the recommended scoring algorithm is somewhat different from that of the SF-36. Scoring differences are discusd here and new T-scores are prented for the 8 multi-item scales and two factor analytically-derived physical and mental health composite scores. 弹性福利
7. Anderson RT, Aaronson NK, Wilkin D. Critical review of the international asssments of health-related quality of life. Quality of Life Rearch 1993; 2:369-95.
小型吸尘器This paper reviews the international adaptation and u of generic health quality of life measures over the last veral years, including the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), the Medical Outcomes Short-Form 36 (MOS SF-36), the EuroQol, and Dartmouth COOP Charts. International work with dia or condition specific HRQL measures is exemplified with the European Rearch and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ), and the Spitzer Quality of Life (QL)
模的多音字>猪腰做法Index. Progress towards cross national measurement equivalence in HRQL measures reported in the literature has been uneven. Results show that the development of language-adapted versions of HRQL measures to date have mostly concerned translation issues, within the context of independently conducted studies. Substantially less focus has been placed on psychometric equivalence across language versions necessary for coordinated international studies, such as multi-national clinical trials. However, this picture is rapidly changing with recent projects underway to develop and refine new or existing HRQL measures. Overall, the lack of prominent differences found between countries in ranking of health states in major HRQL measures supports the feasibility of developing internationally applicable HRQL instruments. Recommendations are made for additional data needed to better ascertain the degree of measurement equivalence developed in the various versions of each instrument reviewed. [References: 137]