灯笼怎么做简单又漂亮Lesson One The Middle Eastern Bazaar
又什么又3000英语Words and Expressions to Learn
bazaar, cavern, throng, din, guild, trestle table, brazier, bellows, maze, mosque, caravanrai, bale, lined oil, pulp, vat, girder, trickle, runnel, glare, stall, apprentice, vesl, axle, pulley, grunt
个人进口burnish, honeycomb, dwarf, tower, glisten, tinkle, creak, groan, squeak, rumble, shovel, penetrate, deaden, echo, yield, approach, revolve, overwhelm,
图穷匕见的意思3.Adjectives and Adverbs
harmonious, conceivable, muted, unbelievable, detailed, dimly, visible, vaulted, pulchral, rhythmically, intricate, exotic, pungent, sumptuous, disdainfully, vigorously,
countless, leisurely, ramshackle, nimble, taut, particular, innumerable, delicate, functional, strictly, massive, muscular, superb, sombre,
4.Noun Phras
gothic-arched gateway, vaulted street, would-be purchar, a dizzy height, cavern of a room, live coal, a profusion of rich colors, a sunlit courtyard, preliminary bargaining, measured tones, injustice and percution, veiled women, heat and glare
5.Verb Phras
thread one’s way, fade away, follow suit, price the item high, narrow down the choice, beat the price down, make a point of, impinge on, take a hand with, give a glimp, t…in motion,
6.Other phras
糖炒花生米的做法as far as the eye can e, at a leisurely pace, it's a point of honor, at intervals, pleasing in form
掩耳盗钟7.Cultural Background
Middle East, Gothic, Bazaar, veiled woman, Muslim,