AASHTO 美国国度公路与运输协会标准

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AASHTO 美国国家公路与运输协会标准AASHTO PMG-1-2001 路面管理指南Pavement Management Guide
AASHTO GMPC-2-2002 指导方法和程序,在合同维修Guide for Methods and Procedures in Contract Maintenance大化改新的影响
AASHTO GHOV-3-2004 指南高承载车辆(HOV )设施Guide for High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Facilities
AASHTO GDPS-4-1993 指南设计路面结构Guide for Design of Pavement Structures AASHTO GDPS-3 V2-1986 指南设计路面结构第2卷-补充-1 998年Guide for Design of Pavement Structures Volume 2-Supplement - 1998
AASHTO GDHS-5-2004 政策的几何设计的公路和街道-第五版Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets-Fifth Edition
AASHTO GDC-1-2003 准则设计constructibility -a ashto/ n sba钢桥协作-克1 2.1-2003 Guidelines for Design for Constructibility - AASHTO/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration-G 12.1-2003 AASHTO GD-2-1965 政策上的几何设计的农村公路-撤回所取代aashto老人科日间医院  A Policy on Geometric Design o
f Rural Highways-Withdrawn Replaced by AASHTO GDHS AASHTO GCPE-1996 指南订约,选拔,管理顾问公司在前期工程Guide for Contracting, Selecting, and Managing Consultants in Preconstruction Engineering
AASHTO FRBL-1-2002 交通运输投资在美国-货运铁路的底线报告Transportation Invest in America - Freight-Rail Bottom Line Report
AASHTO FHD-1-2004 指南实现的灵活性,在公路设计  A Guide to Achieving Flexibility in Highway Design
AASHTO FCAH-3-1990 信息指南剑击控制进入高速公路Informational Guide on Fencing Controlled Access Highways
AASHTO ESC-2004 aashto中心环境方面的杰出表现-最佳做法,在竞争的环境管理AASHTO Center for Environmental Excellence - Best Practices in Environmental Stewardship Competition AASHTO EMCP-1992 评价和维修混凝土路面Evaluation and Maintenance of Concrete Pavements
AASHTO DIVISION II 11.7-N/A 计量与支付Measurement and Payment
AASHTO DIVISION I 5.14-1996 重力及半重力墙的设计,和悬臂墙设计-中期1997年Gravity and Semi-Gravity Wall Design, and Cantilever Wall Design-Interim 1997
AASHTO DIVISION I 5.13-1996 极限状态,负载因素和阻力因素,1997年中期Limit States, Load Factors and Resistance Factors-Interim 1997
AASHTO DDPG-1-2003 设计图纸介绍指引Design Drawing Prentation Guidelines AASHTO CSS-1-2005 中心环境方面的杰出表现最佳做法,在上下文敏感的解决方案Center for Environmental Excellence Best Practices in Context-Sensitive Solutions
AASHTO CSD-1-1998 不断变化的状态点The Changing State DOT
AASHTO COMMENTARIES-2002 评标准规格为公路桥梁2002年第十七版Commentaries to Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges 2002-17th Edition
小小RAASHTO CM-4-1990 施工手册公路建设-第四版Construction Manual for Highway
Construction-Fourth Edition
AASHTO CA-3-2006 通勤在美国三-第三次国家报告对通勤的格局和趋势Commuting In America III - The Third National Report On Commuting Patterns and Trends
AASHTO BPCSS-2006 aashto中心环境方面的杰出表现-最佳做法,在上下文敏感的解决方案AASHTO Center for Environmental Excellence - Best Practices in Context-Sensitive Solutions AASHTO AU-5-2005 一政策对住宿的水电费与高速公路右侧的双向  A Policy On the Accommodation of Utilities Within Freeway Right-Of-Way
AASHTO APPENDICES-2002 附录标准规格为公路桥梁2002年第十七版Appendices to Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges 2002-17th Edition
AASHTO APH-1-2005 合作伙伴手册Partnering Handbook
AASHTO APD-1-2005 加快项目交付。其约时间Accelerating project delivery. Its about time AASHTO UAAG-2005 统一审计与会计指南UNIFORM AUDIT & ACCOUNTING GUIDE AASHTO TP 69-2004 的标准方法测试散装具体的严重性和压实密度的沥青混合料使用自动真空密封的方法-美国ASTM指定d :6752 - 02a Standard Method of Test for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures Using Automatic Vacuum Sealing Method-ASTM Designation D: 6752-02a
AASHTO TP 67-2006 标准方法的测试分析结构钢涂料的异氰酸酯内容Standard Method of Test for Analysis of Structural Steel Coatings for Isocyanate Content
AASHTO TP 66-2006 标准方法的测试分析结构钢涂料受阻胺光稳定剂(HAL中)Standard Method of Test for Analysis of Structural Steel Coatings for Hindered Amine Light Stabilizer (HALS) AASHTO TP 65-2003 标准方法测试非仪器测定金属锌在富锌底漆Standard Method of Test for Non-Instrumental Determination of Metallic Zinc in Zinc-Rich Primers
AASHTO TP 63-2003 的标准方法测试确定车辙易感性的沥青铺路混合物使用沥青路面分析仪(演艺学院)Standard Method of Test for Determining Rutting Susceptibility of Asphalt Paving Mixtures Using the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA)
AASHTO TP 62-2003 标准方法测试确定动态模量的热拌沥青混凝土混合物Standard Method of Test for Determining Dynamic Modulus of Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete Mixtures
AASHTO TP 61-2002 标准方法测试确定的百分比骨折的粗骨料Standard Method of Test for Determining the Percentage of Fracture in Coar Aggregate
AASHTO TP 60-2000 标准方法试验的热膨胀系数液压水泥混凝土Standard Method of Test for Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Hydraulic Cement Concrete
AASHTO TP 57-2006 标准方法测试为定性检测有害粘土的蒙脱石组在总量的使用亚甲蓝Standard Method of Test for The Qualitative Detection of Harmful Clays of the Smectite Group in Aggregates Using Methylene Blue
AASHTO TF-38-1998 专责小组38报告;报告对冷再生沥青混凝土路面Task Force 38 Report; Report on Cold Recycling of Asphalt Pavements
AASHTO TF-32-1992 小组委员会就新的公路材料专责小组32报告手册,腐蚀与防护的混凝土构件在桥梁Subcommittee on New Highway Materials Task Force 32 Report Manual for Corrosion Protection of Concrete Components in Bridges
AASHTO TF-31-1992 小组委员会就新的公路材料专责小组31日的报告指南规格聚合物改性沥青Subcommittee on New Highway Materials Task Force 31 Report Guide Specifications Polymer Modified Asphalt
AASHTO TF-30-1990 小组委员会就新的公路材料专责小组30日的报告(分为两部分)“指南的规格,
混凝土重叠的行人路及桥面板的” Subcommittee on New Highway Materials Task Force 30 Report (In Two Parts) "Guide Specifications for Concrete Overlays of Pavements and Bridge Decks"
AASHTO TF-25-1990 小组委员会就新的公路材料专责小组25日的报告指南的规格和测试程序,土工布Subcommittee on New Highway Materials Task Force 25 Report Guide Specifications and Test Procedures for Geotextiles
AASHTO TF-22-1990 小组委员会就新的公路材料专责小组22日报告“两岸参考排水管规格,水路,机场,铁路,过境国和公路” Subcommittee on New Highway Materials Task Force 22 Report "Cross-Reference for Drainage Pipe Specifications for Waterways, Airports, Railroads, Transit and Highways"
AASHTO TF-13-1998 小组委员会就新的公路材料专责小组13日的报告;指南小签署支持硬件Subcommittee on New Highway Materials Task Force 13 Report; A Guide to Small Sign Support Hardware
AASHTO TC-1-2001 茶叶的挑战,一路领先- TEA Challenge - Leading the Way
AASHTO T 166-2005 标准方法测试散装具体的严重性,压实沥青混合料使用饱和面干标本Standard
Method of Test for Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Hot-Mix Asphalt Using Saturated Surface-Dry Specimens
狭翅大刀螳AASHTO T 27-2006 的标准方法试验筛分析罚款及粗集料- ASTM标准的指定中:  C 136-05 Standard Method of Test for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coar Aggregates-ASTM Designation: C 136-05
AASHTO T 329-2005 标准方法检验水分含量沥青混合料(人道主义排雷)烤箱法Standard Method of Test for Moisture Content of Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) by Oven Method
AASHTO T 326-2005 标准方法测试未压缩无效的内容,粗骨料(如受颗粒形状,表面纹理,和分级)Standard Method of Test for Uncompacted Void Content of Coar Aggregate (As Influenced by Particle Shape, Surface Texture, and Grading)
AASHTO T 325-2004 标准的方法,测试估计混凝土强度在交通建设由muturity测试Standard Method of Test for Estimating the Strength of Concrete in Transportation Construction by Muturity Tests
AASHTO T 323-2003 标准方法试验确定的抗剪强度在界面粘结层的波特兰水泥混凝土Standard Method of Test for Determining the Shear Strength at the Interface of Bonded Layers of Portland Cement Concrete
AASHTO T 321-2003 标准方法测试确定疲劳寿命的压实沥青混合料(mha )受到反复弯曲弯曲Standard Method of Test for Determining the Fatigue Life of Compacted Hot-Mix Asphalt (MHA) Subjected to Repeated Flexural Bending
AASHTO T 320-2003 标准方法测试确定永久剪应变和刚度的沥青混合料的使用Superpave的剪切测试仪(海温)Standard Method of Test for Determining the Permanent Shear Strain and Stiffness of Asphalt Mixtures using the Superpave Shear Tester (SST)
AASHTO T 318-2002 标准方法测试水的内容,新鲜预拌混凝土使用微波炉干燥Standard Method of Test for Water Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete Using Microwave Oven Drying AASHTO T 317-2004 标准方法测试预测沥青铺装层的约束温度Standard Method of Test for Prediction of Asphalt-Bound Pavement Layer Temperatures
时间定格AASHTO T 315-2006 标准方法测试确定流变学特性的沥青结合料使用动态剪切流变仪(的DSR )Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder
Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
AASHTO T 311-2000 标准方法测试粒度分析土壤颗粒材料Standard Method of Test for Grain-Size Analysis of Granular Soil Materials
AASHTO T 309M/T 309-2006 的标准方法测试温度的新鲜混合液压水泥混凝土- ASTM标准的指定中:  C 1064 /炭一千○六十四米- 05 Standard Method of Test for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic- Cement Concrete-ASTM Designation: C 1064/C 1064M-05
AASHTO T 307-1999 标准方法测试确定回弹模量的土壤和总结材料Standard Method of Test for Determining the Resilient Modulus of Soils and Aggregate Materials
AASHTO T 304-1996 标准方法测试未压缩无效的内容,细骨料Standard Method of Test for Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate
AASHTO T 303-2000 标准方法测试,为加快检测潜在的有害扩大迫击炮酒吧由于碱硅酸反应Standard Method of Test for Accelerated Detection of Potentially Deleterious Expansion of Mortar Bars Due to Alkali-Silica Reaction
AASHTO T 301-1999 标准方法试验的弹性恢复测试沥青材料是指一个ductilometer Standard Method of Test for Elastic Recovery Test of Bituminous Materials by Means of a Ductilometer AASHTO T 300-2000 的标准方法测试,为部队的延性试验沥青材料Standard Method of Test for Force Ductility Test of Asphalt Materials
AASHTO T 297-1994 标准的方法,测试的综合,不排水三轴压缩试验对土壤的凝聚力- ASTM标准:  d 4767 - 88e1 Standard Method of Test for Consolidated, Undrained Triaxial Compression Test on Cohesive Soils-ASTM Designation: D 4767-88e1
AASHTO T 295-2002 标准方法试验的具体重力或空气污染指数的严重性,液体沥青由hydrometer方法-陛下- 22 ;第IIA部; ASTM标准指定d 3142-97 Standard Method of Test for Specific Gravity or API Gravity of Liquid Asphalts by Hydrometer Method-HM-22; Part IIA; ASTM Designation D 3142-97
AASHTO T 290-1995 标准方法测试定水溶性硫酸离子含量的土壤Standard Method of Test for Determining Water-Soluble Sulfate Ion Content in Soil
性感美女动漫AASHTO T 289-1991 标准方法测试确定的pH值的土壤,使用在腐蚀测试Standard Method of Test for Determining pH of Soil for U in Corrosion Testing
AASHTO T 283-2003 的标准方法测试阻力压实沥青混合料的水分,以诱导的损害Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture-Induced Damage AASHTO T 282-2001 标准方法测试校准车轮武力或转矩传感器使用标定平台-美国ASTM指定:电子556-00 Standard Method of Test for Calibrating a Wheel Force or Torque Transducer Using a Calibration Platform-ASTM Designation: E 556-00
AASHTO T 280-2006 标准方法测试混凝土管,沙井路段,或瓷砖- ASTM标准的指定中:  C 497-04 Standard Method of Test for Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections, or Tile-ASTM Designation: C 497-04
AASHTO T 279-1996 标准方法测试,为加快抛光料使用英国轮陛下- 22 ;第IIA部; ASTM标准指定d 3319-90 Standard Method of Test for Accelerated Polishing of Aggregates Using the British Wheel-HM-22; Part IIA; ASTM Designation D 3319-90
AASHTO T 277-2005 标准方法测试电动说明具体的硫能力抵御氯离子渗透性- ASTM标准的指定中:  C 1202年至1294年Standard Method of Test for Electrical Indication of Concrete s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration-ASTM Designation: C 1202-94
AASHTO T 275-1991 标准方法测试批量具体的严重性,压实沥青混合料用石蜡包裹标本Standard Method of Tests for Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using
Paraffin-Coated Specimens
AASHTO T 273-1986 标准的方法,测试土壤吸力Standard Method of Test for Soil Suction AASHTO T 272-2004 标准方法测试曲线族-一点法Standard Method of Test for Family of Curves - One-Point Method
AASHTO T 269-1997 标准方法测试%空隙率在压实密度和开放的沥青铺路混合物-美国ASTM指定d 3203-94 (2000 )Standard Method of Test for Percent Air Voids in Compacted Den and Open Bituminous Paving Mixtures-ASTM Designation D 3203-94 (2000) AASHTO T 265-1993 的标准方法测试实验室测定水分含量的土壤Standard Method of Test for Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils
AASHTO T 260-1997 的标准方法检验的采样和测试,为氯离子在混凝土和混凝土原材料Standard Method of Test for Sampling and Testing for Chloride Ion in Concrete and Concrete Raw Materials
AASHTO T 259-2002 的标准方法测试阻力的混凝土氯离子渗透性-陛下- 22 ;的一部分,第IIB Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Concrete to Chloride Ion Penetration-HM-22; PART IIB AASHTO T 258-1981 标准方法测试确定膨胀土Standard Method of Test for Determining Expansive Soils
AASHTO T 256-2001 标准方法测试路面弯沉测量-重介- 22 ;的一部分,第IIB Standard Method of Test for Pavement Deflection Measurements-HM-22; PART IIB
AASHTO T 249-2003 标准方法测试锁定煤层螺旋波纹管Standard Method of Test for Helical Lock Seam Corrugated Pipe中国足球运动员
AASHTO T 248-2002 标准方法测试,减少样本的总测试大小ASTM标准的指定中:  C 702-98 (2003 )Standard Method of Test for Reducing Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size-ASTM Designation: C 702-98 (2003)
AASHTO T 246-1993 标准方法测试变形抗力和凝聚力,沥青混合料的方式hveem仪器-美国ASTM指定d1560 - 81 Standard Method of Test for Resistance to Deformation and Cohesion of Bituminous Mixtures by Means of Hveem Apparatus-ASTM Designation D1560-81
AASHTO T 244-2006 标准方法测试力学性能测试的钢铁产品-美国ASTM指定1 370-05 Standard Method of Test for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products-ASTM Designation A 370-05 AASHTO T 243M/T 243-2006 的标准方法测试采样程序的影响,测试结构钢- ASTM标准指定一673 /一六百七十三米- 05 Standard Method of Test for Sampling Procedure for Impact Testing of Structural Steel-ASTM Designation A 673/A 673M-05
AASHTO T 242-1996 标准方法测试摩擦性能铺平了表面使用全尺寸轮胎ASTM标准指定:电子274-97 Standard Method of Test for Frictional Properties of Paved Surfaces Using a Full-Scale Tire-ASTM Designation: E 274-97
AASHTO T 241-1995 标准方法试验,不断螺旋焊缝波纹钢管Standard Method of Test for Helical Con
tinuously Welded Seam Corrugated Steel Pipe
AASHTO T 231-2005 标准方法测试上限筒混凝土标本-美国ASTM指定c 617-98 (2003 )Standard Method of Test for Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens-ASTM Designation C 617-98 (2003)
AASHTO T 223-1996 标准方法测试领域的叶片剪切试验在粘性土Standard Method of Test for Field Vane Shear Test in Cohesive Soil
AASHTO T 222-1981 的标准方法测试nonrepetitive静态载荷试验的土壤和柔性路面组件,用于在评价和设计的机场和公路的行人路Standard Method of Test for Nonrepetitive Static Plate Load Test of Soils and Flexible Pavement Components, for U in Evaluation and Design of

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