Highway Types
All state highway systems and most of the local highway and street systems encompass veral type or class of highway .At one extreme are high-speed ,high-volume facilities carrying though traffic , with no attempt made to rve abutting property or purely local traffic. At the other are local rural roads or streets that carry low volumes ,sometimes at low speeds ,and with a primary function of land rvice.
Definitions for the various types of highways (and for many other highway term ) were prepared in 1968 by an (then) AASHO Special committee on Nomenclature .The are published as AASHO Highway Definitions .some of the are as follows:
Expressway- Divided arterial highway for though traffic with full or partial control of access and generally with grade parations at major interction.
凉拌莲藕的做法 Freeway- Expressway with full control of access.儿子的欲望
Parkway- Arterial highway for noncommercial traffic , with full or partial control of access .a
nd usually located within a park or a ribbon of parklike development .幸运抽奖
Control of access – Condition where the right of owner or occupants of abutting land or other persons to access .light ,air ,or view in connection with a highway is full or partially controlled by public authority.
关于水的图片 Full control of access means that the authority to control access is exercid to give preference to though traffic by providing access connections with lected public roads only and by prohibiting crossings at grade or direct private driveway connections.
Partial control of access means that the authority to control access is to give preference to though traffic to degree that .in addition to access connections with lected public roads ,there many be some crossings at grade and some private driveway connections.
汽车保险费用计算 The other highway types lack the feature of access control .they include:
Major street or major highway – Arterial highway within interctions at grade and direct access to abutting property , and on which geometric design and traffic – control measure
s are ud to expedite the safe movement of though traffic .
Though street or though highway – Every highway or portion thereof on which vehicular traffic is given preferential right of way ,and at the entrances to which vehicular traffic from intercting highways is required by law to yield right of way to vehicles on such through highway in obedience to either a stop sign or yield sign ,when such signs are erected.
Local road – Street or road primarily for access to residence , business, or other abutting property .
东北茄子炖土豆Preci definition for other highway types such as arterial ,belt bypass , radial, frontage also are given ,In general the label explain the function .
It should be pointed out here ,however ,that the freeway , as typified by the Interstate System reprent the highest type highway facility, for all other class certain important advantages must be sacrificed .In capsule form .the include the following .
Capacity – On freeway the abnce of interctions or crossings at grade the elimination of major friction through access control permit unrestricted ,full – time u moving vehicles ,rather than restricted ,part –time flow .
Reduced travel time – On freeway , time loss from stopping and waiting at interctions are eliminated .In addition ,most of the conflicts that contribute to accidents are eliminated except under unusual circumstances ,Drivers normally can and travel at higher and sustained speeds.
Safe operation – On freeway ,elimination of conflicts at interctions and along both margins of the roadway and the barring of pedestrians from the right of way usually bring substantial reductions in accidents .
Permanence – access control along freeway prevents the growth of business or other activities along the roadway margin ,Without access control ,the activities generate unordered traffic and parking ,In a short time ,capacity is reduced and accident potential is substantially incread.
Reduced operating coat, fuel consumption, air pollution, and noi-smoother operations and fewer stops reduce fuel consumption and other operating costs Reduce fuel consumption in turn reduces air pollution. Smoother operation with fewer stops also greatly reduce noi, particularly that from trucks .
版权法Highway Cross Section
The principal elements of a highway cross ction consist of the travel lanes , shoulders ,and medians (for some multilane highways) .marginal elements include median and roadside barriers ,curbs, gutters ,guard rails , sidewalks, and side slopes .