Mechanical and environmental characteristics of bituminous mixtures with incinerator bottom ash
期刊名称: International Journal of Pavement Engineering粘土画
作者: Mohamed Mostafa Hassan,Hussain Khalid
作者机构: Department of Engineering - Civil
年份: 2010年
期号: 第2期
关键词: IBAA; bituminous mixtures; ageing; moisturising; rutting; leaching;
执业医师报考摘要:Incinerator bottom ash is a material removed from the grating at the bottom of energy-from-wast
成就小故事e plants. This ash has traditionally been land-filled. However, this ash could be procesd to produce incinerator bottom ash aggregate (IBAA). Due to the low density and high stiffness of IBAA, it has become widely ud as a condary aggregate material especially in road construction. It is chemically inert, with very low concentrations of soluble materials. Despite this increa in IBAA u, higher usage still is desirable. To achieve this aim, the mechanical and leaching properties of bituminous mixtures containing high levels of IBAA merit further exploration.