Revisiting binomial order in English: Ordering constraints and reversibility家常红烧鸡腿
期刊名称: English Language and Linguistics
年份: 2012年
期号: 第1期
张昭关键词: climactic effect;tara;to;Japane narrative;speaking;writing
摘要:The factors governing word order in binomials, i.e. coordinated word pairs of the same word class, have been the subject of discussion for a long time in linguistics. For example, why do we say law and order but not order and law? The article tests venteen different potential ordering constraints that have previously been suggested, from the areas of mantics, phonology and word frequency, by checking over 500 high-frequency binomials extracted from the BNC against them.
A clear hierarchy of constraints is suggested following the analysis of their success in predicting binomial order. In addition, however, attention is drawn to the reversibility status of binomials. The vast majority of English binomials is reversible to a smaller or larger degree. Reversibility scores were computed for all binomials in the sample so