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  1701年英国王位继承法 (一七OO年制订,一七O一年公布)
  第一条 当今国王无嗣,死后其王位由安妮公主(Anne)继承,安妮公主无嗣,死后其王位
  第二条 按照本法可以继承王位、坚持同罗马教会交往者,按照威廉国王和玛丽女王第一年的法令第六章的规定,均无资格按前举法令宣誓加冕。
  第三条 关于保障这些领地的宗教、法律和自由的更详明的规定。新学期的
感谢话  对国会平民院提出的弹劾,不得凭恃英王赦免进行抗辩。
  第四条 本国法律和法令的确认。
  英国王位的继承是根据长子继承权来决定的,即王位应先由现任君主的长子继承,然后才依次序轮到其他儿子,最后才轮到女儿。但是根据法律,英国王位的继承不是自动的,1701年通过的《王位继承法》(Act of Settlement)规定,王位应该传给汉诺威选帝侯夫
人索菲亚(Electress Sophia of Hanover)的有血缘关系的后代,而且继承者不得是天主教徒,也不得嫁娶一名天主教徒。一些人认为该规定与英国其他法律中禁止宗教歧视的条款有冲突。不过实际上,绝大多数有资格继承王位的人都是基督教新教徒,而且在公开场合都大多宣称自己是圣公会成员。
Act of Settlement, 1701
    Whereas in the first year of the reign of Your Majesty, and of our late most gracious sovereign lady Queen Mary (of blesd memory), an Act of Parliament was made, entitled, "An Act for declaring the rights and liberties of the subject, and for ttling the succession of the crown," wherein it was (amongst other things) enacted, established, and declared that the crown and regal government of the Kingdoms of England, France, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging, should be and continue to Your Majesty and the said late Queen, during the joint lives of Your Majesty and the said Queen, and to the survivor: and that after the decea of Your Majesty and of the said Qu
een, the said Crown and regal government should be and remain to the heirs of the body of the said late Queen; and for default of such issue, to Her Royal Highness the Princess Anne of Denmark, and the heirs of her body; and for default of such issue to the heirs of the body of Your Majesty. And it was thereby further enacted, that all and every person and persons that then were, or afterwards should be reconciled to, or shall hold communion with the e or Church of Rome, or should profess the popish religion, or marry a papist, should be excluded, and are by that Act made for ever incapable to inherit, posss, or enjoy the Crown and government of this realm, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging, or any part of the same, or to have, u, or exerci any regal power, authority, or jurisdiction within the same: and in all and every such ca and cas the people of the realms shall be and are thereby absolved of their allegiance: and that the said Crown and government shall from time to time descend to and be enjoyed by such person or persons, being Protestants, as should have inherited and enjoyed the same, in ca the said person or persons, so reconciled, holding communion, professing or marrying, as aforesaid, were naturally dead: 源:
    After the making of which statute, and the ttlement therein contained, your majesty's good subjects, who were restored to the full and free posssion and enjoyment of their religion, rights, and liberties, by the providence of God giving success to your majesty's just undertakings and unwearied endeavours for that purpo, had no greater temporal felicity to hope or wish for, that to e a royal progeny descending from Your Majesty, to whom (under God) they owe their tranquillity, and who ancestors have for many years been principal asrtors of the reformed religion and the liberties of Europe, and from our said most gracious sovereign lady, who memory will always be precious to the subjects of the realms: and it having since plead Almighty God to take away our said sovereign Lady, and also the most hopeful Prince William, Duke of Gloucester (the only surviving issue of Her Royal Highness the Princess Anne of Denmark) to the unspeakable grief and sorrow of Your Majesty and your said good subjects, who under such loss being nsibly put in mind, that it standeth wholly in the pleasure of Almighty God to prolong the lives of Your Majesty and of Her Royal Highness, and to grant to Your Majesty, or to Her Royal Highness, such issue as may be inheritable to the Crown and re
gal government aforesaid, by the respective limitations in the said recited act contained, do constantly implore the divine mercy for tho blessings: and Your Majesty's said subjects having daily experience of your royal care and concern for the prent and future welfare of the Kingdoms, and particularly recommending from your throne a further provision to be made for the succession of the Crown in the Protestant line, for the happiness of the nation, and the curity of our religion; and it being absolutely necessary for the safety, peace, and quiet of this realm, to obviate all doubts and contentions in the same, by reason of any pretended title to the Crown, and to maintain a certainty in the succession thereof, to which your subjects may safely have recour for their protection, in ca the limitations in the said recited act should determine: therefore for a further provision of the succession of the Crown in the Protestant line, we Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prent Parliament asmbled, do beech Your Majesty that it may be enacted and declared, and be it enacted and declared by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and connt of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Co
mmons, in this prent Parliament asmbled, and by the authority of the same, That the most excellent Princess Sophia, Electress and Duchess Dowager of Hanover, daughter of the most excellent Princess Elizabeth, late Queen of Bohemia, daughter of our late sovereign lord King James the First, of happy memory, be and is hereby declared to be the next in succession, in the Protestant line, to the imperial Crown and dignity of the said Realms of England, France, and Ireland, with the dominions and territories thereunto belonging, after His Majesty, and the Princess Anne of Denmark, and in default of issue of the said Princess Anne, and of His Majesty respectively: and that from and after the deceas of His said Majesty, our now sovereign lord, and of Her Royal Highness the Princess Anne of Denmark, and for default of issue of the said Princess Anne, and of His Majesty respectively, the Crown and regal government of the said Kingdoms of England, France, and Ireland, and of the dominions thereunto belonging, with the royal state and dignity of the said Realms, and all honours, styles, titles, regalities, prerogatives, powers, jurisdictions and authorities, to the same belonging and appertaining, shall be, remain, and continue to the said most excellent Princess Sophia, and the heirs of her body, being
无线网破解Protestants: and thereunto the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, shall and will in the name of all the people of this Realm, most humbly and faithfully submit themlves, their heirs and posterities: and do faithfully promi, that after the deceas of His Majesty, and Her Royal Highness, and the failure of the heirs of their respective bodies, to stand to, maintain, and defend the said Princess Sophia, and the heirs of her body, being Protestants, according to the limitation and succession of the Crown in this act specified and contained, to the utmost of their powers, with their lives and estates, against all persons whatsoever that shall attempt anything to the contrary.

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