1. In Britain, children between the ages of _______ to _______ must receive the compulsory education.洛阳好吃的
A. 5, 15
B. 6, 15
C. 5, 16
D. 6, 16
2. The lection tests taken at the age of 11 is known as _______.
A. eleven-plus
怎么过七夕B. A-level
C. O-level
3. The pupils who had got the highest marks in the “eleven-plus” examination would go to _______ school.
A. grammar
B. technical
C. condary modern
D. nior high
4. Public schools of British condary education are funded by _______.
A. the state
B. the charity
C. the private
D. the community
5.Which of the following is NOT a famous public condary school for boys?
A. Eton.
B. Harrow.
C. Westminster.
D. Roedean.
6.There are about _______ universities, including the Open Univers ity in Britain.
A. 70
B. 80
C. 90
D. 100
7.Of the following universities, which one is the oldest in the U.K.?
A. University of Oxford
B. University of Cambridge
C. University of Manchester
D. University of Edinburgh
8. The universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh are called the four _______ universities.
A. Irish
B. Welsh
C. Scottish
D. English
rainism9. The _______ University offers cours through one of BBC’s televis ion channels and by radio.和田玉的鉴别
A. Open
B. Free
C. National
D. Community
10. Titles for a ? rst degree in universities are Bachelor of _______ and Bachelor of _______.
A. Arts, Science
B. Arts, Technology
C. Philosophy, Arts爱洛斯
D. Philosophy, Science
1. C
英国教育体系中的义务教育阶段是5岁~ 16岁,5岁是每一位学生在学校学习的最低年限。而在北爱尔兰,儿童从4岁开始就进入义务教育年龄了。
2. A
3. A
在eleven-plus考试中成绩最好的孩子会进入grammar school(文法学校),其次是进入condary modern school(普通学校),另外还有一部分会进入技校。
4. C
英国的中等教育学校主要包括state school和public school两种,前者属于国家资助的公立学校,后者虽名为公学,实为私立学校。
5. D
6. C
7. A
牛津大学(University of Oxford )位于英国牛津市,是英语世界中最古老的大学。牛津大学建校于1167年,至今已有将近9个世纪的历史。剑桥大学(University of Cambridge )成立于1209年,最早是由一批为躲避殴斗而从牛津大学逃离出来的老师建立的。
8. C
9. A
英国20世纪70年代初出现了以广播、电视、函授与暑期学校相结合的成人高等教育机构。开放大学采用多种远距离教学法,几乎每门课程都通过广播和电视播放,其中包括BBC 在内的众多知名媒体机构。
10. A
大学学位分为Bachelor of Arts(文学学士),Bachelor of Science(理学学士);Master of Arts (文学硕士),Master of Science(理学硕士);Doctor of Philosophy(哲学博士)。
1. The state church in England is _______.
A. the Roman Catholic Church
B. the Baptist Church
C. the Protestant Church
D. the Church of England
2. The Celts’ religion ud to be _______.
A. Buddhism
B. Islam
C. Druidism
D. Christianity
3. The prent established church in Scotland is _______.
A. the Presbyterian Church
B. the Catholic Church
C. the Druidism Church
D. the Roman Church
4. Christianity was ? rst brought to England by the _______.
A. Romans
B. Celts
C. Anglo-Saxons
D. Danes
5. The Romans remained in control of Britain for nearly 400 years and they pulled out in _______.
A. 306 AD.
B. 410 AD.
C. 446 A
D. D. 1066 AD.
6. The Bible was originally written in _______.
A. Latin
B. Hebrew
C. Greek
D. Arabic
7. The Church of England is not free to change its form of worship, as laid down in _______ without the connt of Parliament.
A. the Bill of Rights
B. the Provisions of Oxford
C. the Constitutions of Clarendon
D. the Book of Common Prayer
8. Which of the following is NOT a Christian festival of the year in Britain?
ps插入文字A. Christmas
B. Easter
C. Whit Sunday
D. Boxing Day
9. The prent British monarch must be a _______ becau she is the head of the Church of England.