各位游客朋友们,欢迎大家来青龙寺参观游览。我是你们的导游徐贵,很高兴为大家服务。Dear friends,welcome to the Qinglong Temple.I`m Xu Gui.It's my privilege to rve as your tour guide today.在进入青龙寺的时候呢,首先映入眼帘的是云峰阁。它西向俯临的这一汪泉水叫做青龙泉。Stepping into the temple,the very first thing you e is the Yunfeng Chamber.And below the west corner of the chamber,there is a Qinglong Fountain.你们可能会发现青龙寺不同于其他的寺庙,进门之后没有看到熟悉的钟鼓楼和大殿,而是这小桥流水的田园风光,这是因为青龙寺是中日文化交流的代表,所以它的整个建筑风格都是仿日式的。But you may find that what the Qinglong Temple differs from other temples is its picturesque pastoral scenery.In this temple,there are no towers and palaces familiar to us.Becau it's one of the reprentatives of the Sino-Japane cultural exchange,it was built according to the modes of Japane.
1971年属什么 现在我们可以看到这里有一块碑石,上面青龙寺的简介:青龙寺,又名石佛寺,中国佛教密宗寺院。位于陕西西安市城南铁炉庙村。Now we can e clearly there is a stele here on which the introduction of this temple was inscribed:Qinglong Temple,also known as Shifo Temple,locates in Tielu Miao village,the south of Xi'an city.该寺始建于公元582年。原名“灵青蛙跳跳跳
感寺”。It was built in 582 AD,and its original name is Linggan Temple.据说因为隋文帝从小在青龙寺里生活了十三年,受佛教的熏陶和影响很深,同时又是一个有抱负的皇帝,为了建立万世基业,废弃了汉长安城,以新建大兴城为由,将城中的陵园坟墓都迁葬到郊外。为了超度亡灵,他特意下令在此修建寺院,并取名为灵感寺。It was said that the emperor Yang Guang grew up here.It was here that he spent 13 years of his childhood in.Deeply influenced by the Buddhism culture,the emperor Yang Guang was of great ambition.In order to consolidate his power,he discarded the Chang'an city of Han dynasty,and ordered his people to construct the Daxing city.Therefore,the tombs here ware removed to the suburban areas.And to redeem the souls of the departed,he also asked his people to t up a temple here,and named it after Linggan Temple.转发通知
我们说唐代是中国历史上最注重佛教文化的朝代之一,在隋唐时期,全国各地共修建了上千所寺庙,佛教文化盛兴。The Tang dynasty was one of the dynasties that highly valued Buddhism culture.At that time,hundreds of temples were built throught the country,hence the prosperity of Buddhism.此外,由于唐朝开放的对外政策,吸引了许多的外国和尚来华学习。其中最有名的便是来自日本的空海。And besides,becau of its open diplomatic p
olicy,many overas monks were attracted to come here to study Buddhism culture.The most famous one among them was Kong Hai.空海来到青龙寺并拜住持惠果为师。学习佛教文化多年后,他回到日本,并在日本创建了密宗佛法,使他成为了日本密宗佛法的鼻祖。Kong Hai came here and became the disciple of Hui Guo,abbot of this temple.After years learning,he went back to Japan and founded Mi Sect of Buddhism there,making him become the forefather of Mi Sect Buddhism in Japan.为了纪念空海对中日佛教文化的交流作出的贡献,1982年在此建立了空海纪念碑。此碑高10米,最上边那5块特别的石头呢 也是当时从日本运过来的。To commemorate his great contribution to Sino-Japane cultural exchange,a monument wad built in 1983.The monument is 10 meters high,and the 5 speculiar stones on the top of the monument were shipped from Japan. 碑身上的几个字为空海记念碑,我们会发现碑字与我们现在的写法不同,因为那几个字是古日语的写法。The characters on the monument is somewhat different from the modern writing style,becau it's ancient Japane.碑上有明显波浪状的花纹,代表海。最上为空,最下为海,连起来就是空海,不得不说设计构思之精细。The conspicuous waves on the monument stands for the Chine character"Kong",and the empty spaces symbolize "Hai".Connected,they form a Chine name--Kong Hai.
青龙寺于宋代被毁,今天我们看到的这个青龙寺是在1963年才开始重建的。The Qinglong Temple was devastated in Song dynasty.The temple we e today was reconstructed in 1963.
团队建设工作总结青龙寺最吸引人的除了它精深的佛法外,还有它密集的樱花。Besides its Buddhism culture,the most appealing part of the temple is undoubtedly the intensive oriental cherry here. 1983年,青龙寺从日本引进12种樱花终于寺院,每年三月至四月,樱花盛开,这使得青龙寺风景如画、生意盎然。In 1983,12 types of Japane cherry were ushered in.Every year from March to April,the cherry trees will blossom,making the temple picturesque and graphic.哦,对了,为什么樱花这么吸引人呢,原因有3点:一个是它长得很密集,一个是因为花是朝下长的,我们一抬头就可以看到整朵花,最后一个是樱花的花期只有7天,一棵树从花开到花落只有两周时间,更加显得它的珍贵。By the way,you may wonder why the oriental cherry is so attractive.There are three reasons:1.It grows intensively.2.It grows downward,as you uphold your head,you can e all the flowers.3.The florescence of a cherry flower is only a week.And all the cheery trees will die back two weeks after its blossom.
中奖记 好了,我的讲解就到这里。希望能给大家留下美好的回忆。祝福大家旅途愉快。Alright,that's all my introduction about the Qinglong Temple.I hope this can impress you.And besides.I hope all of you can enjoy your trip.