Chapter 1
YES,Plea refer to the 1st paragraph of the text.
The chart above shows the U.S. imports from China, U.S. exports to China and thetrade balance. The U.S. has a negative trade balance with China, and it has been growing.During the period from 1997 to 2003, imports from China have grown 244% while exports toChina have grown 221%, indicating that the trade deficit is increasing. There had alreadybeen a sizeable trade balance deficit with China in 1996, totaling $ 39.5 billion at the end of theyear.
1. Export goods are tangible goods nt out of countries.
2. Trade in rvices are international earnings other than tho derived from the exporting and importing of tangible goods.
3. Import goods are tangible goods brought in.
4. International trade is all business transactions that involve two or more countries.
5. FDI is one that gives the investor a controlling interest in a foreign company.
6. Investment is ud primarily as financial means for a company to earn more money on its money with relative safety.
1. International trade is the fair and deliberate exchange of goods and/or rvices across national boundaries. It concerns trade operations of both import and export and includesthe purcha and sale of both visible and invisible goods.
2. In today's complex economic world, neither individuals nor nations are lf-sufficient. Nations participate in the international trade for many reasons. As to the economicreasons, no nation has all of the economic resources <land, labor and capital> that it needsto develop its
economy and culture, and no country enjoys a particular item sufficientenough to meet its needs. As for the preference reasons, international trade takes placebecau of innovation of style. Besides, every nation can specialize in a certain field andenjoy a comparative advantage in some particular area in terms of trade so that they needto do business with each other to make u of resources more efficiently and effectively.
3. In measuring the effectiveness of global trade, nations carefully follow two key indicators, namely, balance of trade and balance of payments.
4. FDI, the abbreviation form Foreign Direct Investment, means buying of permanent property and business in foreign nations. It occurs when acquisition of equity interest in a foreign company is trade. The great significance of FDI for China might be that: FDIsolve the problem of capital shortage for China so that China may spend the money onimporting advanced equipment and technologies for its infrastructure, national supportingindustry, key projects, etc. Chapter 2
1. Protectionism means the deliberate u or encouragement of restrictions on imports toenable relatively inefficient domestic producers to compete successfully with foreignproducers.
2. If the Russians relea their stocks of fin into the world market, the price of the metal willsink
through the floor.
3. Protective tariff means a duty or tax impod on imported products for the purpo of making them more expensive in comparison to domestic producers, thereby giving the domestic products a price advantage.
4. Types of tariffs include ad valorem, specific, variable, or compound. In the UnitedStates, the imposition of tariffs is made on imported goods only. Tariffs rai the prices ofimported goods, thus m
aking them less competitive within the market of the importingcountry. After ven "Rounds" of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade tradenegotiations that focud heavily on tariff reductions, tariffs are less important measures ofprotection than they ud to be.拿破伦
1. Tariff is a duty collected by customs of a government on imports and/or exports.
2. A revenue tariff can be some of the incomes of a government, but it must be taken under control.
3. To export goods at an unreasonably low price is taken as dumping which might be fought against by government of the importing country.
4. A tariff may be assd on a per unit basis, in which ca it is known as a specific duty.It also may be assd as a percentage of the value of the item, in which ca it is knownas an ad valorem duty.
5. Import tariffs primarily rve as a means of raising the price of the import goods so that competitively produced domestic goods will gaina relative price advantage.
Chapter 3
APEC Asia-pacific Economic Co-operation
FTAAP Free Trade Agreement of Asia and the Pacific
EU European Union
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
MERCOSUR Mercado Comun del Cono Sur /Southern Common Market
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
EFTA European Free Trade Area
AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area
PTAs Preferential Trade agreements
Trade bloc 贸易集团
Trade block 贸易禁运/ 封锁
Open regionalism 开放式区域主义
Free trade area 自由贸易区
Customs union 关税联盟
Common market 共同市场
Economic union 经济联盟
Trade embargoes 贸易禁运
Boycotts 抵制
歧视性关税 discriminatory tariffs
经济制裁 economic sanction
贸易弹性 trade elasticity
双边贸易协定 bilateral trade agreement
最惠国 most favored nation
Chapter 4
GA TT General Agreement on Tariffs And Trade
HOD Heads of Delegations
TRIPs Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
自制小书签GA TS General Agreement on Trade in Services
TRIMs Trade Related Investment Measures
MFN Most Favored Nations
施惠国Patronage nations
受惠国 Favored nations
缔约国Contracting Parties
市场准入market access
紧急进口措施Urgent Importing Measures
争端解决机制dispute ttlement mechanism
可持续发展 sustainable development
1. Until now WTO has already had 150 members and its trade volume covers 90% of the total trade volume in the whole world.
2. Topmost of WTO is the Ministerial Conference which has to meet at least once every two years. Under the Ministerial Conference is the General Council that has to meet at Geneva regularly.
3. The WTO Secretariat, which offices only in Geneva, Swizerland, has around 550 regular stuff and is headed by a Director-General. Since decisions are made by Members only, the Secretariat has no decision-making powers as the other international institutions.
4. The Secretariat provides some form of legal assistance in the dispute ttlement process and advis governments wishing to become Members of the WTO.
Chapter 5世界勤俭日
1. Under CFR, buyersshould effect insurance.
2. Under CIF Ex-Ship's Hold, ller should pay the discharge charges.
3. Under CIF, the insured amount should be US $ 22 000 if the contracted price is US$20000.
4. Under CIP, ller has to procure insurance against the buyer's risk of loss of or damage
tothegoods during the carriage.
5. The FAS term requires the ller to clear the goods for export
6. The DEQ term requires the buyer to proceed with the customs clearance for imports
andpayment of all customs duty.
7. Under DDP, the ller must pay the costs of customs duties as well as all duties, taxes and other
official charges payable upon exportation and importation of the goods.
8. Under DDU the ller must give the buyer instant notice of the shipping of the goods aswell as
any other notice required in order to allow she buyer to take measure.
1. 该报价为FOB的价格并含5%的佣金。
2. 在CPT、CIP项下,"承运人"指在货物运输合同中承诺通过铁路、公路、航空、海运、内
3. 在FCA项下,交货地的选择对货物的装船与卸载责任有影响。如果交货地基于卖方,卖方
4. 在FOB项下,卖方必须在约定的日期或期限内,在指定的装运港,按照该港习惯方式,将货物
│Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │
│N │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │
│N │N │N │N │N │Y │N │Y │N │N │N │
│N │N │N │N │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │
│N │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │
│N │N │N │N │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │Y │
A.1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. c; 5. c; 6. c; 7. d; 8. b; 9. d; l0.c
B. 1. a; 2. ab; 3. abcdf; 4. abc; 5. aef
Chapter 6