马尔代夫比赛总结COMO Cocoa岛浮潜最佳静谧小岛
Enjoy the Best Diving in Tranquility
COMO Cocoa Island, Maldives
在马尔代夫1,192光圆钢筋符号座珊瑚岛中,约昨夜闲潭梦落花202座岛屿为居民岛,海岛酒店达100多家。游客最终登上哪座岛,都算百里挑一的缘分了。选择COMO Cocoa岛的多是慕名而来。COMO在国内尚无酒店开业,最出名的一次曝光是2008年梁朝伟在不丹澳门四季名店COMO的乌玛帕罗酒店迎娶了刘嘉玲,其实国际上这个低调小众的奢华品牌已经拥有广泛的拥簇,由主张个性、风格隐逸的COMO来诠释海岛酒店再合适不过。
如果把水屋、雪白拖尾沙滩、最佳浮潜体验作为选岛条件,最终的指向也会是这座美丽的小岛。仅有33间水屋的COMO Cocoa岛或许显得不够热闹,正好让人安心度过一个宁静惬意的假期。
汉办网 Among the 1中国红壁纸,192 coral islands in Maldives, around 202 are inhabited and more than 100 given to tourism, a pretty vast options for vacationers to pick over. When you come to COMO Cocoa Island, you might come for the brand. Though in China there is no COMO hotels opened till today and the most high-profile exposure was in 2008 when movie star Tony Leung married Carina Lau in COMO Uma Paro, Bhutan,苹果手机录视频 this niche brand in fact has gained extensive fanba around the world for its individual spirit and pared back aesthetic, a perfect match for an island resort.