The energy problem of air-conditioning system in public building increas prominently, the best method to improve the current situation is to eradicate from the design stage as possible.The energy
consumption of central air conditioning in chiller and water systems ocupies a large proportion of the total energy consumption of air conditioning. So it is necessary to carry out the work of energy saving on cold source and water system of the central air-conditioning.
In this paper, the public building energy-saving design and energy consumption of air conditioning chiller and water system analysis is studied.Optimization objective function which is aim to get the minimum energy consumption of chiller and water system in the air the public building is built using the optimization method. According to the objective function, it is possible to achieve the goal of energy saving design of chiller and water system in a public building. The actual operation data can be ud to analyze the result of the energy saving design.干脆利落
After analyzing working process and Energy level diagram of chiller and water system in a public building, an objective function which is to get minimum energy consumption of the chiller and water system can be built. And veral Mathematical models about energy consumption of chiller ,chilled water pump, cooling water pump and cooling tower are built to account for the objective function. To solve the objective function, it is necessary to determine the constraint for independent variables. Then the Comprehensive objective fun expression can be determined.
After the analysis of characteristic relationship between chiller configuration and public building cooling load, Water pump configuration features and air conditioning area, water pump configuration and heat transfer of cooler, a method of using the integrated refrigeration coefficient to estimate the chiller is determined. And a method of using static parameter to determine feasibility of using condary variable pump is determined too.
According to the function which is aim to get the minimum energy consumption in chiller and water system, cooling load characteristics of a public building air conditioning is modeled through using DeST. In this part, The air conditioning cold source, water system for energy-saving design in air conditioning for the building is finished. At the same time , evaluation of actual operation data of the chiller and water system in the air conditioning system of the public building is finished too.
Keywords: air conditioning, energy saving design, chiller, water system,energy saving design, analysis of energy consumption.
摘要........................................................................................................II 第1章绪论. (1)
1.1课题研究的背景和意义 (1)
1.2国内外研究现状 (2)
1.2.1 我国建筑节能的基本目标和任务 (2)
1.2.2 国内研究现状 (3)
1.2.3 国外研究现状 (5)
1.3课题研究的内容 (6)
1.4本章小结 (6)
第2章公共建筑集中空调冷源及水系统节能设计 (7)
2.1最优化方法 (7)
2.2公共建筑集中空调冷源及水系统节能设计的全局影响因素 (7)
2.2.1 冷水机组配置与公共建筑建筑冷负荷特性的关系 (7)笑话大全爆笑
2.2.2 水泵配置与公共建筑空调区域特性的关系 (9)
2.2.3 水泵配置与表冷器换热器特性的关系 (11)
2.3公共建筑集中空调冷源及水系统节能设计优化目标 (13)
2.3.1 公共建筑集中空调冷源及水系统工作流程 (13)
2.3.2 公共建筑集中空调冷源及水系统节能评价指标 (14)
存想2.3.3 公共建筑集中空调冷源及水系统优化目标 (17)
2.4数学模型 (18)
2.4.1 目标函数 (18)
2.4.2 冷水机组数学模型 (18)
2.4.3 冷冻水泵数学模型 (19)
2.4.4 冷却水泵数学模型 (21)
2.4.5 冷却塔数学模型 (22)
2.4.6 约束条件 (22)
2.5本章小结 (24)
第3章公共建筑集中空调冷源及水系统节能设计工程应用 (25)